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People stealing your hard work right off the ground.


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Let's begin with a hypothetical question:

Is there any possible way that random people can walk by in a public sandox,  take a copy of your objects (along with all their contents and scripts), directly off the ground and into their inventory?? 


It turns out the answer is, yes.  

And it was not until today that I realized this was possible. I had a slight misunderstanding of permissions because I was sending objects between alts and things get weird if you do so. Turns out simply placing a checkmark next to "Anyone can Copy"  is sufficient to give permission to the entire internet to come along and simply steal you hard work RIGHT OFF THE GROUND in front of you. 

I had been working on a gigantic multi-part, multi-scripted object that I was even intending to, some day, put out for sale. Strange behavior of other avatars nearby me in the public sandbox started to make me worry. At that time, the worry was a mere inkling in the back of my mind. Ya know, one of those things you freak out about and then learn to ignore. I thought to myself "Surely, Linden Labs would not let people just grab my work directly off the ground!"  (...would they?) 


....would they?  

Today my suspicions turned into a horrific reality.  Weird avatars were appearing around me at strange angles, walking around me and my builds for 45 seconds and then teleporting away. It was now blatantly obvious to me that they were not in the sandbox to do any work. My suspicions had now grown larger than an "inkling".  Today I met with a   friend to test the "Allow anyone to Copy" stuff inside of object editing dialogues.  Sure enough, I could grab a copy of his little box right off the ground in front of him.  I fealt my blood run cold.... 


At this point, if anyone has anything constructive to say or add, I would like to hear it. Thank you.







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All I can suggest is that you delete this thread. You've basically told the world that you're upset that checking a box that says "Anyone can copy" means, well, anyone can copy. There are a number of reasons for people to want this function to behave exactly as it does and exactly as it has been pretty clearly described to do. You made a mistake. We all do. But you won't get much sympathy for something like this.

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If any of your Rights to your work are infringed upon, you may File a DMCA Notification with Linden Lab.

You have a Right to your work, the copies were Not Authorized.

Free to Copy, and Allow anyone to copy, are two totally different things.

There only person who will fight you, will be the person who is intentionally trying to steal your work for profit. 







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** There are a number of reasons for people to want this function to behave exactly as it does and exactly as it has been pretty clearly described to do. **


As softly as possible, I will take contention with your  "...pretty clearly described to do...".     Would it Kill the makers of the viewer to pop up with a  dialogue box in my middle of my screen, saying  something like the following: 


Are you sure that you want everyone to be able to copy?  

This may cause your objects and scripts to be copied by anyone in a sandbox!

[ ] No  

[ ] Yes, I want anyone to copy this object.

[ ] Yes, and stop warning me.


I believe , in the case in which a clear warning was flashed at the user as above, we could plausibly say it was "pretty clearly described".  


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The default next-owner permissions of things you make are "no copy/no modify/yes transfer" which is the reason you were having problems sending things to your alt. If you just set the object to "anyone can copy" without changing the next-owner permissions on the items there's nothing people can do commercially with the copies - they can't even read your scripts. If you changed the permissions AND set things to "anyone can copy"? You're out of luck.


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I'm afraid Theresa is right. This is basic Building 101 stuff.  As a creator, you are responsible for setting the permissions on things that you create.  By default, permissions are set at their most restrictive level -- no-copy, no-modify, no-transfer.  You have to change them deliberately to make them less restrictive.  As a result, someone finding that you have set your work for anyone to copy must logically assume that you meant to do it.  A person who copies it is not stealing.  You gave permission by checking a box that says, quite clearly, "Allow Anyone to Copy".

It would be hard to find any creator in Second Life who hasn't made a mistake in setting permissions. It's embarrassing, and sometimes painful.  It takes time to learn the rules. Even after you do, it's easy to screw up by letting your attention wander.  I suggest reading this Knowledge Base article very carefully to get a start on learning  >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Object-permissions/ta-p/700129 and then consider taking a building course at a place like Builder's Brewery or Caledon Oxbridge University where you can review some of the finer points with an experienced builder at your side.  You might also try enabling the Advanced Permissions option (in the Build >> Options menu in your viewer).  It's a very helpful tool, especially when you want to be sure that you have set second-owner permissions correctly.  Read more about how to use it here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Permissions .

