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Henri Beauchamp

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Everything posted by Henri Beauchamp

  1. Sadly, it is held in voice, which is a no-no for a non-English *speaker*. Went there, did not understand a third of it all, so... No time to waste, sorry. šŸ™„
  2. Face wrinkles did exist in SL (and still exist in OpenSim), as a ā€visual parameterā€ (UI slider) of the legacy avatar head... You may still use that slider in OpenSim with the Cool VL Viewer. Server Side Baking (SSB) never implemented that visual parameter and therefore broke it in SL... As an aging man, I suppose I could end up protesting to have it back ! šŸ‘“ On the other hand, my avatar does not age in SL.
  3. I do not see any viable solution for so little money, sadly... The ā€run FS comfortably on ultra or as close as possibleā€ goal would require a graphics card that would cost you half of your budget already (a GTX 1660 at the minium, i.e. 250 to 300 bucks or so), and that's not counting the CPU, the motherboard, the RAM (to run VMs comfortably, you will want 32 GB), the SSD, etc... At this low price, you can have, at best a NUC with a Zen3 APU, so you can forget about ALM+shadows at decent frame rates...
  4. This is one of the things I have changed already together with the allowed max value: It was called that way merely for an historical reason, since during the first years of SL, everything was indeed transiting via UDP ! I try to keep my tool tips as informative as possible, and they are indeed worth a full documentation (some are very detailed and quite long)... LOL ! A total non-sense... šŸ¤£
  5. I did consider removing entirely the bandwidth setting from the Preferences floater, but it still may make sense for people with very limited Internet link... This said, the default settings should be good for most people (and it is how I setup the defaults in the Cool VL Viewer, so that you do not have to fiddle with obscure settings in order to get good results).
  6. It depends on the viewer. Mine allows more (and does implement corresponding preset in LLViewerThrottleGroup, even though extrapolation ensues anyway, above the upper preset). I just raised the limit to 32 Mbps (and the default to 8 Mbps) for next release.
  7. I think this has been largely addressed in the ā€performance viewerā€ code changes (there are way less bounding boxes recalculations for rigged meshes when ā€pickingā€ them)... I certainly do not see any FPS drop change, here (with the Cool VL Viewer) when I enable the ā€Pick rigged meshesā€ option. I am curious about those changes too...
  8. This is a different mechanism. The switch method you cite is from the legacy (primitives count based) accounting to the Land Impact (LI) accounting (and it can as well be achieved by setting the prim as ā€convex hullā€ instead of ā€primitiveā€, or adding a material to one of its faces, or changing the Alpha method of a textured face for alpha masking, for example): be careful however, for with some old builds with tortured prims, this could cause the LI of the whole link-set to skyrocket and the object to get returned because of a parcel prim allocation overshoot (so better doing this in a sandbox sim). Suddenly recalculating the LI of all existing objects would be both intricate (only rezzed objects could be recalculated, not the ones in the inventory database) and cause spurious auto-returns that would ruin entire region builds. Switching to a second LI calculation based on a manual action by a mod-ok permission holding user, while doable, would also be tricky as it would require a new flag to be set on each primitive (also meaning issues with compatibility for old viewers build tools), and I do not see why a user or creator would voluntarily degrade the LI of their builds, if the old LI system gives them a better ā€valueā€... However, it looks to me like LL already modified the LI calculation for newly uploaded meshes (i.e. the LI calculated at upload time for any given mesh object): I think that the lowest LOD needs to be much simpler, now, or the LI quickly increases... A Linden reading this could perhaps confirm it or not.
