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  1. Not directly, no. As long as objects are simply in your inventory, they are harmless. However, some objects are NOT harmless if rezzed, such as sim-wide, self replicating particle poofers, or the "ExDepart" type of items that run off and hide and send out "gift" offers to everyone in the region, or objects that request access to your account. So if you choose to have your viewer auto-accept items, be careful when you rez or wear them. In fact, be careful of rezzing or wearing anything unsolicited that you receive, whether or not it was auto-accepted.
  2. Uh...no. @jaja2939, exDepart is not a virus, and it cannot steal your account. Since you didn't understand the Firestorm Wiki, I'll try to simplify: You get a message from an object, that appears to be owned by someone you know. "ExDepart, an object owned by Lindal Kidd, is offering you this object, "Freebies!" Accept/Decline?" You click Accept. A new object called "Freebies" appears in your inventory. You rez the object. The object seems to disappear. (Actually, it has teleported itself up to about 4000 meters) Everyone in the region starts to get messages, "ExDepart, an object owned by jaja2939 Resident, is offering you this object, "Freebies!" Accept/Decline?" And of course, anyone who accepts the object is likely to perpetuate this little practical joke. Aside from the annoyance of having to find and delete the ExDepart object, this does no further harm to anyone, although it might cost you a few friends. All of which has nothing to do with mad attack dogs, "rabies", or anything else in your original post.
  3. Got the first one .. then when I declined and blocked sender, who I have NO CLUE who they are ... I get it TWICE more from different people. Sorry .. but the name of the thing screams VIRUS to me .... Here are the messages I received .... You decline '..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012' ( Leopard (197,185,4000) ) from ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012. ( This one came from xxxx Resident) An object named ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012 owned by xxxx has given you this object: '..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012' An object named ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012 owned by xxxxx has given you this object: '..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012' Ive declined and blocked .. but the things keep coming ... even tried blocking the item .... what do you advise I do? Thanks for reading and for any assistance you might be able to offer. thanks to all the ones that answered .... and especially to Permalink .... I corrected the post .. thank you.
  4. Someone sent me a gift EXDEPART GIFT 2012 and when I opened it it seems to be a huge spammer opening hundreds of notecards. I have deleted the object but how do I remove all the notecards which are showing as scrolling boxes across the top of my screen? It will take me ages to click on each one. Help Please!
  5. i keep getting this object in my inventory, '..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012". I think it's a bug of some kind, but can't find anything here to help. Does anyone know of it?
  6. I got this earlier when I logged in with my alt, and now I am getting it again, but this time I know better than to accept it. I've been dicarding it each time it's sent to me. But I've just noticed something. I think it must be someone at the SIM Bright Corporation Sandbox, because it happens each time I go there. Someone sending me an object named ExDepart Gift Package 2012. Was anyone else who have gotten this 'Gift Package 2012' at this same SIM? Because if so.. maybe if whoever it is who cracks down on the griefers could go to that SIM, (and right now, 'cause I'm there now and as I write this it's being sent to me) you might be able to catch whoever is doing it in action.
  7. Rolig, unless this thread's been edited to remove some stuff I haven't seen, this doesn't sound like ExDepart. The ExDepart scam occurs completely in world, with no reference to group chat. You are given, or accept, an offer of a free gift, generally from someone you know. When you rez the gift, it jumps itself up to about 4,000m and starts sending out offers of a free gift, using your name. It's annoying, and embarrassing if you fall for it, but not really dangerous. What Galdriel seems to be describing is where someone you know starts sending out phishing offers in group chat. Whirly is spot on...it's most likely that the account doing this has been already compromised, most likely from following a similar link. This is very serious. Galdriel, if you have some way of contacting your friend outside of SL...Facebook, maybe...you should alert her that her account has probably been stolen. She should call LL's Fraud Hotline at once...and so should you. The number is: 800-860-6990
  8. That's not a virus. It's a spoofing griefer object that rezzes and then sends out annoying items, making it look as if you are doing it. ExDepart has been around for a long time. It does not "infect" your viewer or computer. It cannot "steal" your account. It is simply an object that is rezzed in world and pretends to be you.
  9. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/exdepart You have to look the page about the SL Virus It's could Steal Account if you accept the item or something
  10. If There's Rabies Disease on the Avatar. It's could be infected by some sort of SL Virus Like ExDepart Virus or Something that stole account or take control account without consent.
