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Magnek Fang

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  1. Well, it's not the first time I've seen a major bombshell drop. It's kinda like the introduction of mesh, or the gacha band. We'll lose folk, granted, and everybody else will adjust. If anything, the clarification would make it easy. The only snarl that I (and a few other people see) is that, outside of the creators of actual child content, there really isn't any real agreement on what constitutes a child avatar. Anime-style avatars, for example, have been accused of being children for years before this. I'm just worried that will get even worse for less standard avatars in the coming months.
  2. Now, we as a community need to decide what is a child avatar. I can easily see these rules being weaponized by bad actors who have a grudge against, say, anime-style avatars.
  3. I'm just hoping that they are a bit more generous with the dev kit. I remember seeing a lot of new stuff that wasn't rigged for the Lara.
  4. Oversensitive security orbs and Linden damage. And not all my favs show up.
  5. I'd be surprised (I use a lot of old hunt stuff), and, to be honest, flattered. Anyone who knows me long enough know how often I change, never anything fully human either.
  6. When I first saw that Nexpo documentary, my final thought was 'Is that gonna be SL in 20 years?' It was quite a sobering thought.
  7. I just had a fun bit of archaeology here. I guess I was a bit passionate about that ARC thing.
  8. I know a lot of you aren't gamers, so you wouldn't know about the way that AAA game companies and mobile publishers were doing thier best to monetize as much as they could, to the point that kids were draining thier parents' bank accounts for that one thing they wanted. When something gets so bad that governments actually take heed, you know it's a problem. Thing is, regulatory agencies are blunt, unsubtle things that don't care about all that goalpost-shifting and whataboutism that's plagued this thread, they won't care that was the userbase that's doing the gacha thing. If it walks like a lootbox, quacks like a lootbox, then as far at the government's concerned, it's a loot box. LL's just covering thier rears here. Myself, I won't miss gachas. I've seen how bad they can get, such as outfits being broken up into separate bits with the main part being a rare. That is, except for a certain kind of avatar sold via voucher that practically has a subculture. I'm talking about Nutbusterz, and I'm scared because I haven't heard hide nor hair of it's future
  9. You know, you don't need bait to fish. Also, I swear some of you are just chomping at the bit for breedables to be banned.
  10. Well, that's a bomb drop. There's a whole bunch of avatars that are only available as Gacha, and they were a cheap way of becoming a cute critter. What's gonna happen to those?
  11. I'm on 'friends only' at shopping events, and what I do every time I *think* I bumped into someone is say 'sorry'. I really don't know how much a impact that makes though.
  12. Cosplaying as something so obscure nobody in your crowd knows what it is. Searching for stuff in the marketplace. Okay, since when is a tunic dress a bloody poncho.
  13. I think one reason, at least for furry sims, for a sim to be marked A is to keep out throwaway griefer accounts.
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