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Gifting Updates Released Today!

Brooke Linden


Hi all,

I just wanted to let people know that the gifting updates have been released. Here is a summary of the changes:

  1. We have a new button: "Add To Cart As Gift"
  2. New Residents are giftable right away
  3. Giftee now visible in the order history

There is also a link to the Merchant's store in the order and order history now. For more information, please see the wiki page on this update.

Please let us know what you think of these changes. Happy gifting!



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Thanks Brooke but LL fails again and that is a big fat F++. We would rather you did away with the shopping cart entirely not add to it. For many months we have been filing Jiras and speaking to the top of our lungs about the use of the shopping cart resulting in failed deliveries. Please just do away with it. Furthermore, how is gifting to teens going to be moderated?

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Brooke Linden wrote:


Hi all,

I just wanted to let people know that the gifting updates have been released. Here is a summary of the changes:

  1. We have a new button: "Add To Cart As Gift"
  2. New Residents are giftable right away
  3. Giftee now visible in the order history

There is also a link to the Merchant's store in the order and order history now. For more information, please see the wiki page on this update.

Please let us know what you think of these changes. Happy gifting!


Looks like a winner.Thanks!

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I do not agree with you Darren, but it's probably due to different experiences. I have a history of  about 50 pages of purchases thru Marketplace (much less than Inworld but still some history) and I often make use of the cart. This way, I can re-think and amend if I made some mistake. So far, I had only one or two cases of failed deliveries. Call me lucky but that's how it is. So, I would definitely wish that the shopping cart stays. My opinion, of course.


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Brooke Linden wrote:

Hi all,

I just wanted to let people know that the gifting updates have been released. Here is a summary of the changes:

  1. We have a new button: "Add To Cart As Gift"
  2. New Residents are giftable right away
  3. Giftee now visible in the order history

There is also a link to the Merchant's store in the order and order history now. For more information, please see the wiki page on this update.

Please let us know what you think of these changes. Happy gifting!


Excellent news .. thank you. Do I also notice that the new gifting button only appears on items that do not have Transfer permission? If so, that's a very good nuance behavior that makes perfect sense AND is something we've not seen from the Dev Team before. VERY good work. Now THAT is what I call "thinking ahead."

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Have you fixed the issue of gifting adult items to teens?

A test yesterday revealed that an adult rated item CAN be delivered to teens.

How will you address this without then exposing the receipient as a teen?  Responding to the purchaser with "sorry, cannot deliver adult item to a teen" is a bit of a giveaway and unwittingly becomes a self TOS breach of privacy.

I would have thought that addressing the legal ramifications of what can be done via the Marketplace would be more important than the changes listed here since it is LL that has brought this situation upon itself.

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After doing some extensive polling of fellow Merchants, asking questions and checking behavior of Cart purchases .. and after some good feedback from the former Brodesky Linden, it appears that most Cart Purchase failures can be fixed by simple fixes the Merchants can perform.

Those are:

  1. Keep the number of Items in your Magic Box low.
  2. Put high delivery rate Items into a special Magic Box just for them.
  3. If a product has a high delivery failure rate, rez out a New Magic Box then put the items in that.
  4. Use Duplicate Magic Boxes preferably on separate Sims.
  5. Try to make sure your Magic Boxes are located on Sims with low lag. If you cannot do that then at least put more boxes on other Sims.

It won't fix every problem. but from what I've learned in my study, those that follow the above advice have reduced their failure rate.

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Very sweet of you Darrius but isn't it the Lindens that should fix the problem in the first place? What if Toyota tells you, you can fix the failures of your brake by throwing an ancor out of your window when you would like to stop the car....

Common Darrius...


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I guess what I didn't make clear is this ... Most of the delivery failures are cases where the Magic Box is part of the problem. In many cases, it's the biggest part too. If a Merchant "fixes" their Magic Boxes using the tips I provided, they won't "Fix" the whole problem ... but they WILL fix it enough to stop getting so many delivery failures.

