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Vampires spamming bite request !

Ed Palletier

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

  Even stranger, they began moving away from me.  I was really disappointed I didn't get a chance to use my nifty vampire killer.  When I arrived back home and looked at my avatar I realized I had been wearing the stake in visible mode.   Ooopppsss!


LOL!  :D

To the OP: I thought the owner of Bloodlines sent out a mandate that its members are not to spam people with unsolicited bite requests any more. Sandboxes, clubs, etc. used to be lousy with vampires trying to spam people and get bites. Spampires used to be a regular topic on the old forums. I heard that if you report spampire abuse to the head of Bloodlines they will get in trouble, but I don't know if that is true. Anyone?


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Melita Magic wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

  Even stranger, they began moving away from me.  I was really disappointed I didn't get a chance to use my nifty vampire killer.  When I arrived back home and looked at my avatar I realized I had been wearing the stake in visible mode.   Ooopppsss!



To the OP: I thought the owner of Bloodlines sent out a mandate that its members are not to spam people with unsolicited bite requests any more. Sandboxes, clubs, etc. used to be lousy with vampires trying to spam people and get bites. Spampires used to be a regular topic on the old forums. I heard that if you report spampire abuse to the head of Bloodlines they will get in trouble, but I don't know if that is true. Anyone?


Are you kidding me?

I do not want to resurrect the thread but he specifically stated that Bloodlines was designed to be a bane (or a word similar to that) upon SL.

They made a rule about Avatars under two weeks old I believe it is.  The HUD won't let them bite them.

Beyond that, different clans (groups) have different rules.  But as far as Bloodlines itself, as far as I know it's open season on the Grid.

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Melita Magic wrote:

No, I wasn't kidding.

"Who" specifically stated Bloodlines was designed to be a bane? I haven't heard what you are referring to. I don't know who "he" is. I don't follow Bloodlines news that closely, though.

I really didn't want to resurrect the thread but to be fair and honest I dug it out.

"The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life."

Lyle Maeterlink


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Melita Magic wrote:...I get little silver pods zooming past my house several times a minute. I contacted their creator only to be told that's impossible; that there cannot be that many going by. Nothing I said would convince the person. I'm forced to live high in the sky to avoid the lag and eyesore of it all....

Create a notecard that says, "One of your pods just flew by again".

Then drop it on the creator's profile every time one does.


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Jeepers, Ed...you must be AB Negative or something.  I've been in SL for over five years now.  I've spent a lot of that time hanging out in newcomer areas (admittedly, nice ones like Caledon Oxbridge University, GQ Start, or White Tiger Help Island, not those sleazy Infohubs.)

In all that time, I've had:

One (count 'em, one) girl send me spam bite requests.  I put on my Vampire Killer dagger, pretended to accept her offer, and drove a silver blade through her heart.  She was not amused...but I sure was.

One rather stuck-up young man at Cloud Nine who IM'd me to ask, "Did you know your soul was owned by a vampire?"

One friend who asked me if she could bite me, and who I allowed to do so (hence #2 above).

And that's it.  In more than five years.

Oh, I forgot...one really hot lady vampire with whom I did a pinup calendar photoshoot as Vampire and Victim...but she wasn't a Bloodlines player.  HER request was of a ...um, different order entirely.  And NSFW.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perrie Juran wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

No, I wasn't kidding.

"Who" specifically stated Bloodlines was designed to be a bane? I haven't heard what you are referring to. I don't know who "he" is. I don't follow Bloodlines news that closely, though.

I really didn't want to resurrect the thread but to be fair and honest I dug it out.

"The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life."

Lyle Maeterlink


Thanks. I assume Lyle M. is the Bloodlines creator?

Lindal: That would be hilarious but I bet they would AR me for it.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

No, I wasn't kidding.

"Who" specifically stated Bloodlines was designed to be a bane? I haven't heard what you are referring to. I don't know who "he" is. I don't follow Bloodlines news that closely, though.

I really didn't want to resurrect the thread but to be fair and honest I dug it out.

"The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life."

Lyle Maeterlink


that was true when Bloodlines first came out

after getting all the zillions of Abuse Reports am pretty sure that linden had a chat to Lyle and things changed after that


i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (:

i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them.

if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (:


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16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

No, I wasn't kidding.

