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How will war affect SL

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There are stronger and stronger indications that war could break out soon, with out going into who is right or wrong as that is likely to get the thread removed, how do you think it will affect SL.


Sl is made of of many cultures and crosses all the boarders that will become the front line.

Do you think the internet will be cut off in places?

Many from the other side have sims, will they be forced to abandon them?

How will it affect things like market place?

Will it be the final straw that closes SL?

So many other things I can't list them all


or may be you have your own view as to what will happen.

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Seems many are not aware of the outside events, it is very likely that the world will be at war in the next 6 months, some say by the end of October, but to say why would take us away from what the thread is, so try to imagine if say world war broke out by xmas and how would that affect SL.


 I myself see it as the only way out the the crisis and the only way to secure the dollar as the reserve currency, because oil has become like gold now, a limited supply but needed, so wars for oil are going to be the same as in the times of Rome and the wars to collect up gold.

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if you are talking about someone being elected and strengthening up some boarders on a certain friend in a far away distant land..just for a presence of strength..

if that does happen and other big players say..hey we don't like that and we are going to strengthen the other side and tensions grow..

it's just gonna have to happen before anyone can say really..it's gonna depend on who goes to what side..

if you are talking about a place where someone may be making something that makes a big bang like the rest of the big players..and us saying no you are not going to do that..so we intervene..

the same thing is gonna apply..it just depends on what other places don't like us doing those things..

right now U.S. is pulling out of Afghanistan..so that will be another war we are out of now..

not that pulling out of there is going to increase our market..

it really is hard to say unless you know for sure someone would take a side and act on it right away..


i'm just ready for everyone to get their butts home really..i think we are going to stick our nose in some place one too many times and the world is gonna tell us..hey you know..it's about time you guys cooled yer jets lol



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Seems many are not aware of the outside events, it is very likely that the world will be at war in the next 6 months,

I'm still waiting for poles to

oh they are  shifing..i just can't understand what they are saying..but they are doin it..

*bows* i give you north pole and south pole in..shifting of the poles!! \o/


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I am surprised you think that, the ollie north plans have been created, they have all the camps ready, there might be pockets that hold on to guns, but they are ready for that, they wont confront them, they intend to starve them out and will only allow food, water and power back when they are handed them all in, the homeland security people have been practicing this for a year,


That will happen at the same time that the war gears up to start.


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Wow, don't you know? There are 3 aircraft carrier groups heading there, plus there are warships from 25 countries heading there, don't you get any news in the US, in the UK most of our navy is heading there, the biggest hospital ship ever made is heading there, now I don't think they are going for the fishing, lol.

going there? i thought they have been there for a little bit already..

remember that little crisis we had a few months back that gave a shot to gas prices?

unless you are talking about more going over there now..

then ya maybe the last couple of days i had something more important going on..

which i did..

also if you are talking about the big pow pow one..

tensions are high for a friend because they believe they are only weeks away not months..

so if that is correct it's gonna kick off way sooner than you are talking about?

so where do you get your news anyways? hehehehe



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Troop movements there and homeland security movements are all happening now together, yesterday the senate passed a bill that is almost a declaration of war, passed 90/1, rand Paul being the only one to say no, hence this thread to day, ok it was only last night these things were passed so you may not know.



"A vote for this resolution is a vote for the concept of preemptive war,” Paul said before the Senate.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Troop movements there and homeland security movements are all happening now together, yesterday the senate passed a bill that is almost a declaration of war, passed 90/1, rand Paul being the only one to say no, hence this thread to day, ok it was only last night these things were passed so you may not know.

ya i don't know anything from this weekend..i just know tensions were high and  there were only weeks before our friend over there was gonna get itchy..

i'll say this..they don't want to fight us..but they will react to us..if you look at their history with us..the onyl time they really have ever done anything to us is after us messing with them..

usually out of reaction to something they didn't like..

they may want this world to be like them..but what they want and what they get are two different things..

they would much rather have good relations with us over this that may happen..

a lot of that big pow pow they were making was to give them a little more room to say ..don't pick on us..we'll  use what we got..

the thing is we know they will and so does everyone else..

because when your religion are your laws..the book tends to be the laws used and ways used..and that can be scary..

even thomas jefferson knew this..he delt with the persians..and he came back with how you can't deal with them the same way you can other worlds..

he had a lot to do with why america is laws and not religious laws.



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But have the Persians walked into the US and told them what to do, I think Persians should be allowed to be Persian, but they have oil.


