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Undelivered- was delivered- customer got it and I have no pay

Dhyana Writer

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Sometime ago a customer contacted me for help, I had no record of the sale at all, so to end the argument I told him; if its true you bought it from me write a review on the product, which he did. I open a ticket about the issue, because I had not the L$ for such sale, I never received an explanation from LL about this issue neither the L$.

Yesterday it happened again; I put a received receipt in some products, and I have a receipt from a product which is not credited to me L$900, I contacted the customer and indeed he received the product. So yet again, the sale was made the customer paid the product and I have not the L$.  I have opened a ticket, which I hope it gets resolved this time.

Has anyone NOTICED something like this? If it were not for received receipt, or the customer contacting me for support I wouldn't know, even when I have the magic box notifications on, sometimes the messages are capped so I don't see everything that went out. Plus, with direct delivery I get not a notification.


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This has been an issue since Direct Delivery was installed.  There is a JIRA on it I believe, you should look it up and add this information on a  comment.  I'm not sure what they are doing to sort it out, but I don't think its been sorted yet or merchants that were missing money have gotten reimbursed yet.

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This sounds like a bigger issue than what's been reported so far to me. Are you saying that you have no transaction information at all, meaning people are buying your products without your knowledge and you aren't getting paid? Well. That sure explains the huge drop in sales that a lot of us merchants have been noticing.

So, as a merchant, how do we know that we aren't selling a bunch of product behind the scenes that aren't being recorded?!

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Dhyana, as Pamela points out in the post above, unless a customer contacts the Merchant, this kind of issue is not visible to us.  The closest JIRA to this problem is https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4441

It's a "catch-all" JIRA at this point covering orders that are stuck in a state other than "delivered" but the money has been taken in one way or another (from the customer, but not received by the Merchant). Take a look at that JIRA and see if it comes close to fitting your situation. If it does, set it to "Watch" and add your comments including the order numbers.


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I agree that it sounds like a much larger issue. I just wanted to provide the "closest" thing that's been experienced by people so far.

Unfortunately, CTL has been consolidating JIRAs together and that one seems to be a "catchall".  I'd much prefer to see a new JIRA created for this particular issue (and hope they don't merge it into the others).

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This is a real scary situation for MP/DD if transactions are happening on MP with LL's system receving payment from a customer for our content and giving the customer our content but keeping the Merchant completely out of the transaction loop. 

Since with all the technical glitches that have been proven to exist with DD and the MP internal systems... I am now seriously considering the insertion of this PRODUCT RECEIVED script into all my products (at least my high value products I sell on MP).  Even if this problem being reported here ends up not directly impacting me now - it could in the future.  AND, with DD removing the ITEM DELIEVERED merchant notification that the MB system had, putting a "PRODUCT RECEIVED" script into my MP products would be a way to return this valuable function that MB has/had.

I think I am going to write this script this week and test it and put it into place.  My thinking is that it would be a script that would trigger on-rez... send me a notecard or IM or email ... and then disable itself somehow after first rez.  Me has to think this through but it sure seems to be needed.

thankfully I have not yet migrated my 6 most valuable MP items/listing to DD from MB.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

This is a real scary situation for MP/DD if transactions are happening on MP with LL's system receving payment from a customer for our content and giving the customer our content but keeping the Merchant completely out of the transaction loop. 

Since with all the technical glitches that have been proven to exist with DD and the MP internal systems... I am now seriously considering the insertion of this PRODUCT RECEIVED script into all my products (at least my high value products I sell on MP).  Even if this problem being reported here ends up not directly impacting me now - it could in the future.  AND, with DD removing the ITEM DELIEVERED merchant notification that the MB system had, putting a "PRODUCT RECEIVED" script into my MP products would be a way to return this valuable function that MB has/had.

I think I am going to write this script this week and test it and put it into place.  My thinking is that it would be a script that would trigger on-rez... send me a notecard or IM or email ... and then disable itself somehow after first rez.  Me has to think this through but it sure seems to be needed.

thankfully I have not yet migrated my 6 most valuable MP items/listing to DD from MB.

Toy, if it was me, I would surely do the same thing...

Question...where does this money go?


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I found a couple of on rez scripts on the marketplace that will alert you either through IM or email. The only problem is that in order to use them, I need to go back in and rebox everything I put in folders to port over to DD. [insert rant here.]

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mtwtfss71 wrote:

I found a couple of on rez scripts on the marketplace that will alert you either through IM or email. The only problem is that in order to use them, I need to go back in and rebox everything I put in folders to port over to DD. [insert rant here.]


Can you just do it for a couple of your big selling items...