"Who" specifically stated Bloodlines was designed to be a bane? I haven't heard what you are referring to. I don't know who "he" is. I don't follow Bloodlines news that closely, though.

I really didn't want to resurrect the thread but to be fair and honest I dug it out.

"The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life."

Lyle Maeterlink


that was true when Bloodlines first came out

after getting all the zillions of Abuse Reports am pretty sure that linden had a chat to Lyle and things changed after that


I doubt very much that it changed his attitude. 

I think it's a pretty good assumption that LL talked with him but I don't know anywhere that this fact is verifiable.  The only thing that changed was the HUD no longer allowed the Vamps to spam newbs.


16 wrote:


i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (:

i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them.

if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (:



I just tell them I'm menstruating and that they can lick my .....................


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Perrie Juran wrote:

I doubt very much that it changed his attitude. 

I think it's a pretty good assumption that LL talked with him but I don't know anywhere that this fact is verifiable.  The only thing that changed was the HUD no longer allowed the Vamps to spam newbs.


yes probably true that the 2 week rule wasnt done voluntarily

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Lindal Kidd wrote:


One (count 'em, one) girl send me spam bite requests.  I put on my Vampire Killer dagger, pretended to accept her offer, and drove a silver blade through her heart.  She was not amused...but I sure was.

Hi Lindal, good to see you. :)  I wonder if we have the same Vampire dagger.  The creator was offering it for free for awhile back on the old forums. (Still bummed I didn't get to use mine...lol.)

Lindal Kidd wrote:


Oh, I forgot...one really hot lady vampire with whom I did a pinup calendar photoshoot as Vampire and Victim...but she wasn't a Bloodlines player.  HER request was of a ...um, different order entirely.  And NSFW.

I think I know who this is. (Not trying to be cryptic...just remembering the "good ole forum days" and keeping names out to protect...whoever. *Grins*)  If it's the person I think it is, although a "vampire" herself, she didn't like the whole Bloodlines thing saying they didn't even know how to rp, which I find accurate with the few Bloodlines types I've seen.  They're mainly wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers standing around spamming the bite button. 

I encountered a "vampire" at a dance venue once. He was standing off in the shadows and IM'd me, struck up a conversation, and was quite witty.  I enjoy someone who can rp well.  I visited his castle a couple of times - it was quite impressive and some of the special effects he had on his AV as well as within the castle had me wondering "How did he do that?"  Alas, that connection was short-lived as I mainly enjoyed his wit but he was looking for a blood doll. 



To follow up on something I posted earlier in response to the OP:  I recently spoke to my good friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and asked for clarification re: if one wore the garlic necklace would someone in Bloodlines be able to send that person a bite request.  He said in the HUD it would show the person's name and say something like, "Don't bother them."  I pressed this issue and asked if a Bloodlines player ignored that, could they still send a bite request.  My friend said no.  He also said that Bloodlines is not the only vampire game in SL (which I knew, just posting here for the OP) - and others are more insideous in how they get bites.  The only other one I've ever heard of is The Hunger and from what I read when it first began, those players can somehow "bite" someone without the person's knowledge.  I don't understand the whole thing, but I figure if I don't know about it, I'm not bothered...lol.



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16 wrote:


i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (:

i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them.

if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (:


/makes note of this

That is hilarious!  I bet the whole "level" thing would definitely work with new Steam players to SL who get into Bloodlines.  I can just see them asking their "liege" how to get to level 16....rofl.


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

16 wrote:


i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (:

i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them.

if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (:


/makes note of this

That is hilarious!  I bet the whole "level" thing would definitely work with new Steam players to SL who get into Bloodlines.  I can just see them asking their "liege" how to get to level 16....rofl.


yes lol

i always think that in a vampire game that there should a helsing or buffy slayer level. it be quite cool to waste random vampires who try bite at people indiscriminately.

i think lots of the vamps would like that kinda challenge in their game as well. is a bit boring after a while to be total invincible and your rank solely depend just on one action repeated over and over

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crim Mip wrote:

I remember when it got bad and many sims flat out banned any use of Bloodlines and would permaban anyone who did so. I still give a garlic necklace to any newcomers to SL I run into and let them know what it's for and how to use it.

it's such a wonderful thing that among the first things we wind up doing helping a new person is warning them about spammers, griefers and other a-holes.  not.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Ed Palletier wrote:

... I refuse to wear the garlic neckles!

