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Rodvik Humble's response to DD problems

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:
As far as I am concerned he doesn't communicate at all if he can't communicate within SL. 
I don't have and don't want a twitter or facebook account and tons of SL residents don't either. 
SLU only has 21059 total members ( not necessarily active users) as of right now - I looked.  The percentage of people that actively go there and see his posts that are also SL residents is so far below 1% of all SL residents that its effectively zero.  He uses these platforms so he can say he is communicating without communicating.


(Emphasis mine) THANK YOU!!!  I was going to say that in my post but didn't want the Twitter/FB afficionados raining down on my head...lol.

Rod is communicating on SLU??? Seriously??  So we have the CEO of a corporation "hanging out" on a non-official company site.  Nothing against SLU - I just think it would be like making all LL viewer announcements on the Phoenix website.  Something just doesn't "gel."

*Starts humming "Give 'em the ole Razzle Dazzle" again.*

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I use social media quite a bit, though on average I'm more of a reader than writer.  Not only is it good for my SL business but there is a great community out there beyond this official forum. 

I run into communications from Rodvick frequently.  I appreciate that he takes the time & makes the effort.  From my RL professional experience most CEOs don't so I find his actions very refreshing.

IMHO he just doesn't have the same freedom to post here as "official" communications are limiting.  If you would like to know more about what's happening in SL it does help to broaden your horizons.

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TatianaDokuchic Varriale wrote:

I use social media quite a bit, though on average I'm more of a reader than writer.  Not only is it good for my SL business but there is a great community out there beyond this official forum. 

I run into communications from Rodvick frequently.  I appreciate that he takes the time & makes the effort.  From my RL professional experience most CEOs don't so I find his actions very refreshing.

IMHO he just doesn't have the same freedom to post here as "official" communications are limiting.  If you would like to know more about what's happening in SL it does help to broaden your horizons.

Although it is refreshing to see a CEO like Rodvik use some of the other social media to commicate with the community, the flaw with Rodvik is that he seems to ONLY use non-LL official tools to interact with his customer base. 

I would agree with you if Rodvik was as or more active in communicating with his customers in the SecondLife forum where the largest concentration of his customers reside.  But it is almost unheardof for Rodvik to communicate in the forums.

In fact, Rodvik could be doing a ton of calming the waters in the Merchant community if he even just posted in the merchant forums one or two times to show he really cares how badly his Commerce Team has screwed up the MP with DD and that he is on top of it and that it is a priority of his that resources have been made available to the Commerce/Developer team to resolve this problem ASAP.


All he has done to date is spout out a short less than 160 character Twitter quote about the topic to a frustrated Merchant on a social media that the vast majority of Merchant would not have seen unless it was requoted in the forums.

That is not refreshing Tatiania..... that is a sad situation.


Finally, do you think there is a reason why most CEO's do not post directly on social media like Twitter and FB?  I will let you figure out why.  Hint... it centers around making non-corp. sanctioned statements.

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I just used my twitter account to poke at Rodvik to take the MP DD deployment disaster serious and try communicating officially from the post of a CEO here in the forums what he is doing about it.

I think if enough fellow MP Merchants with twitter accounts poke at @rodvik and @secondlife asking him to make an official communication here in the SL Forums about this serious and on-going mess on the MP then he might break down and do what most CEO's would likely have done long time ago.... talk directly to his impacted customer base (not address it with a small one line tweet heard by almost none).

Just one tweet from each Merchant to Rodvik should give him the hint that he can no longer hide in twitter on this topic.

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Depends on the company. Some CEO's (public companies aside, this isn't) are very good about making official statements that contain a great deal of information. What we've done, what the roadmap, goals and strategies in more than vague detail ... others are completely silent.

In either case, non-official statements are pretty useless. Because they're not official, you can't depend on them, the information is hit or miss.

But the the main blog is filled with Flickr pic of the day and people can't get clear concise information in a central location at "all".

You generally take care of offiicial information before you go around trying to score fan a few fan points in a half hearted social engineering attempt, and that on your own property.

I think the idea is that the communication "needs" to be made official and centralized, because it doesn't exist.

Fandom doesn't work these days. There was an interview with an ex Linden somewhere, or perhaps it was on their LinkedIn profile, not sure which at the moment ... ex Linden said their job was to build beta programs and a group of people that would be behind whatever was being promoted in beta. In other words, people in beta are more likely to be advocates for that feature because they've invested time in it, they've committed to backing it not necessarily because it's good or done right.