  9. The bandwidth setting in the viewer parameters is only impacting sim server with viewer UDP communications and is negotiated, with a throttling mechanism: the throttling is imposed by the server, meaning that unlike what an SL (and OpenSim) urban legend pretends, there is strictly no negative impact on using the highest setting: I always have mine set to the maximum (which got raised from 512 Kbps in the past to 10 Mbps nowadays), and this ever since I created my own viewer, back in 2007. It shall be noted that today's servers bandwidth is like two orders of magnitude (or perhaps even three, i.e. 100 to 1000 times) what it used to be when that throttling mechanism was designed to avoid network congestion, back in 2002 or 2003... This is to a point that the throttling is never seen happening any more, even with the max bandwidth setting. Also, while in the past the textures were served by the sim servers via UDP, they are nowadays served by separate (and now CDN) servers via HTTP, which bandwidth is in no way limited by any setting in the viewer. This is also the case for assets data (meshes, sounds, animations, inventory assets, etc). Only the objects data (creation, removal, type, position, rotation, parenting, colors, material and texture UUIDs, mesh or sculpty UUIDs, etc), world data (parcels, etc), various triggers (notifications, sounds start/stop, animations start/stop, environment changes, etc), chat and IMs, groups data (members list, etc) and other small amounts of sundry data are still transmitted via UDP (and here you still want the highest bandwidth setting, especially to retrieve objects data the quickest possible on rezzing). Like Jenna wrote, the streaming media are NOT impacted either by this UDP bandwidth setting, and in fact they are not even communications between the viewer and SL servers, but between the viewer and whatever third party serving that media (only the URL of the media is stored on SL servers and transmitted by them to the viewer).
  10. You are totally mistaken... In France, we barely saw a 4% increase or so for electricity, so far, and the gas price remained stable; as for the gasoline, there are ups and downs, but we are currently around the same level of price as last year. The government simply froze the energy prices and is kind of ā€discountingā€ taxes on gasoline. Today, I pay less than 20 cents a kW.h for electricity... Of course, things might change in 2023, when the current governmental measures will be progressively ā€extinguishedā€...
  11. $ ping chat.aditi.lindenlab.com ping: unknown host chat.aditi.lindenlab.com $ nslookup chat.aditi.lindenlab.com Non-authoritative answer: *** Can't find chat.aditi.lindenlab.com: No answer Apparently not... Sorry for broadening the scope of your question... šŸ™„
  12. Speak for yourself: as an EU user, LL must comply to the GPDR regarding my communications, and as a French user, to the ā€Informatique et LibertĆ©ā€ law; private communications such as user to user IMs (NOT local (i.e. public) chat, neither group IMs), shall be protected and its privacy ensured; the only non deniable guarantee (*) for such an insurance is end to end encryption. As it is, anyway, IMs are 100% insecure in SL (because transmitted in plain text form): this is one of the (many) reasons why I never ā€speakā€ (more like write) about my RL in SL... (*) It does not mean there are not other forms of ā€guaranteesā€, but you just cannot 100% trust any of those, because you are not in control of them and cannot verify them either. E.g. can you trust the NSA for not spying on US citizens ?... There are US laws (i.e. ā€guaranteesā€) against such a thing, but it yet did happen (and is most likely still happening today).
  13. Is there any ? I, for one, would prefer an end to end encryption option for IMs in SL: I am not particularly happy with the fact that the IMs text is transmitted in non-encrypted form via UDP packets over the network, and not too happy either with the fact that private conversations can (or at least could) be logged and/or eavesdropped by LL...
  14. Seeing them just fine (I tried many view angles, after TPs, after relog, zoomed in from afar, etc). Here, just after a relog in each place: They are meshes, however, so maybe their geometry does not play well with your renderer (the SL viewer uses a mesh optimization step after the mesh object download and before using the optimized result for rendering). I got quite a few warnings, and (almost (*) )only about ā€missingā€ textures (although not seen missing on my screen), maybe you can compare with yours: 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 2f2fbcd1-7252-9d1c-a1b1-29ce8b69162d CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 2f2fbcd1-7252-9d1c-a1b1-29ce8b69162d: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 2f2fbcd1-7252-9d1c-a1b1-29ce8b69162d, setting as missing. decode_priority = 4.70114e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 2f2fbcd1-7252-9d1c-a1b1-29ce8b69162d: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 0bbd5dd6-59de-eda0-0c5c-9320d248da45 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 0bbd5dd6-59de-eda0-0c5c-9320d248da45: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 3370edc7-e679-3073-cd2e-8f1daa2b2480 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 3370edc7-e679-3073-cd2e-8f1daa2b2480: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 3903b455-3680-fe2e-dd54-f0e3a7916d12 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 3903b455-3680-fe2e-dd54-f0e3a7916d12: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 0bbd5dd6-59de-eda0-0c5c-9320d248da45, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 0bbd5dd6-59de-eda0-0c5c-9320d248da45: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 316cba93-86d2-d373-eed4-cf885e200697 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 316cba93-86d2-d373-eed4-cf885e200697: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 316cba93-86d2-d373-eed4-cf885e200697, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.94002e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 316cba93-86d2-d373-eed4-cf885e200697: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 3370edc7-e679-3073-cd2e-8f1daa2b2480, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.20001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 