The people of the USA must understand that their only concern is what happens in the USA and not anywhere else, wow did you hate us British telling you what to do, you should live by the rules of your founders and stop trying to be an empire, countries normally stand for 1000's of years but empires have a very short life span.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

But have the Persians walked into the US and told them what to do, I think Persians should be allowed to be Persian, but they have oil.


The people of the USA must understand that their only concern is what happens in the USA and not anywhere else, wow did you hate us British telling you what to do, you should live by the rules of your founders and stop trying to be an empire, countries normally stand for 1000's of years but empires have a very short life span.

you are mistaking what i am repeating rather than what i believe should happen..

persians are saying the same thing..only they also want more...

but they can't have it..

we wanted to share and also intermingle in a lot of things..we had good trade and goodrelations going..then one side got greedy..

just look at the trail of tears before and after with Cherokee but the also look before and after cochise dies and the changes..

the peace was called a peace that was a great example of how people should mingle and live together..rather than where things went to..

i relate alot to what is going on over there..but if i say too much about how close it is..then i am one of them..

they are related in some ways but also not in others..

we didn't try to take over the world..persians did..and they want thier religion to reign..

we just wanted to be left alone or to share and thrive from each other..

with them it is there way or the stone pitt..

we are not going over there for oil..we were already there and pulling out..we are going over there because of relations..

we were in the best position in the world for being in the middle east and we pulled out..

so for it to be about oil..we woudl still be where we are not now..


also to add about the british..if it were not for a certain general brock getting killed in battel..chances are this country would not be U.S...it would be brittish..and native..

but him dying and a new less couragous general filling his spot..it hurt  the native forces when they left them high and dry in the last battle where tecumseh said..run you cowards..we'll stay and fight and die trying..because this is our land and we would rather die that live with out it..in so many words anyways hehehe

then british  lost more of canada rather than gaining america.






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Time will tell and excuses will be made, but unless the USA secure the oil then the days of the dollar being the reserve currency are over, just wait and see, once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency then you will have hyper inflation, you complain of gas prices now, well it could reach 200 dollars a gallon once your reserve currency status has gone, they will have wanted to collect up all the guns by then

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Time will tell and excuses will be made, but unless the USA secure the oil then the days of the dollar being the reserve currency are over, just wait and see, once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency then you will have hyper inflation, you complain of gas prices now, well it could reach 200 dollars a gallon once your reserve currency status has gone, they will have wanted to collect up all the guns by then

i'm not complaining about much really..

i'm more or less ready for a collapse that will happen if we keep heading the way we are..

i've got over 100 horses just waiting to be ridden...hehehe

miles of land and plenty of family there..

what happens is going to happen ..why complain about what i have no say or control over..

all i can do is observe and give some opinion on what may happen..then hope for the best..my family has already planned for the worst..so we'll be fine..

it's so many others that i worry about..

as far as guns go..if it ever came to where the American people thought they would become prisoners of their own country..there are far more armed in this country than there is military..and well formed and organized..and they know it..

they would not just walk in and take everyone's guns without losing some of their own and many places as well..

it wouldn't be like the civil war last time..

you have a way bigger population that if came together..you have one big pissed off force to go up against..

it won't be a walk in the park ..i don't care how divided they think they have the people..




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You know I was holding back, telling myself, don't, don't don't comment, but seriously? I mean for real? The person who created it has posted this kind of conspiricy theory stuff before. I wonder what will be next, we have had the end ot the world, death by asteroid if you will, and now world war..next week it will probably be the aliens landing or something. SL is fantastic, but lets not lose touch with reality here.

Post away by all means :)  , have fun.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

So many other things I can't list them all


Thank you.  I can't handle too much doom and gloom, before my morning cup.

....and sitting here sipping my coffee, I'm really hoping you're not reading David Icke and planning to hit us with the reptilian agenda thread anytime soon.  I mean with the impending pole shift, another nasty war coming, I just won't have the energy to fight the lizard people.


Boudicca Littlebird wrote:


or may be you have your own view as to what will happen.


The departed spirits of opposing armies find themselves lingering over the bloody battlefield seeing for the first time with unscaled eyes the destruction their actions have caused.  Two spirits stand next to each other staring down at their bloody and lifeless bodies in a twisted heap of flesh and bones where only moments before they fought to preserve their lives. And recalling those last moments of life, when blood pumped fast through their veins and lungs burned with each breath, they realized they had forgotten what they were fighting for.  The two spirits lift their gaze from the twisted carnage and find each others eyes, one begins a knowing nod the moment the other speaks..."well, that was pretty stupid wasn't it?"

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