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My gripe of the day is pretty similar.

I signed in and it took me over to my dashboard, where I was signed in.

I clicked to the "Community" and selected "Forums" to find I wasn't signed in.

I clicked to sign in, and signed in and it took me over to my dashboard again.

Rinse and repeat four more times.

I was logging in on Internet Explorer.

I prefer Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer is my browser of choice.

I am contrary.

I am on Windows Vista

I hate Windows Vista

Windows Vista wouldn't allow me to install nine critical updates for a whole fortnight

I had to faff about with the registry and then I could install nine critical updates

But I digress, that was my gripe for the day last Saturday :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

So where was I

Oh yes

I was trying to sign in using Internet Explorer

I could not

I opened a Firefox browser window

My history was gone because of all the faffing about I'd had to do last week in order to get Window Vista updates to install


I found the Second Life home page

I had to sign in

I signed in

I am signed in

Gripe over

It's a nice day

And our Queen is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee at the Derby - Long Live The Queen!

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More likely two people thought the first person hadn't put the secret ingredient into the Friday cookies, so added some anyways, so now we're probably stuck unable to sign in straightaway until they come around; probably around Tuesday or Wednesday.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Abigail Longmeadow wrote:

I am on Internet Explorer 9 on Window 7.  It let me sign in, but then said I was not signed in, so I just clicked the Reply button to see what would happen. Now it says I am signed in. Strange.

Yes.  Most often you can eventually connect by just trying things over and over.  Still no 'We know we have an issue' message from the Lindens... perhaps that's over in the feeds somewhere. 

What is more likely is that one of them has tweeted about it on twitter. 

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Thank you to whoever mentioned that hitting reply will get you signed in here...it worked!  Also what seems to be related to this issue is the blog feed, grid status, and upcoming events sections on my dashboard page are blank...Anyone else having this issue? Has SL gone out of business and not told anyone? 

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Perrie Juran wrote:


Yes, but that should not be at the direction of LL, the issues and the responsibility for these issues lie squarely on the shoulders of the Lithium software people.  Your opinion?

I think LL bought/rented this application, they did not code. It is not LL that needs the crystal ball.   Just like Firestorm, Phoenix, and other TPV's have websites for issues, complaints, feedback, bug reporting, etc., perhaps we should write to Lithium and tell them to FIX OUR SOFTWARE.   

I always found it odd that Lithium never had a presence on this forum, not even when it started.  Perhaps LL wanted it this way, perhaps not.  


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