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Don’t Miss Second Life Fashion Expert Days: Sept. 18-21

Linden Lab



Mark your calendars for Fashion Expert Days, held Sunday, Sept. 18 through Wednesday, Sept. 21, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Pacific) in the official SL Community Blogs and Fashion Forums

The Schedule of Fashion Experts (subject to change):

Sunday, September 18, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Pacific)

  • Iris Ophelia
  • Felicity Blumenthal
  • Lotus Mastroianni

Monday, September 19, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Pacific)

  • Frolic Mills
  • Sasy Scarborough 
  • Whimsy Winx
  • Harper Beresford
  • Laylinha Tomsen (in Portuguese)

Tuesday, September 20, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Pacific)

  • PopTart Lillehook
  • Casja Lilliehook
  • Gidge Uriza
  • Vick Spitteler (in Portuguese)

Wednesday, September 21, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Pacific)

  • Strawberry Singh
  • Lily Karlsbar
  • Ponino Oh 
  • Thereaver Barrymore (in Portuguese)

Hear What Second Life Resident Fashion Experts Think in Real-time

Each day of the event, as many as five SL Fashion Experts will be standing by to share ideas and images, and to discuss the vibrant fashion scene in Second Life. There will be exclusive Fashion blog posts and insider style tips shared in the Fashion Forums during this interactive community event.

Ask Questions 

Experts will be on call in the community from 9 a.m. through  4 p.m. (Pacific) during all four days of the event (Sept. 18-21). This is your chance to ask these fashionistas any SL style-related questions you can dream up and hear their expert opinions. Newbies can get advice on how to improve their avatar’s appearance, and more-advanced Residents can get the scoop on the latest fashion trends and developments. No query is off-limits — just ask the Fashion Experts!

Share Your Creations

Want to share your own creations? All participants can post and share images of favorite fabulous fashions and creative combinations at this community event. Join the conversation and ask the experts and community what they think of your designs.


Image courtesy of Poptart Lilliehook for Modavia Fashion Marketing.

Don’t miss the fun! Join us live for this special Second Life community event, held on the Second Life Fashion Expert Blogs and Fashion Forums.


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I am so looking forward to this event, it is an honor to have been asked. Hope you can join us on all the days myself and fellow fashion bloggers are here.



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  • Community Manager

@Tillie, that sounds amazing! We'd love to see those photos. Why not start a thread with those images in the Fashion Forum during the Experts days? Or even now!

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This will be a fun week of interacting with fashion interested fellow residents on the forums. Thanks for having me, can't wait!

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YAY!!!! I am so so so excited about this event!!! I hope many designers let their customers know  and help spread the word about this event :) 

I think the fashion community in SSL is such a rich pool of talent and creativity. People can dress or express themselves in SSL in ways they could only dream of in RL and more.

Fashion Bloggers  & writers take things that designers make, then as a user, not part of the designers work, take the creation, add their own twist, spin, and personality to then take that "new art" and show it to the world as it's own artistic presentation.

People see that and want to "feel" what the fashion bloggers & writers show us. How awesome to open up an event for the public to inquire into the minds and hearts of these artists!!!

These people work HARD, tirelessly and passionately at what they do and touch so many people and bring so much inspiration AND information we'd never be able to find on our own in SSL!!!

I think you have chosen an AWESOME and diverse group of people who greatly be able to answer any question about SSL fashion and I'll be readying!!!! Can't wait! They are all amazing artists and community influences!

Greatly job LL for organizing this, or whomever else did and for all the bloggers who said yes :)

Yay Harper, Sassyfrass, Frolicooo, Miss Ophelia, Felicity, Whimsy, PopTart, Casja, Gidge!!!, Miss Berry!!! (and the rest whom I don't know but am excited to hear!!)


Callie Cline


P.S.. The GREAT thing about fashion or anything in SSL in creating as it can lead to all sorts of things!!! (I say that cuz, in the picture below, I'm wearing pants I made a few years back and holding a KittyCatS cat, that I now "make", (texturing and design) so you never know what expression change your "creativity" in SL will take!



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Gostaria de agradecer a Linden Lab por essa incrivel oportunidade. Estou ansiosa pelo evento e muito honrada de estar entre nomes tão importantes da moda do SL.

(I would like to thank Linden Lab for this incredible opportunity. I'm looking forward to the event and honored to be among such important names in fashion in SL.)

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Estou muito feliz e me sinto honrada com o convite. Estou muito feliz em fazer parte de um time de grandes personalidades do Second Life. Espero dividir momentos, compartilhar idéias e trocar muitas experiências com todos! Estou muito ansiosa !! Muito obrigada !! É uma grande oportunidade, OMG, será fantástico !!

I am very happy and I feel honored with the invitation. I am very happy to be part of a team of great personalities of Second Life. I hope to share moments, share many experiences and exchange ideas with everyone! I'm very excited! Thank you! It is a great opportunity, OMG, it will be fantastic!




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  • Community Manager

Thanks Eve --

It would be awesome if you or any other residents started conversations in French in the Fashion Forums or threads about fashion in the French forums  -- either now or during the Expert days!

Mode de conversations en français est une excellente idée!

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Aww thanks guys, I just notice that publicity is already out! So I wanna thank all of you for inviting me to participate at this great event.. and just letting you know that (As read before) I could anwer in spanish as well to all of your question.. So, you'll free to invite hispanic frineds to the forum too! Glag to be a part of this! :)


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