  11. The WGS griefer object is the same thing as the ExDepart object described here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart . Follow those instructions carefully to remove it. O objeto WGS griefer é a mesma coisa que o objeto ExDepart descrito aqui >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart. Siga as instrucões cuidadosamente para removê-lo.
  12. I visited your region at the coordinates you gave. The invisible chat extender wasn't there, but I got its chat messages, so I teleported to the location it was reporting at that time. Found it! After a few minutes, it moved itself to a new location and sent out a new message. You may have more than one of these, or possibly you have a parent object that is rezzing them periodically. The behavior seems to be similar to, although less extreme than, the ExDepart griefing object. See this link for more about that: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
  13. No, a scripted object has been sending those messages. It may have been something that a griefer created deliberately to spoof you, but it is just as likely something that you simply passed on without knowing it. Take a good look at this description of the ExDepart "virus" >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart . It's not a virus in the sense that we usually talk about computer viruses, but it is a nasty griefer device that is hard to get rid of.
  14. Oh, I agree that it's not the original ExDepart, but I've seen a couple of lookalikes that riff on the theme. As a scripter, I am confident that I could write something nasty like myself that if I went over to the dark side. You and Whirly may well be right, though, so the advice to submit a note to the Fraud Hotline is smart. It certainly can't hurt. The OP's friend should know that Linden Lab will respond by freezing her account while they investigate, so she won't have access either.
  15. Take a look at https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/exdepart , which describes the spoofing exploit that I was referring to earlier. I haven't had to deal with it for a while myself, but it is a remarkably persistent griefer device in SL. I have seen two or three different versions of the script, which does very much the sort of thing that your friend is dealing with.
  16. yes, i had it too on my sims, the ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012 was given to many residents. It multiply itself on 4000 meter hight with ID's and take the sim performance down. The only way to get rid of it is in estate owner/manager remove all the ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012 in the script list, then remove in the script list all ID's on 4000 meter. With an older viewer (Phoenix for ex.) you can sort on the Z position, then its easier to remove the ID's on 4000 meter. When the sim has renters, they all must be warn never accept ..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012, if they had, they need to remove from inventory and trash/lost&found
  17. It works similarly to the old network worm "ILOVEYOU". That is, using the curiosity of people to spread. In a crowded place, like a sandbox, when someone rezz one of those objects in a few minutes can be 10 or 20 or more. For those living on private islands, probably not a problem. But those who frequent sandboxes or own sandboxes is a very big problem. By the way, I publish this script. This is a modification of my anticage script. Must be put at 4000 m altitude and ban the owners of "ExDepart" objects for 6 hours. Enough time to know not to accept and rez that object. But it would be ideal if Linden Labs will ban that object float TIME = 10.0;float RADIUS = 96.0;float HOURS_BAN_TIME = 6.00; string CAGE_NAME = "..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012";// List of creator of cages. I prefer no make one list of avatar UUID. Instead i use MD5.list lCreatorsMD5Key = [ "89adb4af5c4b79a155ac2fce78b35bc6" ]; key g_kOwner; // Store the owner key due the object can be deeded to land group.// Like llOverMyLand(), but it work if land is not mine. Needed when testing.integer CheckIfSameParcel(vector vPos) { key kHere = llList2Key(llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [ PARCEL_DETAILS_ID ]), 0); key kWhere = llList2Key(llGetParcelDetails(vPos, [ PARCEL_DETAILS_ID ]), 0); return (kHere == kWhere); } // CheckIfSameParcelBanIfHere(key kOwnerCages) { if (llOverMyLand(kOwnerCages) == TRUE) { string sName = llKey2Name(kOwnerCages); llInstantMessage(kOwnerCages, "Sorry Mr " + sName + ". You rezzed an object named '..::ExDepart::.. Gift Package 2012'. That object is a anoyning spammer. Plase, remove from your inventory that object.."); llTeleportAgentHome(kOwnerCages); llAddToLandBanList(kOwnerCages, HOURS_BAN_TIME); llInstantMessage(g_kOwner, sName + " (" + (string) kOwnerCages + ") has been sent to its house , due to spam activity."); //llShout(0, sName + " has been sent to its house , due to spam activity."); } // if } // BanIfHeredefault { state_entry() { g_kOwner = llGetOwner(); llSensorRepeat(CAGE_NAME, NULL_KEY, PASSIVE | ACTIVE, RADIUS, PI, TIME); } // state_entry on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } // on_rez sensor(integer total_number) { integer iCont; for (iCont = 0; iCont < total_number; iCont++) { string sObjeto = llDetectedName(iCont); key id = llDetectedKey(iCont); if (CheckIfSameParcel(llDetectedPos(iCont)) == TRUE) { list lDetails = llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]); key kObjectCreator = llList2Key(lDetails, 0); integer iCreatorCount; integer iLength = llGetListLength(lCreatorsMD5Key); for (iCreatorCount = 0; iCreatorCount < iLength; iCreatorCount++) { key kCreator = llList2Key(lCreatorsMD5Key, iCreatorCount); if (kCreator == llMD5String((string) kObjectCreator, 0)) { BanIfHere(llGetOwnerKey(id)); iCreatorCount = iLength; } // if } // for } // if } // for } // sensor no_sensor() { } // no_sensor } // default