Why not? You only have to wear it once, not forever. Wear it and be done with them.

This^^  The last time there was a flurry of these posts...about 3 years ago or so...I got the garlic necklace, wore it and, iirc, touch it once.  A message is seen in local that says something like you will no longer receive bite requests but if you want to play Bloodlines again you wear it again and touch it.

A friend of mine who is in Bloodlines said that after doing that the
person will no longer show up on the Bloodlines HUD.


They will still show up on the HUD but the message will be "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please don't disturb them" or something to that effect.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Ed Palletier wrote:

Why does the new resident who dont know about SL have to be the one that needs to wear the neckles?

They dont know this yet. It would be so much better if all resident already had a neckles on when they create an account.

And then they would need to deacitave the neckles to join the vampires. It seems a better way to go.

No more bite spam this way. And less problums for the vampires.

IMO the garlic neckles is set up backwards. But you know what, nothing will happend, and vampires will always be not like by the residents of SL.  Maybe thats part of the game.

* Also if you were a Bloodlines Player at one point this necklace will take your name off their website ( Like Opt-out ) and shows you as name removed, and when someone scans you with their systems it won't give them any info, just shows that you are wearing the garlic necklace and they shouldn't disturb you

There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire.


You've been given the instructions several times as to how not to be further spammed by the Bloodlines players.  I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems as if you just want to complain.

As far as "
There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire"
then I believe the "vampire" who informed you of this is mistaken.  I have a friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and he said
after wearing/touching the garlic necklace one is "invisible" or somehow says one is "protected." 
At any rate he cannot send a bite request to me and apparently if someone does I don't see it.

Re: all residents being given necklaces when they start an account, Bloodlines is a game within SL, just as various other games.  They are user-created, therefore, unless there is some huge issue, LL will not and should not, imo, "step in" so to speak.  There *was* a huge brewhaha about Bloodlines bite spam several years ago, to which I previously alluded, which resulted in the Bloodlines creator providing the garlic necklace.  Issue handled.

Along the same line, I wouldn't advise venturing into a Gorean sim just yet (if ever); same for D/s, BDSM sims.  If someone gives a free object to you and a huge yellow drop-down sign asks permission to take funds from you, DON'T click yes.  Let's see....probably not wise to go to Zindra for now.  (Trying to think of other areas you should have been "warned" about.)  Glad I could help.


It does NOT make them invisible it merely puts up the message "PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THEM"


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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Ed Palletier wrote:

... I refuse to wear the garlic neckles!

Why not? You only have to wear it once, not forever. Wear it and be done with them.

This^^  The last time there was a flurry of these posts...about 3 years ago or so...I got the garlic necklace, wore it and, iirc, touch it once.  A message is seen in local that says something like you will no longer receive bite requests but if you want to play Bloodlines again you wear it again and touch it.

A friend of mine who is in Bloodlines said that after doing that the
person will no longer show up on the Bloodlines HUD.


They will still show up on the HUD but the message will be "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please don't disturb them" or something to that effect.

No matter how stupid it may or may not be, no matter how dumb it may or may not sound, some of us simply do not want to be in their data base.


What if someone hacked their data base, obtained a list of Ava's that didn't want to be bothered and then passed it out so you became a target of other idiots?

As much as Bloodlines is despised I'm surprised it hasn't been hacked.

I've got nothing against people who want to role play Vampires and other creatures of the dark.

But the key words there are "Role Play."  99% of the Vamp's I've seen have been nothing more or less than spam bots lacking the intelligence to Role Play.


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I agree with you Perrie, that's why if someone wears the garlic necklace, you are no longer in the database. I was simply pointing out that if someone scans you and you have worn it, it will say "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please do not disturb them" I don't know IF someone went ahead and offered a bite if that person would receive it or not. 

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

I agree with you Perrie, that's why if someone wears the garlic necklace, you are no longer in the database. I was simply pointing out that if someone scans you and you have worn it, it will say "this person has worn the garlic necklace, please do not disturb them" I don't know IF someone went ahead and offered a bite if that person would receive it or not. 

To update my previous quote:

As far as "There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire" then I believe the "vampire" who informed you of this is mistaken.  I have a friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and he said after wearing/touching the garlic necklace one is "invisible" or somehow says one is "protected."  At any rate he cannot send a bite request to me and apparently if someone does I don't see it.

