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Deploys for the week of 2012-08-13

Oskar Linden

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Second Life Server (main channel)

The infrastructure project on LeTigre is being promoted this week. There are no intentional changes to existing behaviour. 

2012-08-14, 5:00am: Release Notes: 



Second Life RC BlueSteel

This channel will have the same maint-server with bug fixes.

  • VWR-5044: Attachments only change/inherit the active group when they're "rezzed
  • VWR-25762: group owned objects appear as owned by (nobody) in Top Scripts and Top Colliders
  • VWR-20320: Show in search and set for sale remain enabled after owner changed
  • SVC-7760: Large object instant messages can corrupt returned object location URL making it impossible to determine the object's location.
  • STORM-1840: Searching legacy names in the "Choose Resident" floater with a period returns no result
  • SVC-7525: Selected objects move when a new keyframe motion is started
  • SVC-7793: Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
  • SVC-7917: Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.
  • SVC-7968: When TPing using a landmark the server sends two TeleportStart packets
  • SCR-247: Scripts created by Residents who are limited to only the General maturity rating do not function as expected when inside an object that the scripter created that is running in a Moderate or Adult region
  • SCR-318: llInsertString & llSubStringIndex support for 4 bytes characters broken since
  • SCR-359: The http_request() event fails to trigger in child prims that do not use llHTTPResponse() after it has received 64 HTTP requests and will not trigger again even if the script is reset.

, 7-11:00am
: Release Notes: 



Second Life RC LeTigre

This will have the same bug fixes as are on BlueSteel.

2012-08-15, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/12



Second Life RC Magnum

This channel will have a different maint-server than the one that is on BlueSteel.


  • Bug Fixes
    • llAttachToAvatarTemp fixes
  • llTeleportAgent and llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords fixes
    • Output a script error when a teleport is aborted because the agent to be teleported is not the owner of the object trying to teleport them.
    • SVC-8100: "llTeleportAgent fails silently when user is not the owner"


2012-08-15, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/12


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.

I appreciate your help. Have a good week!




p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group


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Pandorah Ashdene wrote:

My jaw just dropped to the floor. - I am seeing
mentioned nowhere.

Linden Lab are working on this and other Pathfinding/Havok 7 issues. These things take time to fix - and they are likely to need a week of testing on an RC after that.  LL had the option to roll back pathfinding, but would probably only have done that if there was widespread content breakage or performance issues, as that would have caused it's own issues.

Pathfinding, as expected, has brought with it many bugs that weren't exposed during testing - I am compiling details of one I have noticed.  What is a fair criticism of LL is the lack of communication from them on progress on many issues, and the way they often hide the issues that have been reported without any apparent reason.

Hopefully this, and other bugs that cause real grief, will be fixed soon.


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On what I am seeing. there may be more than one bug with similar effects. Sometimes, it seems to debend on the number of AVs in the vicinity, and vary depending on the combinations of channels involved. A few hours ago, I was getting high downloads when I crossed a sim boundary, but one neighbouring sim "saw" the problem, another did not, and didn't seem to be the whole sim, only one land parcel.

But whatever the cause, it maxes out my connection to the internet, totally ignoring the bandwidth limit I have set with my viewer and by the traditional standards of the Internet, this is a Bad Thing.

It fits some definitions of abusive usage of the Internet.

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Regrettably this is too little and too late.  LL does not have weeks to fix the mess they have created much less months, players patience and trust has gone and the exodus will continue till have a world full of little more than bots.   Come to think of it this may be both what LL wants and deserves.  By the way Oskar I do not blame you for this decision you are only the messager, but I do find little to respect in the LL management which will be charging people money for service they are no longer providing and difficulties they should have avoided if they had wanted. 

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Mrf...while I don't see a mass exodus over SVC-8124, I do think that folks who have to pay for their INternet by the byte are going to get hammered and have to drop off SL at least temporarily until LL fixes the problem. I'm not sure it constitutes "abuse fo the Internet", as Wolf put it, but it's definitely not good, either.

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While we all would wish that LL would "take their time" and "get things right", this whole miasma of pain and cost (Yes...RL cost) seems to have been, at least in part, the result of indecent pressure to get Pathfinding out onto the whole of SecondLife.

That it patently was not ready for "primetime" is now evident.

Now we have what seems on the face of it to be another Linden Lab Stonewall.  We have seen enough of these to know the signs.

There are many yelling that, once again, the sky is falling.  I don't know how it looks to you, but the clouds seem a damn sight closer than they were.

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I have great sympathy with what you say Ayesha.  If, for example, LL were to say 'yes, this is a big issue and we are working hard on it, though it may take a couple of weeks' I imagine many would not be happy, but they would be a lot happier than they are now with their lack of communication or appreciation that it is a problem.

With a system like pathfinding it was always going to be difficult to spot all problems on an RC rollout, the grid is such a diverse place.  I do not think LL realised that as well as they should have - they do seem blinkered in looking at pure sim performance and down-time sometimes.

