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Annoying phrases?

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Not sure I would go to popular songs for the King's English btw...

Elvisisms? He butchered more words than Dylan.


Man, that record came out and was real big in Memphis. They started playing it, and it got real big. Don't know why-the lyrics had no meaning. - Elvis Presley

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Love this thread, wish I had seen it earlier! Thinking totally SL, my top annoying phrases are:

Linden love... although I think it is totally appropriate naming the most common transaction in SL (tips for sexual activities) after the company, just once I want to really make love to a Linden... and then have him tip me to make the love redundant! :)

Your World, Your Imagination... this is becoming outmoded with Linden Lab developing things like Linden Realms, Homes, and the Freebie program. SL is still a builder's paradise but who wants (or needs) to learn any more?

Second Life is not a game... outmoded since January 2012, confirmed a few weeks ago with the Steam announcement.

Want to f*ck? As an opening line from someone I just met, this makes me want to scream out, "Yes... Yes... YES!" and then go back to eating my sandwich.

Any greeting while I am obviously busy with someone else... just plain rude in either world.

Will you be my friend? I love when people ask me first in chat for friendship, I HATE when the blue box pops up unsolicited, especially from people I don't even see around me.

Automated group joiners, notecard givers, etc... I don't even wait to read them, DECLINE DECLINE DECLINE!

Woo hoo hoo hoo!!!! Whoever invented this automated gesture for dance club staff should be shot... with no chance to re-rez.

Why should I pay for [insert item or service] when I can get it for free? Good question, why should you? Go away now...

Do you cam? Yes I do... I can feed my SL view into Skype, Yahoo!, or any other cam service but it seems redundant to me.

Do you voice? Yes I do... do you listen?

Linden Labs... It is Linden Lab, not plural. Can you imagine how much they would screw up if they had more than one?

Your sex parts are showing... Damn! You would think by now I would know just putting my pants on doesn't cover my hoo-hoo like real life! :matte-motes-agape:


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Green Mountain Transit Authority.

I have never heard the expression Another THINK Coming until just now, it sounds terribly wrong.

Do you have a thought in your head? Nope, not a think.

jejejejejejje (:

i think is ancient european saying. like when a mother ask her child what do they think they are doing when they being mischief. when they try to make an excuse then she says: you got another think coming

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I use textspeak occasionally. Usually I use it when I'm limited by space or time and need to be as brief as possible.

On the other hand, I ought to say or explain that if you or anyone else think about this issue for a longer time than just a mere fraction of a second or wink of an eye, to use more words, phrases and clauses than can be found or read in the largest and most comprehensive dictionary or thesaurus in order to express and elaborate on what could be expressed or elaborated on by only using the fewest words necessary to express and elaborate your idea can be even more annoying, irritating and worse than using a little bit of textspeak.

So I defend my right to use cya and prolly on occasion. Textspeak is only annoying when it is over used or when people assume that everyone knows what jfeiopqw means.

But when I'm not limited by space and time. I do usually spell out the words correctly.


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The number one phrase I find most annoying is "I just read your profile and I'm in love"

This isn't a Second Life phrase but it is something I get often in all kinds of forums. What's really annoying is that I get this phrase whether I've filled out my profile or left it blank. It make me wonder what in the world did they fall in love with? They certainly didn't fall in love with me.

And it doesn't matter what kind of forum it is. Some people read sexual inuendos into everything and that's another thing that is annoying, when talking to someone about something serious and they take it sexually.

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"Chillax", "amaze-balls" and similar hipster portmanteau slang

"Literally <anything that is in fact meant figuratively>". This literally makes my head explode.

"The proof is in the pudding". No, the proof isn't in the pudding. The proof (test) of the pudding is in the eating. 

