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At least this Christian wants peace and friendship

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bejjinks wrote:


See without Jesus, I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. If the Atheists are right, than we should all commit suicide because oblivion sounds so much more appealing than life on Earth.


I see, so your religion, which is one of the younger ones, has to be the one that is correct? Was this world a living hell before Christianity came about? Did the evil and corrupt just spring up when Christianity was created? oh wait.. according to your big book of fiction, the world didnt exist before your God created it 5000 years ago. my bad, i forgot.


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"Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already?"

According to the statistics, the world is currently the least violent it's ever been. Life expectancy and personal wealth continue to increase. So, compared to the past, Earth might be looking pretty heavenly. Nevertheless, there's still plenty of room for improvement.

"We live in a world where hatred reigns supreme. Everyone is full of bitterness and seeks to define a group of people to blame for all their problems. "

The widely held perception that the world is going to Hell seems to be more an artifact of modern "journalism" than anything else. We're drawn to sensational news, which is usually bad, so that's the kind of news we get.

God or no, your argument appears as a straw man to me, Bejjinks.

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bejjinks wrote:

We live in a world where hatred reigns supreme. Everyone is full of bitterness and seeks to define a group of people to blame for all their problems. ... I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. ... Bad things are done all the time ...

Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already?

What do I have to do to find peace and friendship? Do I have to deny who I am?

you not have to do anything much. just stop looking for the evol in everything. Jesus didnt. seems like. just went round chat people and talk about good things. he also find the good in everyone. even them what others said was bad

maybe if you tried that then you not have to wonder why you not seem to be able to find any love. if cant find any love in the world or in other people is bc is no love in you. is in the bible that. none so blind and all that

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bejjinks wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it has 613 commandments not just 10.. which a lot of christians don't even know about.. hehehehe

It has 613 commandments that were part of the Mosaic law that only applied to the Mosaic priesthood. Those commandments were never intended for the whole world.


you can't play both games..those are  the commandments of works..you either do it by accepting grace  is a gift and he died on the cross for you to save your sins or keep all 613 commandments and do it by works...

the 10 are a guideline ..you don't get judged  by your doings on earth on judgement day..

not unless you choose to do them by works and living by trying to keep the 613..

you can't be judged until you are purified and flesh removed..

what we do on earth gets settled on earth before that day..murder someone and you pay the price..steal and you pay the price..

it may not be right away..but it'll be coming back around on you in some way..

judgement day you are seen for what you truly  are..not what your unpure self was..

the whole sacrifice was to have another option besides the law..because there was no way anyone but one could do it by the law..

that would be all the law..every bit of it..you are saved from the law  doing it by grace..even the 10 that some seem to think are laws..






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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Oh, well. Never mind, then. I'm going to hell, anyway.

Oh good... then you'll finally be able to make it to one of my parties... lol.


Heh. I've always said that the fun people and the best parties will be in hell.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Oh, well. Never mind, then. I'm going to hell, anyway.

Oh good... then you'll finally be able to make it to one of my parties... lol.


Heh. I've always said that the fun people and the best parties will be in hell.

"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company" - Mark Twain

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bejjinks wrote:

There are homosexuals who accept having me as a friend. Am I calling for your death? Am I persecuting you?

I didn't say that you were.

How come several homosexuals count me as a friend... ?

I don't know. I don't think I could be friends with somebody that thought that I was going to hell, even if I don't believe it.


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bejjinks wrote:

See without Jesus, I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. If the Atheists are right, than we should all commit suicide because oblivion sounds so much more appealing than life on Earth.

If you look closely, you might find that there are few atheists at the root of that war, poverty, greed, slavery and oppression.

You blame me for causing oppression. I'm sick of being oppressed.

The white heterosexual Christian male? Oppressed? Say it isn't so.

Excuse me while I play this very tiny violin.

Good things do not get done in this world because there is no profit in helping each other out. Bad things are done all the time because there is great profit in theft.

There was a time when good works saved you from hell and got you into heaven. Not any more. Now all you need is Jeebus.

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the whole common sense being passed off as some sort of wisdom that can only be obtained in a certain way thing really reminds me of the sphix from mystery men..

i loved ben stillers reaction to him..

i know a lot of christians that  act like this guy..only they are a bit louder..and they come right to your front door..

had to chase one off with a shotgun one time LOL


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The first mistake you can do is come in on a forum spouting off that you are a Christian and then stating you aren't trying to shove your beliefs down anyone's throat. All of us evil non-christian folk really aren't that stupid. We know exactly what the plan is. If you really weren't trying to get a religious belief discussion going you could have just posted about understanding and kindness because religion has nothing to do with it. But regardless...to want peace and friendship you DO NOT have to be Christian to want that. I can also tell you that it is not hate mongers that do not read the bible but it is usually ignorant Christians who believe that to be true. There are many that do not want to read the bible simply because they've developed their own way of thinking and don't choose to believe in a magical wizard in a fairy tale book written by man, honestly I may as well read Harry Potter. Having said that, I have read the bible. I grew up Catholic in a very strict italian Catholic family. Was forced to do all the silly classes for 4 years straight, did my first communion, confirmation and all the other church going stuff that goes along with it. That sadly...was my parents forcing their beliefs down my throat, but I guess as a parent that is their right.