3370edc7-e679-3073-cd2e-8f1daa2b2480: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 3903b455-3680-fe2e-dd54-f0e3a7916d12, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.94106e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:09Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 3903b455-3680-fe2e-dd54-f0e3a7916d12: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:10Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: a32445d8-2a25-c8d5-5bd6-3c5fa18efaa8 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:10Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture a32445d8-2a25-c8d5-5bd6-3c5fa18efaa8: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:10Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image a32445d8-2a25-c8d5-5bd6-3c5fa18efaa8, setting as missing. decode_priority = 4.70103e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:10Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: a32445d8-2a25-c8d5-5bd6-3c5fa18efaa8: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: b4371fa1-c6f4-ba63-0649-23c4037b7b5e CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture b4371fa1-c6f4-ba63-0649-23c4037b7b5e: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: a0843b7d-d1d3-d155-9269-cfdc3329f248 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture a0843b7d-d1d3-d155-9269-cfdc3329f248: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: c406cd00-07cc-0f45-78f3-9761d6cbc5c9 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture c406cd00-07cc-0f45-78f3-9761d6cbc5c9: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: cb61b9ad-fcd5-26ee-f4f0-5f88975193e0 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture cb61b9ad-fcd5-26ee-f4f0-5f88975193e0: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image b4371fa1-c6f4-ba63-0649-23c4037b7b5e, setting as missing. decode_priority = 4.70112e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: b4371fa1-c6f4-ba63-0649-23c4037b7b5e: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image a0843b7d-d1d3-d155-9269-cfdc3329f248, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.78001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: a0843b7d-d1d3-d155-9269-cfdc3329f248: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image c406cd00-07cc-0f45-78f3-9761d6cbc5c9, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.20101e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: c406cd00-07cc-0f45-78f3-9761d6cbc5c9: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image cb61b9ad-fcd5-26ee-f4f0-5f88975193e0, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30003e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: cb61b9ad-fcd5-26ee-f4f0-5f88975193e0: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: f2e106f0-e08c-4fb5-d743-22bbda2a95f7 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture f2e106f0-e08c-4fb5-d743-22bbda2a95f7: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 293ba958-16bb-82e9-c971-eb8fb06e231d CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 293ba958-16bb-82e9-c971-eb8fb06e231d: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image f2e106f0-e08c-4fb5-d743-22bbda2a95f7, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30109e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: f2e106f0-e08c-4fb5-d743-22bbda2a95f7: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 293ba958-16bb-82e9-c971-eb8fb06e231d, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30013e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:12Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 293ba958-16bb-82e9-c971-eb8fb06e231d: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:13Z WARNING: LLVolume::generate: ONCE: Path with non-finite points. Resetting offset to 0. 2022-09-03 23:26:14Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: bf488d08-8ded-bf58-4202-0a77b29af4f7 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:14Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture bf488d08-8ded-bf58-4202-0a77b29af4f7: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:14Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image bf488d08-8ded-bf58-4202-0a77b29af4f7, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30004e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:14Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: bf488d08-8ded-bf58-4202-0a77b29af4f7: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 70b1e15b-86f8-a0d8-4dee-cdb8b8231137 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 70b1e15b-86f8-a0d8-4dee-cdb8b8231137: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 7d807171-64bc-c947-f41e-ab67139d8065 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 7d807171-64bc-c947-f41e-ab67139d8065: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 70b1e15b-86f8-a0d8-4dee-cdb8b8231137, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30102e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 70b1e15b-86f8-a0d8-4dee-cdb8b8231137: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 7d807171-64bc-c947-f41e-ab67139d8065, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:26:16Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 7d807171-64bc-c947-f41e-ab67139d8065: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:18Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 02db1014-6fbb-5cd0-dd3b-21f257d7f976 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:18Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 02db1014-6fbb-5cd0-dd3b-21f257d7f976: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:18Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 02db1014-6fbb-5cd0-dd3b-21f257d7f976, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:18Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 02db1014-6fbb-5cd0-dd3b-21f257d7f976: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:34Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: afd42dad-651c-fe93-ec11-6c280be914d1 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:34Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture afd42dad-651c-fe93-ec11-6c280be914d1: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image afd42dad-651c-fe93-ec11-6c280be914d1, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30105e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: afd42dad-651c-fe93-ec11-6c280be914d1: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: b9777264-1aca-e299-02a1-80fb71c88286 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture b9777264-1aca-e299-02a1-80fb71c88286: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image b9777264-1aca-e299-02a1-80fb71c88286, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30106e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:35Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: b9777264-1aca-e299-02a1-80fb71c88286: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 043e6822-90b1-ae8f-6deb-3aafe3d56e6d CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 043e6822-90b1-ae8f-6deb-3aafe3d56e6d: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 0a31f817-0e5a-b555-5d34-caa35d7bbacd CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 0a31f817-0e5a-b555-5d34-caa35d7bbacd: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 15510a9c-0f3d-2969-d7a9-4d7faa9fd4a0 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:38Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 15510a9c-0f3d-2969-d7a9-4d7faa9fd4a0: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 043e6822-90b1-ae8f-6deb-3aafe3d56e6d, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30002e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 043e6822-90b1-ae8f-6deb-3aafe3d56e6d: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 0a31f817-0e5a-b555-5d34-caa35d7bbacd, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30105e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 0a31f817-0e5a-b555-5d34-caa35d7bbacd: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 15510a9c-0f3d-2969-d7a9-4d7faa9fd4a0, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:39Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 15510a9c-0f3d-2969-d7a9-4d7faa9fd4a0: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:40Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 39ead52a-fc9a-7deb-381b-593878831e86 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:40Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 39ead52a-fc9a-7deb-381b-593878831e86: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:40Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 42fc6824-62bc-c90e-92df-549043eec7cf CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:40Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 42fc6824-62bc-c90e-92df-549043eec7cf: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 39ead52a-fc9a-7deb-381b-593878831e86, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30101e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 39ead52a-fc9a-7deb-381b-593878831e86: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 42fc6824-62bc-c90e-92df-549043eec7cf, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30106e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 42fc6824-62bc-c90e-92df-549043eec7cf: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 5776983b-cb3f-00bd-cfd6-99b3b970f82f CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 5776983b-cb3f-00bd-cfd6-99b3b970f82f: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 5ca0fb1a-4531-e36e-c414-c360fe7f4b8d CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:41Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 5ca0fb1a-4531-e36e-c414-c360fe7f4b8d: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:42Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 64f90058-89c2-db65-6d70-4b3bdffa600f CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:42Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 64f90058-89c2-db65-6d70-4b3bdffa600f: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 5776983b-cb3f-00bd-cfd6-99b3b970f82f, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30003e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 5776983b-cb3f-00bd-cfd6-99b3b970f82f: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 5ca0fb1a-4531-e36e-c414-c360fe7f4b8d, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30102e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 5ca0fb1a-4531-e36e-c414-c360fe7f4b8d: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 64f90058-89c2-db65-6d70-4b3bdffa600f, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30102e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 64f90058-89c2-db65-6d70-4b3bdffa600f: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 85f541f5-bb32-3a35-9453-95558c8c4d7a CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:46Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 85f541f5-bb32-3a35-9453-95558c8c4d7a: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 98ad383e-5bdb-c523-03a0-6619e3c36bfa CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 98ad383e-5bdb-c523-03a0-6619e3c36bfa: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: b448f689-96aa-c707-9c71-d3c72ad92206 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture b448f689-96aa-c707-9c71-d3c72ad92206: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 85f541f5-bb32-3a35-9453-95558c8c4d7a, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.3011e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:47Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 85f541f5-bb32-3a35-9453-95558c8c4d7a: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 98ad383e-5bdb-c523-03a0-6619e3c36bfa, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30103e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 98ad383e-5bdb-c523-03a0-6619e3c36bfa: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image b448f689-96aa-c707-9c71-d3c72ad92206, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30004e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: b448f689-96aa-c707-9c71-d3c72ad92206: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: d731dbf0-1f39-9d83-d894-279315bea3be CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:48Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture d731dbf0-1f39-9d83-d894-279315bea3be: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:49Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image d731dbf0-1f39-9d83-d894-279315bea3be, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30003e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:49Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: d731dbf0-1f39-9d83-d894-279315bea3be: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:50Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: fddcb278-3dc1-3b4c-7002-93c26fc90f4c CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:50Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture fddcb278-3dc1-3b4c-7002-93c26fc90f4c: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:50Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image fddcb278-3dc1-3b4c-7002-93c26fc90f4c, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:50Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: fddcb278-3dc1-3b4c-7002-93c26fc90f4c: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:27:51Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 0dc2c4e7-0cea-8141-ff72-79c62098fca7 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:27:51Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 0dc2c4e7-0cea-8141-ff72-79c62098fca7: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:27:51Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 0dc2c4e7-0cea-8141-ff72-79c62098fca7, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:27:51Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 0dc2c4e7-0cea-8141-ff72-79c62098fca7: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:03Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 69f9f2c7-e84e-9a3e-a63e-b0b7058d97ce CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:03Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 69f9f2c7-e84e-9a3e-a63e-b0b7058d97ce: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:06Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 69f9f2c7-e84e-9a3e-a63e-b0b7058d97ce, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.20001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:06Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 69f9f2c7-e84e-9a3e-a63e-b0b7058d97ce: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:07Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 9c28f9d0-b8d2-b108-4b0c-9940499f88f1 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:07Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 9c28f9d0-b8d2-b108-4b0c-9940499f88f1: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:07Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 9c28f9d0-b8d2-b108-4b0c-9940499f88f1, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30013e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:07Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 9c28f9d0-b8d2-b108-4b0c-9940499f88f1: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:08Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: d07a09d1-012f-231c-62f0-818f9e95f5aa CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:08Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture d07a09d1-012f-231c-62f0-818f9e95f5aa: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:08Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image d07a09d1-012f-231c-62f0-818f9e95f5aa, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30102e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:08Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: d07a09d1-012f-231c-62f0-818f9e95f5aa: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: ea73cf62-deb5-07c0-002f-eb352bb3ee46 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:09Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture ea73cf62-deb5-07c0-002f-eb352bb3ee46: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:10Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image ea73cf62-deb5-07c0-002f-eb352bb3ee46, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30101e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:10Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: ea73cf62-deb5-07c0-002f-eb352bb3ee46: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 14ea03b2-5992-9834-9a3d-d433c9fed688 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 14ea03b2-5992-9834-9a3d-d433c9fed688: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 14ea03b2-5992-9834-9a3d-d433c9fed688, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30001e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 14ea03b2-5992-9834-9a3d-d433c9fed688: Marking image as missing 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted: Texture: 2ae0e6ba-b380-9b6a-6843-3e2fbfd6be93 CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 - reason: Not Found 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Texture 2ae0e6ba-b380-9b6a-6843-3e2fbfd6be93: failed harder 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::updateFetch: No data received for image 2ae0e6ba-b380-9b6a-6843-3e2fbfd6be93, setting as missing. decode_priority = 2.30102e+06 - mRawDiscardLevel = 32767 - current_discard = -1 2022-09-03 23:28:11Z WARNING: LLViewerTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 2ae0e6ba-b380-9b6a-6843-3e2fbfd6be93: Marking image as missing (*) This warning: LLVolume::generate: ONCE: Path with non-finite points. Resetting offset to 0. would betray a bogus object geometry...
  15. Do you have positions and UUIDs or names for these objects ? I could have a look at them... It looks like a server side bug in the interest list (it won't be the first): did you try to artificially change the avatar position and FOV (e.g. by alternating its position to the 4 sims corners and with a FOV still pointing to the sim center) ? Also, you could try and use the 360Ā° interest list mode, just in case... Have a look at the Cool VL Viewer code (it does not implement the 360Ā° snapshot feature but may be set to use that special interest list mode). The relevant code is in indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp (see LLViewerRegion::setInterestListMode() and the ā€Use360InterestListā€ debug variable usage). Perhaps a CDN issue... The Lindens in charge for the servers might have some more useful clues. But yes, I do see those pretty often too, in my logs (I setup my viewer so that it displays on exit in an Xdialog window all the warnings it logged during the session)... This said, the 404s in question do not ā€translateā€ into grey (missing) textures on my screen (or at least, I do not notice them: perhaps on too small or hidden objects ?)... I would personally be inclined to think they are server bugs... šŸ˜œ
  16. Totally insufficient for ā€Ultraā€ settings... You need a discrete NVIDIA GPU in your laptop (anything equal or above a GTX 1660 would do the job).
