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Listing enhancements borked?

Magnet Homewood

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I kind of felt something was wrong with my $L balance lately, and couldnt quite put my finger on it ... then I looked at my listing enhancements reports page and found out what!

I have a category landing page enhancement that seems to be active according to the 'Magange Subscriptions' page, and yet last time it was charged was July 23, 2012 and apparently next charge will be ... August 22, 2012 ...

The 'Listing Enhancements' page does not list anything, and yet on my edit item page the enhancement is active, the Manage Subscriptions page says its active, but I also have not been billed for it this month (Spet 22nd, should have been).

Check your enhancements people!

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Magnet Homewood wrote:

 They will charge for the period when it's not even known if the enhancement was active or not? (sorry, replying to what Darius said in that other thread lol)

When the same issue happened in last April, they charged but after having stirred up a hornet's nest they refunded to us.

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This has been going on for weeks, I have had to terminate enhancements manualy that were set to teminate and didn't.

I reported it to LL and was told to open a jira^^ I didn't i dont work for LL I am not gonna spend any more of my time filling out jira's after they have been informed! at the end of the day LL are loosing money so i could care less!

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Holy cow! I checked my balance, just now, and it was 7000 less than when I last checked a couple hours ago. All my AO listing enhancements were all charged at the exact same time. I'm lucky I didn't cash out today. 2 of my enhancements that they charged me for are not even in my list of ongoing enhancements.

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Same here - had all of the enhancements charged to my account at once - would have been nice if they had warned people of their intentions to do this. I dont mind paying what i owe for a service rendered but goddammit at least let me know you are gonna ding me all at once like that SHEESH! 

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I noticed this issue 5 weeks ago, and reported it to LL, during this time my sales were lower than usually only at the MP and i started taking a look what happening and noticed if usually one enhancement had 500 impressions a day, now they had 70-120 impressions a day, so i was thinking, well, enhancements dont work well but if they dont charge for it during the fix proccess, its not a big problem, today i got a surpirse because LL charged for all subscriptions since last time they charged, so, if for example one subscriptions charged last time on August 5, they charged me 2 months (2899x2) and now expires on October 5.

2 month with bad sales because the failing enhancements and now they chatge all.... they took 100,000 of my L$ and 60,000L$ from my partner without any warm message :(

I expend 12 hours a day here working, this is not a professional way to amke business :(

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This is one time where "past behavior" served as ample warning as to what was coming. (Waves at Magnet) The last time they fubar'd the enhancements, they did a massive one-time charge to everyone that hadn't been charged during the period of borkiness .. and it appears they've done it again.

Fortunately I was prepared this time ... I stopped using all enhancements a long time ago and will never EVER use them again.

It was noted in another thread and on the Release Notes that the fix they rolled out earlier this week was rolled back. Apparently they realized their FIX was more "Minus I" and "Plus U" than expected.

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Sarai Kruh wrote:

(snip) ...they took 100,000 of my L$ and 60,000L$ from my partner without any warm message

L$160,000 at L$275/USD is over $581USD. Assuming the amount they took from you is 1/100th of what they took overall (which is probably a bit low actually) today they withdrew $58,000 USD from customer accounts. Keeping in mind that this was not "real money" .. meaning money that they earned or took in as profit but was instead a reduction in liabilities .. today they saved themselves enough in liabilities to make up for one junior programmer's gross paycheck for six months.

And the LL Accountants do a happy dance.

Keep in mind people that amounts this large are not extraordinary. They are amounts commonly seen to be pumping through the LL Financial System. When people say to me "It's all just micropayments. No one will pay attention", I am forced to remind everyone that even pennies piled high enough amount to serious numbers. To me $58,000 USD is definitely a "Serious Amount".

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well said. I have had the EXACT same experience both a while back and also today.

I was charged 26,000 L worth of listing enhancement fees all in one lump sum today, just randomly and totally unaligned with the dates of the subscriptions.

In the Past the Ticket system and help from the Marketplace team has been substandard and frustrating, there is truly  little to no  accountability for services we are paying for there. Shakes Fist.

I think I should revoke these ads now, that service is just too unstable and unverifiable, its almost irresponsible on my part to keep trying to use a broken system run by folks who just dont care.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Just Moe. We Residents play the role of Larry and Curly .. as we're the ones getting bonked on the head at every turn.

Well, that's spot on.

Normally I'd tell them not to quit their day job, but ... you know.

Also agree about the financial amounts, it's not couch change.

Digging deep for optimism and coming up with thank god they don't work with anything nuclear, or mission critical, or financial or medical. Well, anything involving heavy machinery or fish, actually.

Good team to send to an opposing political party in an election year.


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It just sucks that this is now going to happen at the end of the month when I have many different monthly bills due. I had my enhancement staggered every few days. This way I only have to leave 1000 lindens in my account just incase an enhancement gets charged. Usually, I never have to worry anyways cause I'll get sales to cover the next within hours of cashing out. 7000 all at once tho, that could get hairy if LL screws up something and I get next to no sales in a day. So, I'll have to cancel some and try to stagger them next month.

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I have just noticed 35 listing charges at 999L each have been deducted from my balance on the 28th Sept

I did have about 20 listings but they all started on different dates and as such were all charged on different dates.

35K taken from my account for 35 999L Marketplace Transactions one after the other is not normal and so I have filed a ticket and cancelled the renewal for them all until this matter has been explained and or resolved.

It's not a small amount of money by most people's standards and I feel insecure now until such time a refund and or and explaination has been offered




Actually, I do have 35 listings I just didnt realise! In a way I am glad this has happened as it's opened my eyes to just how much I was paying for listings that I now feel serve no purpose so I have cancelled them except 3.

It will be interesting to see how next months sales fair without the 35K I was paying every month,



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11x 999,- lindens 29 september  of my account,

not 1 listning i have running supose to be payed on this date,

so  proberly  a bad bug  wish i hope they sort  proper, i no i thappend before and we got refunds for that.

unless something else is going on wish  i  might miss, to  keep updated with all isseues and bugs and new items play the game and work   we need 3  heads  :)


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Edit. I have just checked. They have no taken any SLMP Subscription fee all month so they have just taken them all in one go which as I say has opened my eyes really.

I had no idea I was paying 35K for SLMP listings that's like $130 (ish)

They will lose out I think as perhaps more people may have their eyes opened and start cancelling old and unaffective subscription fees once they realise how much it adds up to at the end of a month.

You tend not to "feel" it when they are paid once a day were as it stings when they take it all at once! :)


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