I believe that people who blindly follow have consciously decided to delegate their own feelings, thoughts, and events in  life to a deity, that way they don't have to take responsibility for results that are beyond their control or ones that they have direct control over. A lot of people deal with the difficult portions of their life this way, and it's okay. Personally, I prefer to be in control of my own fate, because not once has a God or any other outside force made things happen for me, good or bad.I make things happen or other people make things happen, bottom line.

I am not Christian, but what I do try to accomplish in my life is to lead a truthful life, a good life and a life full of love, laughter and good things. I treat people wih kindness and respect. While I don't believe in the bible, I do believe in treating others as you would like to be treated. I also live by morals...not commandments. I don't kill, I don't steal and I don't commit adultery. Those are my 3 big ones I guess. I don't do them why? Not because I had to read not to in the bible, but because to me and my own moral standards they are wrong.

But let me tell you a few reasons why even after reading the bible, in fact BECAUSE I have read the bible, that I choose not to be Christian and choose not believe that some book written by man should have any input on my life.

First, the obvious, there are TOUSANDS of religions on this planet. Who is to say yours is the right one? If you were born in the Middle East you would more than likely be Jewish or Islamic, if you were born in India you would be Hindu. How do you know your God is the right God, when there have been millions of gods throughout all of man's history. Oh that's right...because your bible tells you so.

Second, I hear Christians all the time talking about how good and all loving God is. Also about how he can commit no sin. I'm sorry, but is murder not a sin? Maybe I should lay out for you just how many times God has chosen to murder or participated in some God-Assisted holy war massacres.

- The murders of all those drowned in the flood from Genesis
- The burning of Sodom and Gomorrah
- Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt simply for taking a peak
- Onan's evil sexcapade (imagine the men who would be dead today if they did what he did lol)
- The first born children of the Egyptians (too bad for them)
- Aaron's sons for, uhm...burning the wrong kind of fire? Really?
- The Aradites and their BRUTAL murder only made possible with God's help!
- The Midianites, oh yes, a what a fun game that would be if it were to happen today. Lead an army under God's command and order, and your main job is to kill all the men among the Midianites, but you're not done yet! When you're done with that, God's right hand man, Moses, sends you to go back and kill all the male children and the non-virgin females, but be sure to save the virgin girls for your troops (mmhhh wonder why).
- King Sihon - Well Moses is at it again
- Achan and his family who were stoned to death for stealing some silver and gold that was consecreated to God. That full of himself huh?
- Eli's sons, better finish what you have to do in life early because being wicked only gets you cursed to die before your time!
- The story of Nabal...bad guy ya...you get to die ...oh and to top off the murder, you get to have your enemy marry your wife!
- The story of Uzzah - AKA the guy who apparently didn't see Indiana Jones, you NEVER touch the ark!
- Jeroboam worshipped some false Gods and he and his family were wiped out. But hey at least God was merciful and din't have their corpses eaten by dogs or birds.
- The red sea! Classic story of murder. Lead your enemy's into the water after god splits it open and then wipe those suckers out!
- And let's not forget what happened when people complain and it displeases the lord. If he hears it, they get consumed by fire!
- The 10 scouts from Moses, who God kills with the plague...you know cause they brought back bad news. :)

Now you might tell me that God was justified in killing all these people for whatever the many various reasons are. But let me ask you this; would you be okay with me blatantly running over my pet dog, and then justifying it to you? What if I told that dog multiple times not to pee on a flower I decided should be sacred, but he did it anyway when he thought I wasn't watching. So I decided he should die under my car tire. It's a horrible thought, isn't it? Essentially, that's what the Biblical God did throughout the entire Bible. Personally, I love my dogs. They do things they shouldn't, but I nurture them and try to get them to be good dogs. If theyre injured, I tend to them, or take them to a vet. I feed them regularly, so they won't go hungry. I imagine that's what a loving God would do. But that doesn't appear to be the case in the bible. It's just a God I can cuddle up to at night.

And this is just a small list. There are so many more stories of God's wrath. And we can make excuses for this? I'm sorry but to me, the bible makes God out to be some kid with a magnifying glass playing with ants in the sun.

