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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Kind understudy does zany undertakings. UNITE
  2. Queen usurps illegitimate child king. CHILD
  3. Yikes. Skell, you are an SL National Treasure. I bet other people reading this will find your answer helpful, at least. It’s not all in vain!
  4. Oops! Again! She took other cake, Kevin. EATIT
  5. I don’t want to alarm you, but I think someone was hiding behind the curtains. 😃
  6. Lions obviously ostracize silly elephants. WILDS
  7. Most undead members maintain youth. VAMPS
  8. Good point, Ren. A brand new person might not get the SL social norms of the friend request , and wonder why no one wants to be a friend. I kind of liken it to when my 9yo plays Roblox. He gets dozens of random friend requests, which his “mean” mom makes him decline due to stranger danger. Someone more familiar with that style of friending (hopefully adults and not 9 year olds) might find the cold shoulders off putting. I do try to explain to brand new players why I’m declining.
  9. This Halloween, avoid naughty kangaroos. WORST
  10. Torrential rain always increases naps. TIRED
  11. Vegetables encourage gas and nutrition. KALES
  12. Can ugly leotards trigger impotence? PARTS
  13. LOVE! Are you setting the place on fire? Reminds me that I’m due for a reread of Jane Eyre.
  14. Yuri unluckily cracked Kelly’s yearbook. SPOOF
  15. Ooh ooh! I heard this just the other day, and the shoes did in fact include bling. I imagined that it was a person who just logged in for the first time since 2009, and was wandering around in mesh-induced confusion. I used to rock those blingy clicky shoes, so I was feeling very nostalgic.
  16. Yes to the face lights from ‘07 that can still be found in use! Sometimes I forget to turn off attached lights after taking a picture, and I am always amazed at how bright some of those old ones are. I notice the area getting brighter and brighter and wonder what is happening. Oh, it’s just a face light coming my way! So this next one isn’t exactly a peeve, but more of a head scratcher. Have some people with human avatars never looked at themselves in a mirror? Why are some arms so short that the fingertips barely brush their hip bone? I try not to judge people’s avatar choices, but so many avatars would look better with a realistic arm length.
  17. This thread is giving me major fremdschamen.
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