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I know! I think I'm going to do it, though, just for my own piece of mind PLUS to have actual proof if we can catch this happening. Otherwise... we may as well just sign all of our product rights directly to Linden Lab since we'll never know how many of our sales stop once they get paid for our products. (Not saying it's on purpose!)

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

mtwtfss71 wrote:

I found a couple of on rez scripts on the marketplace that will alert you either through IM or email. The only problem is that in order to use them, I need to go back in and rebox everything I put in folders to port over to DD. [insert rant here.]


Can you just do it for a couple of your big selling items...


Sadly for this confirmed delivery to work, the script will have to be in each MP selling item's content.  But if you have 100's of these items then just place it into your hottest sellers.  Since these sell with enough volume, they could be your "canary in a coal mine"  If you are seeing deliveries with no respective sale transaction from MP then you can safely suspect the problem is happening to your other items.

As for the ease of placing this script into MP items .... I guess MB has proven to be yet another advantage over the new DD... since my top sellers are still on MB - I can insert this new script into them much more easily than DD.  just update the item inworld and delete the old item of the same name from my MB and add the new one.  This is done safely - knowing that no LL / MP / DD backend system had to get involved.

I suspect there are Confirmed Delivery Receipt scripts already available for purchase... but I still might build my own so i can get it to do exactly what I want (record and send to me the owner that 1st rezzed the item, when, where AND heck I could even record the first owner onto a config file and if the owner changes on a subsequent rez - i could even post a message to the person rezzing that "this pack is being rezzed by someone other than the original owner of the pack which is in violation of the EULA" (I sell full perm landscape packs to landscapers and builders).

Just some thoughts.

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I have started using rez scripts -- not in the box but in the item inside the box.  And guess what I discovered?  Quite often people who say they did not receive something -- have already rezzed it!  And then when they claim, Oh I meant I just received an empty box! I tell them the rez notice was for the box contents not the box.  And then I ban and mute.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I have started using rez scripts -- not in the box but in the item inside the box.  And guess what I discovered?  Quite often people who say they did not receive something -- have already rezzed it!  And then when they claim, Oh I meant I just received an empty box! I tell them the rez notice was for the box contents not the box.  And then I ban and mute.

Hmmm thanks for this posting.  That gives me more ideas for my new script.  Considering some might even say that.  The new in-box script can actually post a message to the new customer of my landscape pack "Welcome to xxx!  Delivery of your new pack has been confirmed with the Merchant.  I hope you enjoy the pack.  If you have any further questions on this pack please contact me immediately".

That way they know I was notified of their successful product delivery and it gives me a chance to offer them any assistance if they so need some.

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No, this has gone on for far longer than the introduction of Direct Delivery. The only thing is that people are finally starting to realize it now. One of the motivations behind Direct Delivery was to avoid this from happening. Magic Boxes depend on llEmail to communicate. This means that when it communicates with anything, it stops the script for 20 seconds. If any events are given to the script in that time, they get thrown on an event queue. When the queue fills up, events just disappear.

I realized it in Semptember, and I've been playing with magic boxes between then and the release of DD. The month before DD came out, I finally figured out how to manipulate and re set magic boxes so that they could run at full potential, and I made nearly twice as much in that month as I normally did.

DD then came out the next month and I made the almost same amount as I did the month before that (granted the Grid and MP had issues, so it's to be expected it was lower). I still made far more than I ever did with Magic Boxes, and I changed very little about my store since september.

Even with the troubles SL has had these last few weeks, I'm still set for record sales this month on DD. I advise anyone who still uses magic boxes to make the switch as fast as possible.

Magic Boxes aren't as good as DD. The difference between a Magic Box and DD is that DD tells you when a sale fails and Magic Box just gives your product away for free and doesn't say anything to you.

Because DD actually tells you your transaction had issues and MBs don't. People saw all these errors in DD and thought DD was failing more than Magic Boxes, when DD was just reporting errors Magic Boxes didn't even tell you about and they were failing at the same rate.


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Something "similar" just happened to me:

- Customer orders product, pays, receives product

- I receive the confirmation email

- No funds are credited to my account

- In the MP Order Summary, the Order is marked as "Delivery Expired" in one field and then, "Delivered $xxL Paid" in the next.

So, in this case, I did get a notification of the sale, but no funds. I'm on DD at this point. Like you, I opened a support ticket.

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Question...where does this money go?


Linden Labs gross profits. If I was the conspiratorial type....;-) ;-) ;-)


God I hope they go back to the much superior magic boxes. The reality of needing a place in world to keep them is a very small price to pay now considering this DD alternative. Better yet, can we have X-Street back and the people who ran it back as well? Please please please. ;-)



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