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does anyone know any off sim free land without tiers I'm getting desperate and remaining broke


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I'm haunting rezz zones to create and open sim is closed for mattenace. It feels wrong stripping in publlic. (I have to I Make clothes) I say they should give us all homes not just primium members it's not fair. seriously crying over I realy am Looking for off second life sim land can some one help me?.

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There are a lot of things that are free is SL but land is not one of them.  Premium members don't really get free homes or land.  The cost of the server space for the land and its contents are part of the monthly membership fee they pay. Everyone with land pays for it, either as member fees, tiers or rent.  Why is that not fair?  When you pay for land, you are paying to use server space. Servers cost money to run. LL is not a charity but a for profit business and no one has to be in SL.

If you have friends that own land, ask them if they would mind if you create your clothes on their land.  However you are asking for a favor, so don't be offended or mad if they turn you down.  If they allow you to do this, look at it as a temporary sitiuation only and don't take advantage of their generousity as you will be a guest.

You can rent skyboxes for as little as 50L a week. If your making and selling clothes than you hvae to expect to have some expenses and use some of your proceeds to rent something modest..  If your not selling anything, get a job.  You can work a few hours a week as a dancer or host and make enough to rent a modest home.


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I have a job I'm creator who can only sell free stuff who doesn't have a credit card who live in australia and they don't accet my countries money only american money ah well had to ask I'm new here and don't know anyone. I'm from Imvu where every one has a home it's different here thank for the info about the sky boxs sorry I offeded you I actual wanted land to put my sky box I bought.  open sim advertises as giving away free land but it was taken they said they were starting small it was about the size of a sky box and it was in the sky. they really were't lying.

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ps I do have product for lindens but no one want to spend lindens I prefer the IMVU paying for products system 300 min for products you can get an income there we at least I do but they are trying to get rid of the non vip creators and I can't afford to be a vip creator so I came here I've nothing against vips just not being a creator.

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Well there's not a lot of privacy in SL even inside buildings because unless land is set up to prevent camming from outside the land parcel, anyone can still cam inside a building.


You can change in some adult sandboxes although you might have an audience.  My land is on adult mainland and I just change on my front lawn because I'm not much bothered if someone sees my avatar's "bitty bits" (it's just someone else's artwork after all).  I have my land in my profile picks under "my place" so feel free to TP over and change on my lawn if you cannot find a sandbox you feel like changing in. 

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NeoQueenSarenity wrote:

I have a job I'm creator who can only sell free stuff who doesn't have a credit card who live in australia and they don't accet my countries money only american money ah well had to ask I'm new here and don't know anyone. I'm from Imvu where every one has a home it's different here thank for the info about the sky boxs sorry I offeded you I actual wanted land to put my sky box I bought.  open sim advertises as giving away free land but it was taken they said they were starting small it was about the size of a sky box and it was in the sky. they really were't lying.

You might sell more if you upload photos of the items. No need to spend money in-world just take photos, save to desktop upload to SLM. Good photos would help. Go to a water sim to create/change underwater. Not many folks go hunting creators under the sea;)

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

When you are creating, go to a sandbox sim, rez a large platform, sit on it and set the Z axis to several thousand meters.  You will be alone up there.  Problem solved.

I was going to mention that, so quoting it. Another thing is to make a skin that has shorts and a vest on it, so you're not naked when you're naked. It doesn't have to look good as long as it covers. For the free alternative, I think some of the newbie avatar skins have underwear on, which won't be as covering as making your own clothed skin, but it'd cover the content ratings.


You can earn enough for a few texture uploads from things like money trees and money traffic cones... we did a creator challenge awhile back where we couldn't bring in outside money, and that's how most of us got starting money. The biggest issue then was finding a place for the magic box, but that's no longer an issue in SL due to direct delivery.


You may find it helps to create a few things that aren't clothes to start with... basically hoover up any free creator items and make what you can with it (I ended up making teddy bears out of free sculpts and textures, and selling them for L10 each. Enough to start covering some upload costs.)

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While you're in SL, search for Aldora sandbox, they have autoreturn set to 12 hours. Thats more than enough for anyone lol. And as Kenbro said, make a box, turn it to platform, make another box and link it to the platform. Then sit on the box and change z axis to few thousand meters high. I was doing that for ages:) When you are high in the sky, you can make a huge prim and make it hollow, go inside and you're hidden! 


