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What about SL cars?

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I was bored, no one on, and kind of wandering the mainland roads...

Anyways just for fun i decided to pick up some freebie cars. Never had one of those, always seemed silly but why not? Harmless SL fun.


Thing is, one of them seemed easy to drive but the other ones - BARELY touch the arrow keys and the thing would do a 180.One of them did not, It drove like a RL car I guess - normal response steering.The good driving car I found as a freebie to use at some gas station. When it vanished, it just vanished.


So, the pricier SL cars - are they easier to use as in - steering is not as sensitive? It is not like REAL important that I get some SL car but just something for kicks.

So what makes an SL car a "good" one vs crappy? I imagine it has nothing to do with a blue oval like in RL.



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I once accidentally (don't ask) bought a L$4,500 car and it was absolutely useless, slow and hard to drive, so I don't think price is any guarantee of quality. On the other hand I have a free Pontiac Solstice GXP open sports car that is great fun and easy to drive. Although the car is no modify, it is copy/transfer and has a hud for changing colour and wheels and has 5 gears (page up / page down). I'll send you one and you can see if you like it.

Also sent you the racing suit (female) to go with it. Ithink I got this and the car at the Pontiac promo event when they opened Motorati Island some years ago (seems to be gone now).

Solstice GXP.png

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

So what makes an SL car a "good" one vs crappy?

To me, if it's no-mod, it's crap. That's because those vehicle scripts are fun to tinker with--more fun than driving the car, in fact--but that tinkering is only possible if you can throw out whatever garbage script the vehicle builder bought from some scripting dullard and replace it with a competent vehicle script.

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i have more than this now..but my fav for racing is the black bike on the left..it can go as slow as you like or faster than you can hold on hehehe

the car in the back is pretty fast also and same kind of controling with no huds..

bike collection.png

here is all the huds the bike has for it..hehehe once you learn what all they can do it's really a blast..but as the add says..not for  people just wanting to get out and ride..it's for the serious sl rider hehehe


then there is this one which doesn't use a hud either...it's pretty simple and easy instructions  and all keyboard and no hud..just a drop down menu for some things..

pink hands bike.jpg

then this one which also has similar controls at the pink bike..

it's my favorite car..it can even fly hehehethe wheels fold under the body and you can zip off in the air ..all without having to be on a sim crossing lol

vette you can


but for ease of getting around..this ride is my fave because i don't need a lot of huds and it's really easy to control..just jump on and go..i think i like the bikes a lot more because you can see more.where a car eats up the screen..i think thats why..but it may be that they feel faster also hehehe

best of them all.jpg


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Despite occasional 'eccentricities' of handling and steering, I rather like my 3-wheeled Gorgon roadster. Because I have no practical use for a vehicle in SL, I have to be able to connect with the car on some level, so it's quirkiness appeals to me. It might be a different matter if I was trying to win races in it, or I had to rely on it to get from A to B.



Oh, and if anyone out there knows of an SL builder selling a VW Karmann Ghia, a Porsche 356 Speedster or an Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 (see below), I'd love to know.

dream cars.jpg

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I have no clue how Nyll knew I was a Pontiac fan...

Thanks Nyll, wow, even with my crappy FPS this car is not too hard to drive, except the crappy SL roads.

Too bad it is no-mod cause I might need shocks and tires prematurely. :D

Wow, this gives me a new project when not learning to drive - Mod my house a bit so that empty space can be converted into a proper garage.

Now for a new question - How do I decide what color to use on this car? I know how to change it but how to settle on a color?

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lol, I didn't know you were a Pontiac fan MoiselleErin, but glad you like it. :)

It doesn't fly, shoot rockets or any other weird things that cars really shouldn't do, it's just a fun little (girly) car that Pontiac  commissioned for its Second Life sim so perhaps a bit above the ordinary freebie car. Don't forget its copyable so you can have all colours ready for rezzing. I have one of each colour in separate folders. Oh, and yes, it will take a passenger.

For me, those cars that race around SL tracks at stupidly unrealistic speeds are just silly. Ffth gear in that car is fast enough for me and usually too fast. I do enjoy fun and challenges though. When I had the run of an island for a while I created huge ramps and hoops way up in the air to jump through using motor bikes of which I have a few and also a huge karting track with twists and turns and tunnels.

