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Pls someone who knows me or anyone really

Nyll Bergbahn

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Thanks Alazarin. I have an Android ok but unfortunately have lost all wifi connections on it now as all showing out of range. Just got a loan of an iPad with betterreception and can pick up a nearby university network just about. Just to have any communication is great! I may try one of the iPhone sl apps. Many thanks for your post :)

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It's been a couple weeks since Nyll had her fall, so I inquired after her. She's home and recouperating. I don't know when she'll reappear online, but she claims to have gotten enough X-Radiation from hospital scans that she glows in the dark.

I've always wanted to glow in the dark, particularly on a quiet Saturday evening, in the company of a...



Excuse me, I'm back.

I'm impressed with the path Nyll has taken to a different interpretation of the phrase, and wish her a speedy recovery, so she can try my methods.


Hurry up and heal, Nyll !

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