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Rolig Loon wrote:

You gave permission by checking a box that says, quite clearly, "
Allow Anyone to Copy

Yes. You're allowed to regret it, but you don't get to call anybody else out for having followed your explicit instructions in that checkbox. (There are plenty of folks who regret having released stuff under GPL, too.)

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khonsuu wrote:

** There are a number of reasons for people to want this function to behave exactly as it does and exactly as it has been pretty clearly described to do. **


As softly as possible, I will take contention with your  "...pretty clearly described to do...".     Would it Kill the makers of the viewer to pop up with a  dialogue box in my middle of my screen, saying  something like the following: 


Are you sure that you want everyone to be able to copy?  

This may cause your objects and scripts to be copied by anyone in a sandbox!

[ ] No  

[ ] Yes, I want anyone to copy this object.

[ ] Yes, and stop warning me.


I believe , in the case in which a clear warning was flashed at the user as above, we could plausibly say it was "pretty clearly described".  


Why can't the government come and put padding around everything in my house I have ever stubbed my toe on or bumped my head into?  Oh, and that hammer!  Damn, when I hit my thumb I wanted to get my attorney to file a law suit because the tool maker didn't warn me how much it could hurt.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

khonsuu wrote:

** There are a number of reasons for people to want this function to behave exactly as it does and exactly as it has been pretty clearly described to do. **


As softly as possible, I will take contention with your  "...pretty clearly described to do...".     Would it Kill the makers of the viewer to pop up with a  dialogue box in my middle of my screen, saying  something like the following: 


Are you sure that you want everyone to be able to copy?  

This may cause your objects and scripts to be copied by anyone in a sandbox!

[ ] No  

[ ] Yes, I want anyone to copy this object.

[ ] Yes, and stop warning me.


I believe , in the case in which a clear warning was flashed at the user as above, we could plausibly say it was "pretty clearly described".  


Why can't the government come and put padding around everything in my house I have ever stubbed my toe on or bumped my head into?  Oh, and that hammer!  Damn, when I hit my thumb I wanted to get my attorney to file a law suit because the tool maker didn't warn me how much it could hurt.


oooh, but that's not enough! The maker of my screwdriver did warn me and I still hurt myself, they clearly didn't do enough to prevent me hurting myself so I deserve a gazillion dollars in compensation!


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I love this post lol first off why the hell are you creating your latest mind blowing creation in a flipping sandbox lol do your self a favour rent some land build a sky box thousands of miles from the nearest avi and script in some good security that way no ones going to be sniffing round stuff you have spent hours building.  And how can you not get something as self explanatory as ANY ONE CAN COPY lmao the ANY ONE is a major clue, but i do like the warning pop ups idea if only RL had them life would be sweeeet.........................


Are you sure that you want to get married? 

This may cause your life to be ruined beyond belief and take many years to get over the divorce!

[ ] No  (what the hell was i thinking)

[ ] Yes, I want the stress.

[ ] Yes, and stop warning me.


Are you sure that you want to leave your keys there? 

This is a crap place and you will foget them the instant you drop them!

[ ] No  (what the hell was i thinking)

[ ] Yes, i like looking for them just as im about to do the school run.

[ ] Yes, and stop warning me.


Are you sure that you want to drink another bottle of wine? 

This may cause a hangover from hell and ruin your liver!

[ ] No  (what the hell was i thinking)

[ ] Yes, im fline annn slop ashking me dum queshons.

[ ] Yes, i love youuuuuu.


ahh that was fun :)

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Apart from all the irony and perhaps abundantly, I'd like to provide some advice.  I constantly "backup" items to an alt, simply by making the item Copy/Modify/Transfer, open the alt's profile and directly drag it from my inventory to there. There are other ways, but the trick is that the object doesn't  need to be rezzed at all in order to give it to someone.

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