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Echelon Alcott

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Everything posted by Echelon Alcott

  1. I've used this one in the past. I'm satisfied with it, and the price is good. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnimAlive-BENTO-HANDS-animator-for-AO-dance-or-furniture-just-wear-UNISEX-ANIMATIONS-not-poses/13378769 Marat is currently not using an AO at all. So I'd recommend getting a full bento AO from either Vista or Body Language, which will fix the issue with the hands as well.
  2. Hey Marat, it was nice chatting with you today inworld. As I mentioned in our conversation, you might want to take a look at this tutorial [link] on how to setup your mesh head and body, and this tutorial [link] on how to use BOM. If you'd like to confirm that your body and head are BOM activated, take a look here [link]; scroll down to the Lelutka Evolution and Belleza sections. Once you get the basics working, then we can move onto customizing your eyes, tattoo, body hair, hair base and so on. I also noticed that you have the starfish hands, so we'll need to look into a good bento AO for you. Hope this helps!
  3. Skell has a tutorial on how to put together male avatars on a budget here: https://virtualbloke.com/archives/3931 Hope this helps!
  4. Also from FabFree, there is a page that lists free mesh bodies and heads here: https://fabfree.wordpress.com/the-fabfree-mesh-body-and-head-listing/ Scroll down to the sections "Male Mesh Bodies" and "Male Mesh Heads".
  5. Thank you all in this thread! With your input - and @Rolig Loon and @Quistess Alphainputs from this thread [link] - I successfully wrote a script that unsits avatars from vehicles if they start griefing.
  6. Let's say that I have prim A with a script in it, and prim B with an avatar sitting on it. Let's say that in prim A, the script knows the UUID of prim B. How can the script in prim A get the id of avatar sitting on prim B? In the script in prim A, I was able to use llGetObjectDetails and get the sit count of prim B using OBJECT_SIT_COUNT, but I can't figure out how to get the id of the avatar sitting on prim B. Thanks for your assistance.
  7. Thanks, Mollymews. Unfortunately the rezzer is no mod.
  8. How do we tell if an avatar is driving a vehicle? I tried using llGetAgentInfo but it is not working. I thought that AGENT_ON_OBJECT would indicate that the avatar is on a vehicle. Should I use a different function? If so, which one? When I'm not on a vehicle, llGetAgentInfo in the script below correctly indicates that I have attachments, I'm scripted and I'm walking (as an example). [14:16] Object: The agent: has attachments | scripted | walking | However, when I'm on a vehicle (a quad bike), llGetAgentInfo in the script below does not return anything. What am I doing wrong? [14:18] Object: The agent: Here is the script - which I dropped on a prim - that I'm using to figure out how to detect if an avatar is driving a vehicle: default { state_entry() { llVolumeDetect(TRUE); } collision_start(integer number) { llSay(0, "Detected!"); llSay(0, (string)number); llSay(0, "Key of avatar colliding: " + (string) llDetectedKey(0) ); integer agentInfo = llGetAgentInfo(llDetectedKey(0)); string out = "The agent: "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN) out += "running | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_ATTACHMENTS) out += "has attachments | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_AWAY) out += "away | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_BUSY) out += "busy | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_CROUCHING) out += "crouching | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_FLYING) out += "flying | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_IN_AIR) out += "in air | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_MOUSELOOK) out += "mouselook | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_SCRIPTED) out += "scripted | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_SITTING) out += "sitting | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_TYPING) out += "typing | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_WALKING) out += "walking | "; if(agentInfo & AGENT_ON_OBJECT) out += "on object "; out += "\n"; llSay(0, out); } }
  9. Just wear socks and sandals. I hear it is very fashionable.
  10. I would have exited the survey when they asked for income. That is none of anybody's business. What were the other eye roll questions?
  11. If you are using BOM, wear an alpha layer to hide the feet. Alternatively, if not BOM activated, use the HUD to hide the feet. In my outfits, I usually include the alpha layers to hide the body where needed.
