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Premium...are you? and why?

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I went premium because I thought I needed to be to get an island.

I stayed premium because I was too lazy to cancel it at first. Then I realised a year or so later I had a free unused 512 because of it. Yippie! That's pretty cool I thought so I decided to keep it.

(Yeah I'm a little slow sometimes to get how stuff works sometimes.) :catembarrassed:

Aside from the free land, the L$ stipend you receive makes it essentially free so why not go premium?

If you plan on having a 'serious business' presence in SL its pretty much essential because without premium Linden Lab will not give you customer service. Well they do sort of... but not really compared to the nice premium treatment.

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Premium?  Nope.  

I used to be but now rent the same size parcel on the north coast of the old continent.  This afternoon represents why I won't be Premium.  I've had over a dozen logins in an attempt to get a build done and been constantly thwarted by crashes and logins that were useless because the parcel info would not load, making the work at another mainland parcel on the Heterocera continent impossible.  This latter sim is also one I have failed to successfully tp out of for over two months now.  Our hobbies of sailing and driving are ruined by bad sim crossings.  Half the time, my friend list is a list of "???".

I'll pay money to my Landlady because she performs the role like a professional.  I won't go Premium and send my money directly to amateurs.  I know the landlady pays tier and it gets to LL in the end but I refuse to pay them a penny directly from my hand to theirs.

I know there is the argument that it won't improve without money being paid in but in RL I do not hand over money in the bakers' store for a sticky, shapeless, amateurish mess in the belief that one day, they will be able to make a nice cake.

I pay for finished products.

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Premium - why not?

I get a stipend worth 5$ a month and a parcel worth 5$ a month so it pays itself. That as long as you have use for the parcel and have rented it anyways.

Premium support - never used it so I don't know if it's worth it. But nice to have access.
Premium gifts - nice - not my style though so they wait in inventory for their chance.
Premium sandbox. Last time I used one I had all 15000 free prims for me alone. Ok, didn't need that many but I could ! :D
Premium content - I got entertained a little - no reason to go premium for me though.

Some gimmicks but the reason I got it is based on simple math. :)


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Estella Beningbrough wrote:

[...] crashes [...] the parcel info would not load [...] This latter sim is also one I have failed to successfully tp out of for over two months now.  Our hobbies of sailing and driving are ruined by bad sim crossings.  Half the time, my friend list is a list of "???".

Any one of these problems might indeed be a failing of the Second Life platform.  In combination, however, they are almost certainly caused by a network problem.

There is an argument to be made that SL is all too apt to trigger such network problems. I've seen it do so myself, on first-generation FioS routers. A certain notorious blogger has a recent post about two common, consumer-grade routers that are apparently incompatible with SL, too. Now, theoretically, it is inherently the fault of the network gear; there should be no way for any possible network traffic to affect network hardware. Still, it's weird that it takes SL to uncover these device flaws.

Anyway, that's all a long-winded way of suggesting you at least try power-cycling everything between your desktop and the ISP's wall jack, and seeing if things don't improve for a while. 

(Whether any of us go Premium or not, I think, matters practically nil to the Lindens. The membership fee is more than offset by cost of providing service and stipend-reduced demand for purchasing L$s. If Premium membership improved retention, it would be one thing, but I think that's got the causality backwards.)

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For me, it was so I can own mainland which my shop is located on. No I do not do the linden homes, personally I think they are ugly and too small to be made interesting. I own quite a bit of mainland and don't own a house on any of it, just retail.

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i was going to stop being premium..but since i am going to be giving up my sim..the prims from the private sandboxes will come in handy when i want to do thinks i would have in my sim..

so i'll probably keep it..it's only like 20.00 a quarter..

my husband does the monthly but he is never really on..but still he doesn't want any limits on him in here when he is here..not that he would take the time to find out what those were..that's just the way he is lol

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Raven1 Short wrote:

Just wondering what makes people decide to go premium. What do you find to be the benefits as opposed to basic membership?

Did you keep the linden house?

I am. Did it to own may bits o' manland. Never bothered with the Linden home, though. Kinda nice ot have the premium sandboxes and the support services, too.

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I went premium 7 years ago because I wanted to have land where I could build things and have a "permanent" presence.  It was also nice to have a home to change outfits instead of hiding at the bottom of the sea or flying off to some land far away from others.

I wanted to do this on the mainland.  While private estates are generally beautifully done and there are many reputable resident landlords, I just feel more comfortable handing rent over to a company with a brick-and-mortar building I could visit than to another resident.  Plus the mainland is a much larger contiguous block of regions.

I remain premium because I still want that “permanent” presence and because I'm grandfathered in at L$500 per week, the stipend pays for the membership (but not the tier).

ETA:  The premium sandboxes we have now are a really nice bonus.

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Hugsy Penguin wrote:

I went premium 7 years ago because I wanted to have land where I could build things and have a "permanent" presence.  It was also nice to have a home to change outfits instead of hiding at the bottom of the sea or flying off to some land far away from others.


I wanted to do this on the mainland.  While private estates are generally beautifully done and there are many reputable resident landlords, I just feel more comfortable handing rent over to a company with a brick-and-mortar building I could visit than to another resident.  Plus the mainland is a much larger contiguous block of regions.


I remain premium because I still want that “permanent” presence and because I'm grandfathered in at L$500 per week, the stipend pays for the membership (but not the tier).

ETA:  The premium sandboxes we have now are a really nice bonus.


The stipend is 300 L a week now? or no?

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The stipend is 300 L a week now? or no?

Not if you went premium before the stipend changed; then it's either L$500 or the rarer, transitional L$400.

(Believe it or not, at one time even Basic members got a stipend of L$50/wk as long as they logged in every week.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Raven1 Short wrote:

Just wondering what makes people decide to go premium. What do you find to be the benefits as opposed to basic membership?

Did you keep the linden house?

Used to be the first 2 years, but never owned land on mainland, rented  like most before the " oh here is 512 and a house thing. My wife is online as well, she kept her premium membrship while I dropped mine, no real point of having 2 seperate houses is there, aside the 300L weekly payment to spend, I found not real benefits to being a premium owner sorry.


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