(My words in bold to distinguish the quote to which I was responding)

I checked back with my friend who is in Bloodlines.  He said that if someone has worn the garlic necklace it will indeed say something to the effect of "Please don't disturb them."  I then asked him if someone disregarded this and still tried to send a bite request if they could.  He said it will not work.  Whether this is due to the garlic-protected not seeing the request by some coding or if the "vampire" gets a message they are unable to send the bite request I'm not sure.  /makes note to follow up on that

So, to the best of my knowledge at the moment, after wearing the garlic necklace that person will no longer get bite requests.  I will follow up on what happens on the "vampire's" end if he tries to do so, ie. I'll have my friend try to send a bite request to me.

I will say that I did get a number of bite requests, usually in "vamp hangouts" like info hubs in the past but, since wearing the necklace and clicking it, never received another one, even when dumped into crowded hubs during times my home sim is offline.

IMO, it would be fairly useless for the Bloodlines creator to offer a garlic necklace ostensibly to keep those using it from being bothered by bite spam (and I daresay the main reason the creator did so was the uproar from residents about bite spam when Bloodlines was first released and the resultant bad publicity) to then have to depend on Bloodlines players adhering to a "pretty please don't bite that person" situation. 


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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Thanks for the update on this, Czari. Now more then ever people need to wear the necklace. :-)

No, Bloodlines needs to be banned from SL so it gets rid of the spam bots.

People shouldn't need to wear a damn necklace to not be molested and harassed.

Again, I don't want to be in their hackable data base.


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somewhere along the line i had gotten bitten..i used to be so proud that they never got me..then somehow i ended up on their database..


i kind of laughed it off as ..omg thye finally got me..i don't know how they did it..maybe just clearing a bunch of mesages when i came online or something..maybe i agreed to a bite then ..

that's the only way i can think of it..

running through the mail and something reach out and bite me!! \o/


anyways i got an IM from one..i have told this before a bunch of times in the forums..

they said i looked like a ghoul and they wanted to know if they could feed on me or change me from a ghoul or whatever..

i just said in so many words when they IM me...no that's ok..i hope i look very gross and make you all throw up everytime you see me or be that meal dangling in you face  when you really need a shot and you can't have one.. lol

i feel the power to deny them a drink feels better than saying i don't want to play with them..heheheh

Ceka i need a drink i'm fading fast!! hook me up real quick!! \o/

sorry but as you can see i am shopping for panites right now and you are messin with mah zen time!!

*holds up the hand*...talk to it..




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Ceka Cianci wrote:

somewhere along the line i had gotten bitten..i used to be so proud that they never got me..then somehow i ended up on their database..


Ceka, are you on the Bloodlines database or another vampire-themed one?  I remember when The Hunger (think that's what it's called) appeared in SL a year or so after Bloodlines.  Apparently based on the movie by the same name the M.O. of its players is to go to nightclubs or bars and randomly bite (I suppose) people BUT, here's the kicker, the victim has no knowledge of it.  I still haven't figured out how that happens.

Talked to my trusty friend, the Bloodlines Vamp, about this.  He said the only way you can tell if Hunger vamps are in the area is by wearing their HUD.  Yeah, just what I want to do - support that stupid rp - NOT.  The last time I asked him for clarification of Bloodlines (as noted in my posts above) - he "reminded" me that Bloodlines aren't the only game in town and are actually less "insidious" since they are "open" about bite requests.

Ok, found their website: The Hunger Game.  It does indeed say that "Our game is discrete so as not to disturb any non-players you bite. They will not receive a popup and they will not be told you've "bitten" them."  However, it adds: "They will also never appear on our website in any way."  

Ok, that's just creepy.  On the one hand it's good an innocent victim who doesn't even get a choice in this particular group does not land on a database - so they say but, on the other hand, the whole thing just creeps me out.  There are very creative ways to rp vampires - I met one years ago who was not a part of any of the "game HUD" types - and had amazing rp skills in addition to a great av look for the part, an AO that had all kinds of wierd effects and a castle that could have come straight from 19th century Gothic novels.  IMO, wearing a HUD and walking around SL spamming bites is lazy and not rp of any kind.

I'm with Perrie, for all the trouble, misconceptions, etc. Bloodlines has caused, I'd prefer to see it just shut down.  But, it's a money maker and as long as it doesn't violate TOS, LL will let it stand.


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