  18. It does sound as if you have something attached to you. If it's that simple, just open your inventory and typr (WORN -- without the right parenthesis -- to see a full list of things that you are wearing. Then start taking them off, one at a time, until you find it. It may not be that easy, though. You might have picked up some version of the nasty ExDepart griefer device. If so, it can be hardto get rid of. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
  19. Chic and Nalates are right. However, if you wish, and if the object is transferable, you can get in touch with me in world and I'll check it out for you. And I will not blame you if it blows up in my face. If you want to examine it yourself, one of the safest ways is to create another account, an "alt". Then transfer the suspect item to her. Logged in as your alt, go to a public sandbox, rez the object, and see what happens. If it asks for permission to take money from you, click DENY. Abuse report the person who gave it to you, then delete the item. If it sends you a link, don't click it. Abuse report the giver and delete the item. If it vanishes and then you start seeing messages from it, offering everyone in the region "free stuff", don't accept the free stuff. See this link for instructions on how to find and delete the object. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart Once you've deleted it, Abuse report the giver. You might consider sitting on it. Before you do, get the Firestorm viewer (if you are not using it now). Then, in Preferences>Firestorm>Protection, change the "revoke permissions" setting to "revoke on sit and stand". Better yet, don't sit on suspect objects. (They can permanently take the permission to animate your avatar. Then, the perpetrator can make you do embarrassing animations any time both of you are in the same region.) If you sit on it or wear it and it deforms you into a bizarre shape, simply delete it, and relog to correct the problem. If it is a wearable item, check it for scripts that listen to and relay nearby chat, or your location, to the person who gave it to you. If the script(s) in the item are modifiable, they can be inspected. If you can't view them, best to simply delete the suspect object. I teach an Avatar Safety class on Sundays at 10 am SL Time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. It's free to attend, and we cover these and many other Second Life hazards.
  20. WOW, that is an old griefing object that got cleaned up last January. It was a griefing prim that was a pain to get rid of if you did not know how. Here are two links that describe what it did. It did not steal your password, infect your computer, etc as others have explained. It was just a HUGE nuisance. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/l4l-gestures-walkers-freebies-3-griefing-object/ ETA: If you want to know even more do a Forum search for "exdepart." There were a lot of threads about it. I do guess I have to add that I hope this object has not been revived.
  21. Uh-oh. If that's what I think it is, it's been a while since I saw one. They are really hard to get rid of. Meanwhile, they are a super annoyance for you and everyone else. Read http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
  22. jewelsjagged wrote: [ ...] Also, have just found out from other groups that this link was posted in several of my groups, in group chat. I have been evicted from two groups that I am aware of at this time. What is going on?? It all happened last night, when I was not online, and I am absolutely positive that I did not click on any links that I wasn't aware of... I am VERY careful about that!! Here's one possibility. The ExDepart "virus" has been around in several variations for over a year now. Some of the "gifts" that turn out to have ExDepart in them are very subtle. They can look like a present from a friend or like a customer-appreciation gift from a merchant, or a redelivery of something that you got on Marketplace. I'm not saying that this is precisely the one that got you, but just that some of these scams are clever enough to catch even us "smart" people.
  23. Sounds like the ExDepart-virus. The Firestorm-Team has published a solution here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
  24. GoonSquad is the latest version of the ExDepart griefer object, which spawns itself and spoofs other SL residents. It it hard to get rid of once you have make the mistake of picking it up, but it can be done. Here's how >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
  25. Have you been dealing with the ExDepart griefer device, perhaps? Read here >>>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/exdepart
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