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bejjinks wrote:

The number one phrase I find most annoying is "I just read your profile and I'm in love"

This isn't a Second Life phrase but it is something I get often in all kinds of forums. What's really annoying is that I get this phrase whether I've filled out my profile or left it blank. It make me wonder what in the world did they fall in love with? They certainly didn't fall in love with me.



as you say people shape things as they want

with the blank profile the thought mostly goes that i can help make you over into the being that you most desire to be in SL. is mostly thought of as a kind thing this. the motivation being that i would love to help you with this if is ok with you

is true that sometimes some people will troll you about a blank profile. but most times not i dont find

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16 wrote:

bejjinks wrote:

The number one phrase I find most annoying is "I just read your profile and I'm in love"

This isn't a Second Life phrase but it is something I get often in all kinds of forums. What's really annoying is that I get this phrase whether I've filled out my profile or left it blank. It make me wonder what in the world did they fall in love with? They certainly didn't fall in love with me.



as you say people shape things as they want

with the blank profile the thought mostly goes that i can help make you over into the being that you most desire to be in SL. is mostly thought of as a kind thing this. the motivation being that i would love to help you with this if is ok with you

is true that sometimes some people will troll you about a blank profile. but most times not i dont find

I think people see a blank profile as an opportunity to make me into who they want me to be. They're looking for the man of their dreams and see that I'm a man with a blank profile so they feel they can write my life into existence perfectly suited to satisfy their own personal fantasy.

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bejjinks wrote:

I think people see a blank profile as an opportunity to make me into who they want me to be. They're looking for the man of their dreams and see that I'm a man with a blank profile so they feel they can write my life into existence perfectly suited to satisfy their own personal fantasy.

Sheesh...all this time I've been seeing your posts, well, I thought you were a woman.


Now you've done gone and spoiled my fantasy.


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Some I hate RL or SL -

I have always hated the word "rezz". It just sounds stupid, like "urban" talk. I need a synonym for this one

A forgotten expression but people used to say "Life's a b^tch" and inevidably, some smart alec would feel the need to add - "then you marry one then you die". Thank god that one is dead with the 90's.

I hate "really, seriously". And also, "I know right", "why so serious".

"The best (whatever) ever. - Like in all eternity, never has one exceeded it.

"ain't no thang" -  Another horrid 90's expression.

Some words I hate:

Complicated - I blame Fb for inventing that word

Cognitive - the school systems favorite word to describe bad kids.

Tempting/hard to resist - said sometimes in food commercials, I hate food commercials, they are gross.

Viral - describing the latest stupid videos on youtube.

Delight - sounds like some housewife sitting around eating junk food.

Blog - to me it sounds like a way to describe chunky vomit.

Just look at - I was at the gas station the other day and some thuggish kid was probably stealing and he was telling the clerk, "No I don't steal... Just look, I am wearing a cross" Well sodomize me with a 2 liter, someone who wears a cross is certainly righteous



Keep in mind that every stupid overused cliche ever invented is FB's fault. Yes I know FB wasn't around a decade or more ago but it is STILL their fault.




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jjejejjeeeje (:

am never ever evah now going to be able to look at a big bottle of coke at the petrol station ever never evah again without bursting out laughing

or at some random guy holding a 2 liter and wearing a cross. have got a permanent image scarred on my brains now of the angel Moiselle swooping down out the sky to exact retribution

jejejejjejejjejee (:

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U and R are *letters* not bloody words. Can the text speak, I think it's ruining your brain.

No, I DO NOT need to hear how this tune 'vibrates your hoo-ha'. Notice that it's always female avis (no doubt played by dudes) that use that gesture. I have yet to hear the guy equivalent.

Jeezus, did you have to use that 60-line ASCII art right in the middle of the crowd. And you wonder why nobody talks in clubs nowadays?

On the other hand, I can forgive typos. I typo, you typo, we all typo.

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I have had several people, male and female, make offers to me.

I had one woman ask if i wanted to be her slave.

I replied with "What ever gave you the thought that i would even contemplate that?"

her "You are wearing short shorts."

me "yes, and a scarred demon skin, tail, horns, fangs, and wings. whats your point?" 

her "You will address me as Mistress, boy."

me " not in this lifetime."

her "kneel before your Mistress."

/me kneels before her and lightly takes her leg in his strong hands, pulling her gently to the ground as he looks deep in her eyes. His hand caresses the silky skin of her neck, in a flash his fingers clamp on her neck, slowly increasing pressure on her throat as he crushes her larynx. Dropping her lifeless corpse to the floor he rises and resumes his journey ignoring the stares of the other shoppers in the mall.

with that i walked away from her.. in the middle of a mall, with about 20 other shoppers there. mind you this was all in open chat.  

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