  12. For mesh white socks, I like Semller. They have the option of wearing only the top part or the full socks; the length is configurable as well. Hope this helps.
  13. When I was trying to understand body physics, I found this video helpful:
  14. In addition to the full range of estate tools, as mentioned by Alwin, IMO private regions offer better performance (less lag) compared to mainland regions.
  15. I would suggest people to get this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMT-Pose-Stand/1265232
  16. This is where I would start: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=&search[sort]=sales_rank_asc&search[per_page]=96&search[keywords]=&search[price_low]=0&search[price_high]=10&search[land_impact_low]=&search[land_impact_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0&search[limited_quantities]=0&search[limited_quantities]=1&search[is_demo]=0&search[is_demo]=1 So much stuff for girls.
  17. There are 4 stores in the sim. CA Homme, Chic Femme, Azalea and Caligula. Azalea is a furniture store, while the other three sell clothing. Caligula does not offer demos. CA Homme and Chich Femme do offer demos. Mystery solved.
  18. It is interesting how we are getting different results at this store, Rowan. When I click on the demo button on the vendors, I receive the message indicating that no demo is available. https://gyazo.com/b48ac9b642758172c02481e70865b0a8 When I click on the vendor, I do not get an option for demo in the menu. https://gyazo.com/6693a63b43c6986886f71581654a1336
  19. I'm familiar with growables/harvestable and farms causing lag. I've not heard of "objects working off of http". Could someone be kind enough to shed some light into what this is?
  20. I agree with your balanced assessment, Orion. I also share the view to re-evaluate recommending Kario once there is proper clothing support for this new body. In past threads in this forum, a lot of hate has been thrown at Kario, which I personally find excessively harsh. But some people have very strong opinions.
  21. If I understand the suggestion correctly, llSensorRepeat should be used, which will create a sensor event. Did I get that right? In the sensor event, use the same logic as I mentioned in my original post in the collision_start event. What is an acceptable rate to use with llSensorRepeat, which will not severely impact region performance? For instance, is 1.0 second rate acceptable, or will it cause too much lag? In my original plan, I was envisioning using the llVolumeDetect script in 4 prims (or 1 square prim hollowed out), which would form a virtual wall around all the structures I want to protect. I'm not planning on dropping the script into every object in my build. How would my envisioned llVolumeDetect approach compare to the llSensorRepeat one? For my intended purpose, sensing every 10 or 15 seconds would not be acceptable, especially when I expect llVolumeDetect to instantaneously register the collision_start event. No problems concerning land ownership.
  22. OMG... you kidding, right? "Hey, you creeps, stop looking at my public profile!!! YOU, why did you view my profile?!!!!" lol
  23. I enjoy putting vehicle rezzers in my builds (e.g., quad rezzer in a desert build or jetski rezzer in a tropical island build). The problem is that there are always people who abuse the vehicles and drive them all over the builds (e.g., quad vehicle into structures or jetski all over the islands). In order to address this issue, I was thinking about creating an invisible prim with a script that would unsit avatars from vehicles if a collision is detected. Vehicles are no mod, so the script has to be in the invisible prim. Is this possible? If so, how should this script be written? I have not looked into LSL for over 12-13 years, and was never proficient anyways, so please be gentle with me. If I understand llVolumeDetect correctly, if I set a prim to llVolumeDetect(TRUE), the prim will behave as if it was phantom and an avatar passing through this prim will trigger collision_start and collision_end events. Using collision_start event, it is my understanding that we can use llGetAgentInfo to make sure that the avatar is sitting on an object (i.e., the vehicle) and llDetectedKey will return the UUID of the avatar that triggered the event passing through the prim. llUnSit takes a user id as input - which I assume is the UUID returned from llDetectedKey above - and works if the avatar is over land owned by the scripted object's group the owner has land rights for (paraphrasing from the LSL wiki). Now, how do I glue this together? Am I missing something? Would the community be able to help me put this together? Hope it is something very easy and simple for all the smart knowledgeable people here.
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