There are a number of motor racing circuits in SL, some easy and some more demanding. Just use Search to locate them. Enjoy! This thread has rekindled my interest in my cars and bikes which had been sitting somewhat forlornly in my inventory for ages, so I'll be out again on tracks this week.

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Funny timing. I hardly ever drive but I had a little free time yesterday and spent about an hour on Circuit Corse in the Lotus—was a lot of fun, actually. I suspect my car was chosen for much the same reason Kelli chose hers: it was the look and feel I was going for, not the transport.


It frankly doesn't drive all that well unless I use the HUD, something I refuse to do. But it's fun.

I'm liking your list of wanna's, too, Kelli, especially the 356. For me, though, the coupe has the best shape.


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A Lotus 7... good choice! As for the 356 Coupe... I could live with it, but secretly I'd always be thinking about the Speedster :).


(Honestly, it's an amazingly pretty car. If I had the chance I'd snap it up, but the speedster and the coupe are as equally unaffordable as a space-shuttle right now)

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It's pretty hard to say what vehicle drives the best, it seems to vary from night to night based on network conditions, what's been done to the servers lately, how much my computer feels like pissing me off, etc.  I've cruised mainland on my bike all night long in the past with just brief impromptu gymnastics at some of the sim crossings, but in just a couple of hours last night I crashed three times with my bike getting tossed into my lost+found folder and me having to find another rez zone.

I've got two cars that cost me $L 2500 each and a bike that was something like $L 1500 and I think they actually drive better then any freebies I've had.  Considering I have to slow down at the sim crossings to minimize the problems there I don't think I've ever taken them out of first gear, and I usually crank the steering control way down so that a tap of a key doesn't send me into a hard steer right into a no-script land parcel.

One thing you need to look out for with the new mesh vehicles is the actual Land Impact.  Mesh has given creators a way around the 32 prim (now Land Impact) limit, as long as the physics model of the vehicle is no more then 32 then the sky is the limit on the rest.  I've seen cars with land impacts beyond 500, I passed on a free motor scooter when I saw its land impact was in the lower forties, and the last premium gift was a railroad hand cart that I believe was mid-forties in land impact.  I know these can be done with a much smaller land impact, I've seen a very nicely done car with a land impact of 21.

And about the blue oval.  Is it just me or can you get away with outright copying something from RL as long as you leave the original manufacturer's logo off?  Not that I'm complaining.

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With the blue oval - if you find one in SL - it is likely to break down just like in RL. Yes I hate blue ovals.

As far as stealing logos or whatever, who knows about that. I mean it is illegal but it does happen with a lot of stuff. But that is not what this thread is about...


This whole driving thing is fun except for when I cross regions and sometimes my car ends up flipping all over the place or if I find my avatar in the car-seated position in the middle of nowhere and have to relog but still it is fun when it works.


EDIT - My car seemed to work better when I wore my shades. I mean what day time drive in a rag top would be complete without the cool shades? I think my biggest lag problem is my vanity.




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There are some amazingly good vehicle scripts out there...


...and some amazingly bad ones...


And its not always from different builders. Some people don't update their old product - which can be bad...


...or good... if their new favorte script is... less than ideal...


So demo drive EVERYTHING before you buy. And demo the exact one you want to buy. Not the 'other one this guy makes' - but the one you pay for.


Also... don't believe every MP review. Some of the best vehicles I have had multiple 1-star reviews... Either fools who don't try all the options, or competitors who use alts to down rank each other. I dunno - I just know, use a review as a guide to what to test, not a conclusion.


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Kelli May wrote:

Oh, and if anyone out there knows of an SL builder selling a VW Karmann Ghia, a Porsche 356 Speedster or an Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 (see below), I'd love to know.


Not the same but close:



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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i have more than this now..but my fav for racing is the black bike on the left..it can go as slow as you like or faster than you can hold on hehehe

the car in the back is pretty fast also and same kind of controling with no huds..

bike collection.png

here is all the huds the bike has for it..hehehe once you learn what all they can do it's really a blast..but as the add says..not for  people just wanting to get out and ride..it's for the serious sl rider hehehe


You horrid person you, name those vehicles! :D

Must, test, drive, now. /falls over and twitches...



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The Pontiac that Nyll gave me seems good. The only things that seem to make a good SL car (besides texturing) would be handling, and most of that is in the steering. Not like an SL car is gonna throw a rod or break the timing belt.