  17. I just checked and they indeed use the capability in indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp, short-circuiting the code they created in viewer/indra/newview/llavatarpropertiesprocessor.cpp (which is the code with the bug), which was obviously created to split the messaging protocol related code from the profile UI code (llpanel*.cpp files)... How weird and dirty !... Well, so they do use their new cap. At least in part...
  18. They do still use it... and in fact, due to the bug I explained in my former post here, LL's current viewer does not even use the new AgentProfile capability (i.e. the new API). Oh, and by the way, I just released the Cool VL Viewer v1.30.0.15, with (working) support for that new capability... So LL's QA team will at least be able to test the server-side part of that new API, at least... šŸ¤£
  19. This is not an improvement, but the late revert of a bad move, the move that happened when they attempted to shove Web profiles down everyone's throat despite all the objections TPV developers (and mine among them) and SL users raised. Thankfully, they did not remove the related UDP messages (and are actually today reusing them (*)) and the TPVs could keep the v1-style profiles all this time. It was one of the same categories of ā€improvementsā€ that I predicted would be a total failure (another such ā€improvementā€ was the removal of family names in avatar names ā€to make it easier for new users to fill up the registering formā€ sic !). There have been many more, and soon you will see the attempt to remove the direct rendering mode (that will ruin the frame rates for all but powerful PC users)... šŸ˜ž (*) Amusingly, and while backporting the new ā€AgentProfileā€ capability support to the Cool VL Viewer, I noticed that, in fact, the said capability is never used by LL's profile viewer code: line 119 of indra/newview/llavatarpropertiesprocessor.cpp reads std::string cap; instead of what should be std::string cap = gAgent.getRegionCapability(ā€AgentProfileā€); so the ā€capā€ url is always empty and a fallback is always done to the UDP methods... +1 I, too, think the removal of the Interests tab in LL's new viewer (not from mine !) is a bad move ( ā€bad moveā€ is a TM by LL, since they are pretty much the inventor of bad moves). As a ā€foreignā€ user, I find the ā€Languagesā€ field especially useful, but the Skills and Interests fields are quite interesting as well and I do not see why they got removed from the UI ! +1 I really wish LL would, once and for all, go back to the 4:3 ratio that existed in v1 profiles, and keep that same ratio everywhere in all the places (i.e. on their web sites included) where profile pictures are displayed !
  20. No, because with an equivalent NVIDIA card (RTX 3080 or even 3070) to your current AMD card in your PC, you'd have beaten mine hands down.
  21. Err... NO ! The only consensus was that it was normal that, on the same computer (yours), and in this particular scene, you got about the same fps rates with the Cool VL Viewer and Firestorm beta (which also got the ā€performancesā€ improvements), simply because the C++-level optimizations in my viewer won't make large enough a difference in a relatively heavy render scene. However, I demonstrated in that thread that with an older and less powerful hardware than yours (only a GTX1070Ti which is 2 generations behind your Radeon RX 6900 XT, which would be equivalent in hardware power/capabilities to an RTX 3080), I obtained the same results as what you get with your modern computer. Again, this is the fault of AMD's lame OpenGL drivers, and nothing else. If you do not want to accept simple facts, then I'm afraid you will invariably make wrong judgments... My advice is, if you can, to borrow a NVIDIA card from a friend, stuff it into your PC, and see by yourself the differences in OpenGL performances.