Been there, done that in their beta programs. Looked like a fool for promoting something nearly everyone in SL agreed was a disaster.

Enough with the social engineering bits. It's just lame and insulting and about as amateur as it gets.

Sorry to disagree strongly, but the product either stands on its own or it doesn't. And it doesn't. That off-SL communication is about nothing other than trying to generate a handful of advocates that will do the job of covering for your mess for you. Been there too with SL.

Razzle Dazzle indeed.

If you want to judge sincerity you look at investments, years old hardware, lack of internal testing, high price points, etc. That's where words are judged by the actions and they match up or don't. In this case, how much of a priority is put on customers funds and integrety of the marketplace.

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completely agree Dart.  If a CEO is going to communicate to the public (especially about issues directly impacting his customer base) he should use formal corporate endorsed and followed communications BEFORE he thinks of spouting off trivial one line statements in the non-endorsed social media like twitter.  It means nothing and in my opinion its a bit cowardly.

Its situations like major company screwups and customer impacting situations that are serious and / or chronic and / or never-ending where a CEO shold earn his keep and get visibly involved.  He should - if nothing else - take the helm on communication and show that he is just as unhappy about the situation and what he is doing to restore confidence within his customer base.

A good CEO does this......

What kind of CEO do we have with LL and this situation that has impacted SL grid ecommerce, financial transactions, and eroded confidence in SL's MP?

You can answer that yourself.

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Let's get real here guys. Rod going off to Twitter, SLU, or wherever isn't "refreshing" or forward thinking. It's a cowardly dodge. As someone else pointed out it's a way to appear to communicate with us while not actually doing so. If he was sincere he'd be on AN OFFICIAL LL COMMUNICATION PLATFORM  answering questions and concerns, letting us know how this current MP mess is being addressed and assuring everyone that measures were being put in place to ensure that a fiasco like this would not happen again.

Unless and until I see him use official Linden Lab corporate marcom properties to give us regular, non-trivial information I'm not going to be convinced that he's doing anything other than making a cheap PR play.

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I think SLU is a gated communities, or why else would they only have 21k users. That is quite pityful for a site that is talked about as much as it is. I've tried a number of times to create an account there but I never end up getting access to posting anything. I'd not even think of trying again considering they only have 21k users. That's quite a laughable amount to get the attention of the CEO.

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>what percentage of SLers read these forums

Well, this is the Second Life Merchants Forum, so if something important happened that would be of importance to Second Life Merchants, one might think that this place would provide a Forum to discuss it.

If merchants don't read here, that's not really much of an excuse for Lindens not to post things.

Really, it's fairer to blame Lindens not posting things for the fact that more merchants don't read here.

Of course, Lindens may not want to post anything if there's a chance they'll be held accountable for accuracy, as Brooke was before she suddenly started pretending not to post here.

So if this forum simply fails as an opportunity for Lindens to post misinformation without any personal consequences, that hardly seems like a fair excuse for Rod never at least popping in.

Or does it?


>the flaw with Rodvik is that he seems to ONLY use non-LL official tools to interact with his customer base.

It seems like a pretty weak measure, but it probably offers him at least some plausible deniability in terms of the communications being construed as official LL information.

Again, after what Brooke did, I almost can't blame Rod for at least trying to be more careful in some way. Almost.

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I was over reading in the General Discussion forums and happened on a comment in this thread re: SL9B -


The 7th post references info from SL saying that some of the events will be featured on "Second Life social media" and specifically mentions Facebook, Google Plus, Tumblr, Plurk, and Pinterest.

Just lovely.

BTW, is the "social media" still tied into v3?  I recall that being part of the controversy when v2 was first introduced. 

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

I think SLU is a gated communities, or why else would they only have 21k users. That is quite pityful for a site that is talked about as much as it is. I've tried a number of times to create an account there but I never end up getting access to posting anything. I'd not even think of trying again considering they only have 21k users. That's quite a laughable amount to get the attention of the CEO.

Compare the number of hits, though, that posts get at SLU, at least in the main forum, compared with the number they get here.    The main forum thread there on the DD problems has had 8,100+ views (at the time of writing).   The equivalent one here has had 1,620.

I wonder why you're having problems creating an account there.   Why not drop Cristiano Midnight a note and ask him to what the problem is.

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