I did buy some caddy looking low rider with oversensitive steering, and it has hydraulics but when pumped, the wheels are floating below the car weirdly. My first thought was, "Why did I buy this thing?" but at L$30, wow there goes a whole nickel of RL money hahah

I may or may not get other vehicles. I actually saw a "Smart car" in the MP for like L$2. I might get it as a joke, even though I HATE those cars in RL. Turn it physical and drive it off a cliff.

So umm, who wants a boat-sized caddy with hydraulics that looks like it just rolled out of the hood? It might be transfer.


So I might ask - if a car passes the texture quality test, what else would make a good or bad one aside steering?


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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

So I might ask - if a car passes the texture quality test, what else would make a good or bad one aside steering?



LOL. Your mileage may vary, but the reason I got the one I have in SL can be best explained by an IM convo I had with someone who was a new neighbor and saw my car parked on the lawn. Sent me an IM one night while I was online but not at home:

She: Hi, I'm your neighbor so and so, we live kitty-cornered from your place. I liked your Lotus.  My RL nephew has a Caterham :-).

[Caterham is RL. They actually purchased the rights to the original Lotus 7 design, and make incredibly awesome reproductions]

Me: I hate him.

She: LOL

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Camera position.

Pay a -LOT- of attention to that one.

A bad camera can mess up everything else about a vehicle. And most of them are bad...

It baffles me that they like this behind and pointing sharply down angle - causing me to not be able to see more than a single car length ahead... if not that, they get behind and under, so I can see the rear of the vehicle, but not the actual road...

Get a HUD that lets you overright it, if your vehicle of choice lacks the ability to adjust it... and then go TP to the maker's SL home and smack em around with a rusty prim... o.O

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Actually when I drive, my camera angle is real close to this maybe a bit more angled downwards and away but it is a good view -

This video is from some arcade game called "Cruisin USA"  MY SL driving is NOTHING like as clean as this game.

I cannot even get that game to run well with MAME on my computer :(

I wonder if a driving experience in SL like that game is even possible? No, sadly for me, crap is constantly rezzing on the sides of the roads and of course the obigatory being thrown off the road at some sim crossings.

So the scripting of the car messes with the camera angle?

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If your vehicle has a good angle, you got lucky. :)

About half of mine end up strange.

Check out some race tracks in SL to get 'good' at driving. I'm pretty pathetic at it, but its still fun. :)

So far I know of this one:


And a few others I never got the LMs too because I found them before realizing how much fun they were... o.O



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I am far from good at it, but yeah there are a couple tracks that are good for practice.

My biggest problem is when driving on mainland I keep seeing things i want to investigate and great - it is a no-rezz zone so if I get out, there goes my ride. I have found that often off-road has many places so I just drive thru the grass, over the curb, and back on the road.


On tha main roads, I keep seeing this empty thing traveling around, looks like a carriage. I keep trying to hit it but it gets away :D

One time I was on this long stretch of straight road, got going forward dead centered, and kept speeding up the car... God knows how fast I got but next thing I know the viewer decides to just crash.

Nyll who responded on this thread gave me a GXP. Try one of those and see if it steers better for you. I think they are copy/no mod/trans

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Thank you, I like the "L'este". As you say, not exactly any of the cars I was looking for, but the right era and style. I'm not even sure what, precisely, it's meant to be... looks a lot like the 1960's 911 or the 912, but the rear window doesn't look right for either of those. The 911 Targa had the wrap around rear, but not the sloping pillars. Maybe it's meant to be a mash-up tribute to late 60's-early 70's Porsches in general, not one exact model.

This is the problem with trying to get a particular model of car in SL, builders can't use the real brand and model names so they are almost impossible to search for.

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The Leste is based on a Renault Alpine A110 and the Palamo is based on the Toyota Sports 800. 

Both are really nice cars actually with setting's to change steering, gear ratio's, downforce and a few other options. 


The main cars I personally use for racing are made by Haru, IMO the best in SL. I would highly recommend the LE FA M based on the Lexus LFA or the TO 20 GT M based on the stunning 1960's Toyota 2000gt. All Haru cars you can change settings such as, steering, downforce, grip, slide, seating position plus you can save notecards into the car's to remeber your settings. Plus have settings for drifting, normal road use and track use. I will be honest with the Haru cars and that is the Demo's at the store don't do the car justice, so if anybody is interested in a Haru car, IM me and I will happily let you use my own set up cars :) Oh I don't work for her, I just like to see people get good cars :)

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