  22. Nope. Windows OpenGL drivers have simply caught up with what was seen under Linux with Mesa. But AMD OpenGL performances are still MUCH lower than NVIDIA's, and the fact that, unlike for what happens for NVIDIA's drivers, the ā€GL core profileā€ does not bring any speed bonus with AMD cards, makes the gap only (much) larger with what you can achieve with equivalent (in either price or GPU generation) NVIDIA hardware... The new AMD Windows drivers lack OpenGL extensions that existed in their former drivers... Thing is, there is never any such problem with NVIDIA; if you are not convinced, look at the viewer code, and notice how many workarounds are in place for AMD/ATI (and Intel) OpenGL incomplete/bogus/limited implementations...
  23. While I would discourage any SLer to buy AMD graphics cards (as well as the upcoming Intel ARC ones, which are just a bad joke), due to their sub-par OpenGL performances, AMD processors are nowadays just as good as Intel ones, especially in the performances/price and performances/power consumption ratios. Yes, you may find Intel CPUs that, thanks to their mono-core maximum (turbo) performances can beat AMD ones, but it comes at various costs and not only the money related kind of cost, but also a lot of heat to dissipate (good luck to cool down the best Intel CPUs on air, for example; even Noctua solutions are challenged)... There's also the P/E cores mixing in newer Intel CPUs, which is in fact a degradation in multi-core performances (as well as a headache with core affinity tweaking to get the ā€good coresā€ to get dedicated to the software needing speed), when compared to previous generations and to AMD's solution. In fact, and starting with Zen 3, and especially for mid-range computers, AMD CPUs are most often a better choice than Intel's. Today's announced Zen 4 also would apparently (this will have to be confirmed with serious benchmarks) beat hands down all Intel existing CPUs; let's see how Intel's Raptor Lake will counter-strike, but I am already considering a Zen 4 to replace my main PC i7-9700K CPU in the coming months...
  24. I can't... It seems like a bad move, and this incident demonstrates it. I mean, these textures are used every session by everyone: why would you (or LL) think that having to transfer them over the network and cache them would be a better solution than having them stored as part of the immovable, immediately available, viewer files ? The sim server to viewer UDP bandwidth setting is of absolutely no concern here since, indeed, all textures are now transferred via HTTP from CDN servers in SL (this is not the case in OpenSim where baked textures are still local to the sim server and thus transferred via UDP). Also, the UDP bandwidth is auto-throttled by a custom viewer/server protocol, and the ceiling is determined by the server, so you can without any fear raise your UDP bandwidth to the max (it helps rezzing faster on arrival in a sim); note that throttling does not even happen any more nowadays (each sim server can serve simultaneously like a hundred 10Mbps UDP clients or even more). The cache size is not an issue, as long as it is not made ridiculously small: the cache is coded so that textures used often will not get evicted (i.e. the textures that have not been seen/used for the longest time are evicted first, when part of the cache is purged to keep it under its max size). I have this kind of ā€staticā€ cache implemented for the Cool VL Viewer, for UI sounds, because those are sadly not part of the UI elements bundle that LL allowed to redistribute with TPVs (here again, I do not see the reason why). The full story behind this feature can be found here. But why coding a separate cache when the files could simply be made part of the viewer installation (like they used to be for the textures that went missing today) ?... It still puzzles me how people think it is best to complicate things, sometimes...
  25. The NVIDIA GTX 1650 is a really cheap (in all accounts) card... I'd go for a GTX 1660 at the minimum. Of course, it depends as well on your monitor resolution (the GTX 1660 is OK for a full HD monitor, but certainly a little weak for a 4K one). The difference between GTX (16x0) and RTX (20x0 or 30x0) cards is that the latter can do real time ray tracing: totally useless for SL, but it makes some (not all, by far) Windows AAA games supporting it look prettier. As for the CPU, go for an octo-core (true cores, not just ā€8 threadsā€= 4 cores+SMT) if possible (even for SL, viewers can now use more cores to rez things faster), and one with the best mono-core performances you can find for the price (the viewers are mostly CPU-limited, and the faster the CPU, the better the frame rates). As for the motherboard, Asus is known for their premium... price ! You can get the same performances and quality from other makers, at a significantly lower price. I'd personally go for an ASRock or a MSI; put the money you save from the MB into the GPU or CPU... You might want to wait a month or two to buy your stuff, however: NVIDIA, Intel and AMD are about to announce their new GPUs and CPUs, so there will be discounts on the former generations, soon after the new models hit the market.
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