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  1. I used SL shine. And why shouldn't you ? Oh. 🥶
  2. What ? You don't want PBR, and you don't like Primfeed ? Perhaps it's time to try something else ?
  3. New to firestorms PBR release ? So was I. Golden Tip ahead. First use, if the graphics or brightness freak you. Goto World> Enviroment > and click Midday. Everything slots into place graphically really nice. Now its easier to play with favourite EEP's, windlights, etc. Thanks to hammies for this great tip
  4. Devices that look up IPs which are illegal under the TOS in fact are reportedly still sold on the MP and used anyway. Can I have this fact checked please ? I thought the lab put a stop to that ?
  5. So far that hasn't happened. When it does I'm sure the padlock will come out !
  6. Agreed. 'No you cant but yes you can with written permission we cannot give' ain't going to cut it anymore. So how do they marry the Wiki to the TOS. ?
  7. Could start with just a tick box. Somewhere. 'Will this account be used for business by more than one user ?" If it's ticked, do stuff the coders have to figure out, or a different TOS for businesses as declared.
  8. The anomaly between Wiki and TOS must be fixed. Soon. 'Yes you can No you can't' could attract litigation, no ?
  9. A large red flag is when the "see in world" link is there but the in-world store no longer exists. This.
  10. I can't really stand being inside buildings in SL, they usually feel far to claustrophobic, and I say that as a competent camera mode user - alt mouse and ctrl alt mouse. Viz a viz I'm usually to be found on a deckchair or blanket on the beach. Hope that helps
  11. bumping this as i nearly posted the same problem and this was the fix (my first pbr mirror - seems a bit blurry) - step by step guide on youtube
  12. Is there a 0 linden Demo version on MP, you could buy to leave your review ?
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