One of my good friends put it best...one person talks to an imaginary being that tells them what to do and they're crazy, but multiple people talk to the same being and it becomes a religion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hateful towards your Christian God at all...afterall that would be the equivilent of hating the Joker in a Batman comic book. I'm just more or less showing you what you are doing...ya know NOT trying to shove religion down our throats...just like I'm NOT trying to shove non-christianity down your throat. :)

Normally, I wouldn't post on a SL board about stuff like this, but it really chaps my hide when people say they aren't trying to shove religion down other's throats and then continue to do so. Also, if you would like an intersting and rather comical take on this, you should check out a youtube video called "God's Checklist 2.0". It's pretty good.

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bejjinks wrote: <snip>

Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already?

What do I have to do to find peace and friendship? Do I have to deny who I am? Why is it so hard for all of you to be friendly?

There is peace Jeff but I don't think you will find it on this forum, it is more of a battle ground here. Believe in who you are and have faith. Faith is a great gift not everyone has it and it is impossible to see clearly without it. Now wipe your eyes and know that there is peace and love in this world.

May the Lord bless you and give you his peace.

Keli :)

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You came to the wrong board to post this information man, since this place is filled with liberal athesis and gay people.  A religious discussion without flaming here?  THat's kind of impossible.

It would be best to end this discussion.  ^_^

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

bejjinks wrote:


See without Jesus, I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. If the Atheists are right, than we should all commit suicide because oblivion sounds so much more appealing than life on Earth.


I see, so your religion, which is one of the younger ones, has to be the one that is correct? Was this world a living hell before Christianity came about? Did the evil and corrupt just spring up when Christianity was created? oh wait.. according to your big book of fiction, the world didnt exist before your God created it 5000 years ago. my bad, i forgot.


Believe whatever you want. This world was a living Hell before Christianity came about? They used to sacrifice children regularly to a fertility goddess that demanded blood. But don't bring your hatred around me.

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Okay, I've learned my lesson. I better not tell you I'm male because if I tell you that I'm male, it means that I hate women. Apparently I can't tell you anything about who I am or you will assume I'm trying to make you just like me. So fine, I'll go crawl under a rock and die because apparently, anyone who is different from you is oppressing you and preventing you from expressing yourself. So let's kill everyone who isn't exactly like you and then you can finally be accepted and no longer oppressed. Then maybe there will be peace on Earth.

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*Allows the drama to pass*


You said earlier in this thread that atheists should all be killing themselves because it's hell on Earth already.

I like my life. I like the colours in the trees. I like the way the seasons bring new things. Except wasps, I hate them. I like the weather, even if, or maybe especially when it's extreme. I like the stars.

I like my job, my partner, my family, my home and my lifestyle.

I'm looking out into the calm summer evening rain and wondering where this hell you speak of is?

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bejjinks wrote:


If you wish to discuss anything with me remember that discussions have rules. If either side of the discussion breaks the rules, it is called dirty fighting or cheating and everyone loses. But if you will stick to the rules of discussion, I am open to discussing anything one on one or in small groups to avoid the presence of dirty fighters.



.....uhm, excuse me, but......but.....



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:


Griffin, this is only my opinion, but I think the upright baby on the far right may be oppressing the supine baby, perhaps for dissing the baby second from the right. Again, this is only my opinion... but mine's the only one that matters.

ETA: Have you ever changed a diaper? I think babies are pure evil.

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"Once there was a Russian king who forced 500 people to convert to his brand of Christianity or be executed"


500 people that's nothing! Didn't the Christian God kill off the entire world killing millions of people leaving only a select few to float around in a boat? An "all knowing" God would have known that wouldn't have changed anything. Wasn't it the Christian G_d that had all first borns under Pharaoh killed? That number was in the hundreds of thousands, babies thru adults. The Passover a day to worship the G_d that ordered those killings. Those are just two examples out of many of the Christian G_d mass murdering people.

I have to go now I'm late for communion, I don't want to miss drinking the blood of Jesus and eating part of his body....symbolicaly speaking.


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MiniJenny wrote:

"Once there was a Russian king who forced 500 people to convert to his brand of Christianity or be executed"


500 people that's nothing! Didn't the Christian God kill off the entire world killing millions of people leaving only a select few to float around in a boat? An "all knowing" God would have known that wouldn't have changed anything. Wasn't it the Christian G_d that had all first borns under Pharaoh killed? That number was in the hundreds of thousands, babies thru adults. The Passover a day to worship the G_d that ordered those killings. Those are just two examples out of many of the Christian G_d mass murdering people.

I have to go now I'm late for communion, I don't want to miss drinking the blood of Jesus and eating part of his body....symbolicaly speaking.


No no, under the right magical spells and incantations, that wine (or grape juice, depending on your location) and bread (or wafers) actually do turn into the literal blood and flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


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