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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Exactly. And don't jump to conclusions like homophobia, or any conclusions really. Because we all our are entitled to our own sexual preferences, LGTBQ or not as human beings. Unless they're being outright homophobic. In which case, have at it.
  2. I've never assumed that a gay man was misogynistic if he wasn't attracted to me sexually. Cause you know, that's absurd. So when I hear accusations of homophobia in relation to sexual oreference, it seems just as absurd to me.
  3. Did you ever consider this is simply a matter sexual preference? If so, I'm curious to know why you didn't. It always makes me wonder why when I see someone trying to villainize anyone for this.
  4. Do you not see the "It could be that or outright homophobia " part? Katherine then goes on to judge people using sl as a dating app. They can use it anyway they want to. It's completely up to them.
  5. Accusing anyone of transphobia simply because of their natural human sexual preferences is so wrong on so many levels. I can't believe I have to point that out.
  6. Luna what does this mean to you: "Before I stated clearly in my profile as Kat I am male in RL, I'd get almost a daily ask from a guy to voice verify that I was a woman. It could be outright homophobia" It means Katherine is suggesting that anyone who wants to only interact, maybe in a sexual way, with someone of the opposite sex is homophobic. Is what it means. When you start policing people's human right to be attracted to whoever they are attracted to is where I draw the line and call anyone who does this completely selfish and entitled.
  7. Probably was a response to this nonsense. Once bitten twice shy is absolutely the correct answer. Not homophobia.
  8. No it's not the same at all because having a sexual preference is not homophobic or transphobic. And it's not violence and any of the other garbage hurled at people to make them feel guilty.
  9. I talk to people on voice regularly in sl but if I'm feeling low energy, i type. That has annoyed a tiny fraction of people I've had interactions with in sl. And frankly, I don't care.
  10. I'm not throwing that statement out there as indisputable fact. Your experience might be very different depending on where you go in sl, who you chose to hang out with etc. I don't roleplay in sl, and I've met a lot of people like me who are just themselves with an avatar to walk around in. I'm 100% sure we do sl very differently.
  11. People who don't want to disclose their rl sex hate hearing this but there are way more than 1% using sl as a rl dating app. Then they get angry about being asked to voice or on discord. Why get angry? Just realize that this isn't the relationship for you, and move on. Everyone does sl differently, be respectful of people's choices. If you're uncomfortable sharing your rl sex fine, say so and move on. But don't deliberately hide it and catfish people. Obviously that's completely disrespectful and selfish.
  12. I love my clutter: https://gyazo.com/7125c46440df93fb6886b752879ab3f3
  13. SL should be treated like any other form of entertainment, in moderation. I think it's amazing that you're doing this for your health and happiness and I'm sure it will be a very good move for you! All the best! 🙂
  14. I'm sure it was based on some sort of proof and ID. I think it ended because it took up resources and because they couldn't be bothered anymore. They had a few dedicated lindens there watching them. (Blue Linden was one of them i think). And when you turned 18 you'd "graduate" to the main grid. LL was more involved in the sl community back then.
  15. I'm sure it was a lot messier than we know, and continues to be. There's no way to know who's a minor in sl and I bet they're exposed to allll kinds of adult content. Ultimately it's up to parents to police kids online though and hopefully most parents know SL is def not a place for kids.
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