If Apple or Microsoft were experiencing this they would be issuing statements and putting extra resources on the problem.  Such organisations realise the importance of good PR (and can afford to make grand gestures) - LL is a very different beast.


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It seems to me that in the meantime, it would be prudent to recommend that folks set a minimum drawing distance, until the situation can be resolved. A blog post, MotD advisory, maybe an email to active accounts.

Also... I don't know anything about what kind of contracts and peering arrangements Linden Lab may have with their internet providers, but if this is as serious as it seems, I'd think this could be costly on their end, too.

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Pandorah Ashdene wrote:

You're not serious, are you?

My jaw just dropped to the floor. - I am seeing
mentioned nowhere.

We are bleeding datatransfer-wise to death, and you are planning "no intentional changes to existing behaviour"?

Sorry, I am so angry that I better refrain from posting one more word.

We do 4 releases of server per week. The release on Tuesday morning is the main channel promotion. The code that was on LeTigre got promoted. The SVC-8124 issue was newly introduced and is on Magnum only. Magnum bugs get fixed in the Magnum channel. The release notes update you were reading was for the main channel. The SVC-8124 issue is one which we are working on fixing in the Magnum channel. 


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Dagger Ulrik wrote:

Did I miss something in Oskar's latest reply where he says this only affects Magnum?  I thought it affected all release channels because it affects u if u look into a Magnum region no matter what code the sim u are in is running? Am I wrong about this?

If the bad code's only on Magnum fixing it there will automatically fix it on the adjacent sims - no change has to be made to the other channels. (IF the bad code's only on Magnum.)

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What I have seen, while they have a clear smoking gun for Magnum, there might be code problems with similar effects on LeTigre, but if that's so, the screaming would have started by now. So maybe they have got it right.

And after the last few weeks, trusting Linden Labs to get it right doesn't seem all that sane an attitude.

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Oskar Linden wrote:

(...) The SVC-8124 issue is one which we are working on fixing in the Magnum channel. 


Thank you Oskar,

I realy appreciate that 'feedback - even if it's not much more than "we are aware of it"' - as Hitomi pointed out, a lot of the 'anger' and frustration on our side has to with the lack of communication, and being left 'in the dark'; - sorry to say so, but the 'acknowledged' flag on the Jira and the assignement to WorkingOnIt Linden has lost its value over time, where Jiras stayed unfinished in that state for ages;

I realy can't emphasize enough the killer-dimension this bug has for people like me with a datacap; without me noticing that hole in the bucket used up this month's data alocation in a few days, before I became aware of the issue and could locate it (- no malware or virus, but logging into SL at the wrong spot); and for the rest of it I am forced to pay each MB I use the net extra; I realy wonder, if you (not especialy you personal) are underestimating the impact this has and the urgencey - it realy is more than "people have to deal with a little more lag than usual";

So, at least it's recognised as an issue and I realy hope you get that fixed sooner than later; - for me personal SL is off-limits for the rest of the month.

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Oskar, with all due respect this is on the release channels as well -- so this isn't just a Magnum issue.


All of my estate regions are are plain old Second Life Server, unless they're "stealth" test regions. :|


Please head over to any of the regions I listed as being problematic in the JIRA and see for yourself.  And please fix this as soon as possible, I've got a lot of upset residents. :(

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Im no expeert on this but Im fairly sure the BW issue is main channel.  I was getting it at my Home on Port au prince which is main channel and surrounded by main channel sims.  

Yes, its very tied to draw distance, in a stepwise manner however the DD step points did not seem to match distances to the sim edge.   I was also getting different spam messages in the server log than the ones cited in the JIRA.

Im sure that people far more expert than I are getting proper diagnostics on this.

If the consequences are as people say (excessive ISP billing or capping) then its hard to see how this is not a showstopper, or worse.   Once the lawyers get a hold of this, LL will have some real problems on its hands.


On a more general note, we have yet another example of the fatc that "4 releases a week" is just plain IMPOSSIBLE to effetcively manage in terms of QA etc.

PLEASE LL - adhere to less is more -- less releases = more efffective SL experience for all of us who just want to have fun in SL.   (NOT saying No releases, just fewer, more controlled and better tested).

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I have to support NeoBokrug and Joy.  I have done quite a bit of hunting around about this issue, and JIRA SVC-8124 is just one of several "flavours" of this bug, dependant on Server group.

The bandwidth bug manifests on LeTigre and Main Server sims without the parcel overlay message, though other messages are being spammed.  I do not know what they mean, nor what they represent, but sure as eggs is eggs they exist and curing the Magnum RC one is just one part of eliminating this issue.

Above all, I really do not understand how SL servers can be sending data at 2-3Mbps, when, as I understood it, SL servers could not send at about 1.5Mbps!:smileyfrustrated:

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"the DD step points did not seem to match distances to the sim edge"

Im my case (Siona, south corners only, no Magnum involved) it was the distance to the corner that had to be with the draw distance to trigger the effect. The bandwidth consumed was greater the greater the draw distance was too. It happened high in the sky too when no rezzed items were visible. So it could be the communication with the sims diagonally across the corner that is causing the effect.

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