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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Breakfast and dinner, with a salad and veggies for lunch to balance out the carb load.
  2. Thanks for the credits! I don’t think I’ve ever been to the Amiable store. Yay for a new shopping opportunity!
  3. Loving everything about these... the lighting, the setting, the outfit, the pumpkins. Were you using Black Dragon?
  4. Loving the new group gift from Truth. The new textures and the built in hair bases are making me love Truth again.
  5. Today I’m watching my very exciting work computer screen and this forum. My nighttime binge watch with the other half has been Yellowstone, and my alone time guilty pleasure binge watch has been all the old episodes of Ghost Hunters. Oh and thanks for reminding me Lindal that we have been watching a lot of stand-up, too. John Mulaney is my current fave. So so funny. And Drunk History!
  6. This was taken at Rainy Alley. If you’ve never been you should check it out. It’s literally a single alley with rain effects, but it’s so well done. And it has rez rights with 60 minute auto return for props/lights. I’m already envisioning something with stray cats. 😁
  7. I have total RBF in this pic, but I swear I'm nice!
  8. You are adorable in this pic! I love the outfit.
  9. I have 30k-ish items. I didn’t log in between 2011 and 2018, so I’m sure that’s why it’s so low. 😂 I am not keeping things specifically for BOM, but I do still have most of my system skins. I haven’t tried BoM yet and I have no idea if those skins will work well on my various bento heads, so I do need to experiment. I seem to be one of the few “old timers” (ha!) who doesn’t wax poetic about flexi things. I trashed all flexi hair and clothing with nary a second thought.
  10. Aww better luck next time. Thanks for the photo spot tip, though!
  11. @KiriLife Happy Belated Rez Day! 🥳 And happy Friday forumites!!
  12. Session has some appliers with heavier freckles. This is for Genus, but I’m sure they have similar for Catwa.
  13. These are great... I am especially loving the pose in the middle one. Did Mr./Ms. Right ever show? 😋
  14. Live music events can be very social if that’s your goal. Lots of chatting in local, and not much of the spammy stuff that lots of clubs have. I personally spend my time at live music events, exploring new sims and taking pics. And shopping. This website is my favorite for discovering new locations to explore: https://www.scoop.it/topic/second-life-destinations
  15. Eva Knoller

    Any Idea?

    I’m late to the game, but that looks exactly like my LAQ LuLu head. Glad you found something you love!
  16. But seriously though, if it’s giving those messages when no one is around then are we to believe the “rendered by” part of the message is ever accurate? Seems completely useless if not. Actually, it’s not that useful even if accurate.
  17. That’s really odd. I will have to pay more attention to it now.
  18. I think this second message happens when the person who had you jellydolled leaves the area, not because you changed anything. **My autocorrect wants to change jellydolled to jellydoll education real bad. 😆 To answer the question, I do try to keep my complexity under 100k and am usually able to come in under 40k including jewelry, hair and accessories like drinks or purses.
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