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Marketplace order history gone? What the ...?

SeekWisdon Resident

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Since the start of the year, I've been buying stuff on the marketplace with hundreds of transactions, and yet today when I look at my order history I see only the last two purchases.

That's so uncool.  If a first life marketplace with whom I transacted so frequently were to suddenly stop providing me correct information about my transaction history with them, I would cease immediately to further transact with them.

Is this a joke or is the marketplace now really eating my order history or do I need to get a support ticket created or something else?

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

The reason I said so, is cause this person had a temporary last name of Resident also, but when it went away so did her problem

My name hasn't changed since my rezzday.  The only change is that my order history is gone.

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valerie Inshan wrote:

Are you using Internet Explorer? If so, you should give a try with another browser (Firefox is known to be friendlier with SL web pages). Your history HAS to be there. As it cannot be deleted, it certainly did not vanish.

I am using Chrome and Firefox and both show only my last two transactions.  I've viewed source (inspected element, etc.) on the page in Chrome, Firefox and IE and the data is not there at all.  Good idea on the hidden div or something, but it's not the case.

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Interestingly, when I look in my account's transaction history, I can see the transactions I had with Commerce Lidnen and the order number but (as expected) none of the order details.  The transactions are still there in some form, but the marketplace just isn't listing them, in a bizarre behavior bzzzzzzzzz (the sound of the bug).

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Zanara Zenovka wrote:

Everyone with a one word name has always had the last name "Resident", whether displayed or not.

Right, but the name Resident was never displayed in the forums before, that I knew of. Normally, one name persons just have the one name displayed, that's all I meant.

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Yes, I see my order history too has been updated with either "objects" or "received items" files indicators. Funny thing is that my orders from way back in 2010 apparantly went to the "received items" folder *faceplams*.

Yes, my two orders NOW say where they were delivered as if I could care any less.  Where are the rest of my hundreds of orders?

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Since registering for the forum, Resident has always been part of my name, but it appears Linden is very confused about whether or not to show it.  Stupidly, based on other users' posts, it seems rather than a number as an ID, the programmers actually use "SeekWisdon" or "SeekWisdon Resident" as the key to find my data.  Now they don't know who I am, and I did nothing to cause it.  I learned how to program when I was 10 and never used data that could change as a primary key.  Sad.

That doesn't inspire confidence.

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I know you've tried a few things with your web browsers but so far the history hasn't reappeared.

By any chance, did you try clearing your browser's cache and also clearing cookies (then closedown browser and restart computer)? Longshot, but maybe it will reappear that way. Otherwise (and I'm sorry to say this given the occasional inability of Support to help these days), have you filed a ticket?

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