It's like a car with both the front glass and the back glass missing. Without the glass it is very hard to drive fast (use the cart). We Merchants can at least put the front glass back in the car. Yes, the back glass is still missing, but now we can drive fast again .. and wait for LL to finish building our new Ferrari. (Delivery from Inventory)

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Sassy Romano wrote:


Have you fixed the issue of gifting adult items to teens?

A test yesterday revealed that an adult rated item CAN be delivered to teens.

How will you address this without then exposing the receipient as a teen?  Responding to the purchaser with "sorry, cannot deliver adult item to a teen" is a bit of a giveaway and unwittingly becomes a self TOS breach of privacy.

I would have thought that addressing the legal ramifications of what can be done via the Marketplace would be more important than the changes listed here since it is LL that has brought this situation upon itself.

To add onto this question is it possible to cut out gifting adult items till you solve the gifting to teens problem.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

yes, I agree with Ami. It seems a very complicated business, all that.

Nahh .. that's the easy stuff. My wife does cross-stitch. Now THAT's complicated ... and time consuming too.

(ducks and braces for flak from the crafting community on SL ... )

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\o/ This make the things easiers for the costumers, thank you so much

Now my question is, are you going to fix the transaction history in the future? . For example in the old xstreet I was able to seach my transactions by the name of the product, not just the name fo the costumer or the order, or just writing the first name,on marketplace I HAVE TO write the first and last name <.< .

This is so frustrating specially when for some reason there is missing items or there is something wrong with the product and I want to send an update, for me is just impossible to go page by page, yes I download the CSV everyday and my Transaction history too but still, I just think is better if we can find the name of our products in the transaction history. Or if already there is a way to do it like in the old xstreet, I want to know please!!! also if there is a way to disable to see the free products transactions like in the old xstreet it will be perfect!

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Talking about transaction history, it would be a great help when we would be able to choose how many we would like to see at one time. Only 12 showing up at each page is way to less for me. The possibility to see 100 items per page would save me a lot of needless clicks.

I would also be very greatfull for the possiblity to filter out 0 linden sales. I have some demo's that er frequently taken, and I would like to be able to see my sales without them included.

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This is good news, Brooke, thanks.

Question: has SLM been fixed now so that the recipient can rate an item on the site, rather than the purchaser? This has been a problem in the past, and since many use SLM to "gift" items that are no transfer in-world, I suspect it adds to the reduction in ratings we've seen with the new site.

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Rachel Darling wrote:


This is good news, Brooke, thanks.

Question: has SLM been fixed now so that the recipient can rate an item on the site, rather than the purchaser? This has been a problem in the past, and since many use SLM to "gift" items that are no transfer in-world, I suspect it adds to the reduction in ratings we've seen with the new site.

It has been fixed, Rachel..  now I need to get the hubby to give a good review on those glasses I sent him. It was almost easier to leave the review myself... since I was the one who had the link to the product in my order history.

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Argus Collingwood wrote:

It has been fixed, Rachel..  now I need to get the hubby to give a good review on those glasses I sent him. It was almost easier to leave the review myself... since I was the one who had the link to the product in my order history.

Yup, yup. On XStreet there was a Quicklink sort of reminder to people to rate their purchases when they signed in, at least...even as a customer I am really missing that link, as I used to like to rate purchases. It's so hard to click through to my order history now and go back and forth to rate items, that I either forget or just don't bother.

I have been wracking my brain ever since SLM was released, to think of ways to encourage/remind customers to come back and rate their purchases. I was even willing to download my entire purchaser list from the trans logs and send them out a follow-up note, but the problem is that there's no easy way to direct them to a) a Quicklink to "rate your purchases" or b) the product they purchased (which would be ideal...an html link to the product they purchased).

Since "relevance" search returns now seem to prioritize by number of reviews, this is really a critical thing for merchants to see resolved in some way. I hope it gets some attention soon.

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