If you want to rezz something permanent, rent a cheap skybox, there are many cheap parcels for rent if you search;)

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For a great place to set as your "Home" as well as changing clothes in private, I highly recommend a place called Changing Rooms or The Changing Room (I forget which).  It's a sim owned by Melita Magic (her profile will have the info in picks) and is a charming place that features private changing rooms, each with a door that locks automatically behind you when you enter so no one can open the door when a person is inside. Each dressing/changing room is decorated in a different style.  You can rez boxes to unpack (there is something like a 5-10 minute timer on that) - and dress in private.

There is a central pavilion with a changeable juke box for music, a beach, a house to sit and relax in, a spa type of area that is very relaxing, etc.  Anyone can go there to change clothes and enjoy the sim.  To set it as your home, you have to contact Melita Magic.  There is a sign to click when you arrive at the sim that will provide all the info you need.

I'm going in world now to send the lm to you. 

As for building - going to a sandbox and rezzing a platform in the sky is the best suggestion for building in privacy.

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I don't think she is needing a place to quickly change clothing and rez boxes. Since you said you create clothing a sandbox is your best option like others have suggested. At a sandbox you will at least be able to take your time and edit clothing. They are free and most have a sandbox cleaning every 5-8 hours (where all items rezzed from people are deleted).

If you need help finding a sandbox or need help on how to set up and go high in the sky (so you can have some provacy) just IM me in-world. :matte-motes-wink:

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Princess Verwood wrote:

I don't think she is needing a place to quickly change clothing and rez boxes. Since you said you create clothing a sandbox is your best option like others have suggested. At a sandbox you will at least be able to take your time and edit clothing. They are free and most have a sandbox cleaning every 5-8 hours (where all items rezzed from people are deleted).

If you need help finding a sandbox or need help on how to set up and go high in the sky (so you can have some provacy) just IM me in-world. :matte-motes-wink:

True - was just adding the other locale since it sounds like she does not have a home spot.

When I was in world to send the lm, I did notice that NeoQueen belongs to what looks like a very nice sandbox group as well as a place that offers free apartments to residents already, so it looks like she already knows "where" to go for building or a bit of privacy - at least the SL version of "privacy." lol

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A few suggestions after looking at your profile and MP store.

You put a lot of emphasis on IMVU, your profile picture even strongly reminds me of an IMVU avatarThis is SL not IMVU and while there are a some people here that play both it is a small minorityMost SL people don't relate to IMVU and view it as a cartoon version of SL and that isn't really a recommendation for your clothing and at best you are probably limiting your market to the niche of people that play both.. Most people in SL want realistic looking clothing, even for fantasy avatarsTake a picture of your SL avatar wearing your clothes and use that instead as your 1st life picturePost pictures in your profile picks of your products with a link to your MP storeDo the same on your feed

Your MP banner is using copyrighted images which is against the TOS here unless you have permission from the copyright owner to use themMake an original banner, remove the IMVU reference here too. Your clothes will speak for themselves if they are realistic and made with quality. However, there is no pictures of your clothingNo one is going to buy it without pictures, even freeYou can take pictures for free and save them to your computer then upload them on MPWhy are you giving it all away for free if you need LindensIts ok to have a couple promo items for free to drive people to  your MP store, but charge something for you clothes

Please don't take this as me dissing IMVUI'm just trying to give you a perspective that most people in SL hold to help you to market your clothes better to the broadest range of people and make some Lindens doing it.

Finally, if you are giving things away for free you have a hobby and not a jobThere is no reason you can't get a job working a few hours a week to finance a private home if that is what you want, and also help pay for things such as uploading and marketing costs. Many creators, especially new ones or those that aren't selling much, have a job other than creating things for this very reason.

Finally there are a lot of Aussies in SL and they obviously have a way of purchasing Lindens, even those without credit cardsThere may even be a linden exchange that accepts aussie currency and draws directly from your aussie bank, PayPal, or something like itTry to find and talk to some Aussies that are here in SLI bet you'll find someone that can help you figure out how to purchase LindensIf you look in groups I am sure you will find groups especially for AussiesI know there are sims and venues that cater to Aussies too and you will probably find Aussie to Linden exchange terminals thereI know there used to be, and although i haven't looked very recently, I bet there still are.


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