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Clarissa Lowell

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Everything posted by Clarissa Lowell

  1. I love Paint Shop Pro. It's a lot cheaper than Photoshop also. But if you get Photoshop CS4 or beyond you can paint directly on an object.
  2. Rage, why the hate on all my threads in this forum? When people say PS4 they mean Photoshop 4 and you know that. There isn't even a Playstation 4 yet. Why would anyone be asking about Playstation in a SL creation forum? And you can't paint onto a form in Paintshop Pro, I don't think. So that wouldn't make any sense either.
  3. Interactive fiction or interactive novel sounds cool. I don't understand what will be done with this company, though. Technology changes too quickly for me to keep up with. Sometimes I think I want to go Amish.
  4. There are a lot of movie rental places in SL. But I don't think what they are doing is legal. Despite the FBI warnings they take a movie, stream it for other people to watch, and the biggest irony? These SL movie rental places will shut you down if you do the same. You can only use their streams at your SL home with one or two friends. Essentially they are Netflix without having to pay the pesky movie licensing fees to the networks or movie studios. You can put your movies on a stream somewhere and stream them onto a parcel in SL, or you can rent from one of these dubious movie rental places in SL.
  5. This isn't quake damaged but you might look into The Wasteland, it's the oldest roleplay community in SL I think. It has a disaster or more accurately a post apocalyptic theme.
  6. yw. My shop is in my Picks if you want to see what I have. I can make two new ones for you if you want. I'd want to know what sort of thing you want most.
  7. Morgaine Christensen wrote: I have seen a lot of fashions come and go in my time, but what's up with all the female skins and shapes I am starting to see? Seems like they all look like tweens or children with fat oversized lips? What ever happened to all the glorious sexy womanly skins and shapes? Stop by my shop. Lol I don't understand the fish face, horseshoe hip fad in shapes right now, either, and I don't offer any. I did see someone try on one of mine and turn it into that almost immediately, but that's up to them.
  8. Randall Ahren wrote: You're an optimist Clarissa. A cynic might even say a fantasist. Condoms should come with a warning printed on the side, like a pack of smokes: Warning: Do not fall in love. The initial feeling is a bit like heroin, but the trip down is like trying to kick a powerful narcotic. You will debase yourself, alienate friends, and read a lot of stupid self-help books. It's not worth it. That isn't love it's a bad addiction.
  9. FreeFaller wrote: Thank you very much for the information. I think I will switch to the female shape. Those "chicken wings" just aren't cutting it for me. Maybe someday in the [near] future, someone will get bored enough to give this little wrinkle some ironing out. For now, helloooo fem figure Lol, you are welcome. =) No one will know the difference anyway until you Ruth sometimes, but people are used to seeing that.
  10. RitterAlvarez wrote: Not only do I hop up and down but if I try to run I end up doing back flips???? How to correct? You should be able to click on it, get a menu, and choose the run animation. It sounds like this is a free one, and with an AO that complex it might be a copybot one. You can find a cheap one at Oracul.
  11. Randall Ahren wrote: Love is just an electrochemical storm going off in your brain. The pain comes from your expectation that it should last, when the overwhelming weight of evidence shows that it does not. It's like being enthralled with the beauty of snow in winter and then becoming angry when the snow melts. Be here now. Enjoy the snow while it's here. Go outside and walk around on it. Make a snow angel. Drink some hot cider. When it melts, don't be angry that it's gone, be glad that it happened. That chemical thing is the infatuation part. The bonding part. Then the rest of you has to kick in.
  12. Melian Catronis wrote: Love sucks. And for those who say 'those who don't have love have never let it in'...BS. The simple fact is there are more people out there willing to lie, use, and manipulate those who do love than those who don't. The worst of the lot are the ones who assure you by saying, 'I would never do that to you'. When they say that, ladies and gentlemen, they're already doing it. So, go ahead and believe in love, if you choose to believe in it. Go ahead and believe you are deserving of love, because you probably are. But does that mean that you will find it, or that you are destined for it? Think again. I'm not getting suckered into believing a lie anymore. You only quoted part of my post. You missed the part where I said there isn't only romantic love. The things you are talking about happen mostly in romantic relationships. Are you saying a friend or a family member never loved you??
  13. That's the chicken wing portion of the SL male avatar mesh. Unless you make him barrel chested, with big biceps, a certain amount of fat and muscle, those chicken wings stick out. It's freaking frustrating. That is just one reason why so many shape makers use the female mesh when they make a male avatar shape. Besides the chicken wings, the nose on the male mesh is also terrible, like a Karl Malden putty nose. Nothing against Mr. Malden. And he's a good looking guy. But one kind of nose? Unfortunately if you want a slimmer male av the ugly parts of the male mesh start to show up. You can tweak and lessen it but they are there.
  14. Yeah I think like Amethyst said there will come a time the average user feels left out. But it seems like more and more of the 'average users' do not want to build anyway. They want to shop and have fun. The average user will catch up once modeling programs become lots easier and cheaper and more widely used even in schools, art classes for example. By that time the modeling in virtual worlds or computer games will be so detailed blades of grass will sway individually in the wind instead of grass being one flat texture on the ground. And I don't mean sculpty prims either. You will be able to see each scale on a fish swimming in water that shows every bubble and crest of each wave. 3D foam on the ocean. By then the average user will know their way around a basic intuitive WYSIWYG modeling and painting program. Then they can build their homemade gazebo again. We're just here in the bumpy part of the ride.
  15. Rage Riptide wrote: Little bit of personal research and you'd have all these answers. Just a tiny bit. I have done that already. Is there only one answer? Thanks to everyone else.
  16. Noob to making mesh. I haven't even made a sculpt unless you count PLOPP which is about as it sounds. Questions! 1. What is the easiest program to use for making SL mesh 2. Are there any online classes for making mesh (that can be used in SL) 3. What is the price of mesh programs 4. What kind of computer does it require 5. Are there any in world classes for mesh or mesh related issues Anything else, add that but please keep it simple for us dunderheads. Thank you.
  17. 512 sells much faster. I'd split them into 512 and put in the description that there are other 512 nearby that they could join into a bigger plot if they wanted.
  18. OK but that's a lot of trust. Did you have more answer it than posted?
  19. Jennifer Boyle wrote: I wish the SL clothing creator community would develop a standardized size system like we have in RL. I think it would be simple: just agree on a few standard avatar shapes that represent the sizes. How about just standard sizes in a store meant for the shapes they also sell. That would be my idea if I made a store filled of mesh. I have other ideas too but NO SKILLZ lol.
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: Clarissa Lowell wrote: Who teaches how to make mesh stuff? What skills and what programs do you have to learn? Clarissa, if you hang out in the mesh forum for a bit you can ask specific questions there and get some idea of who there makes tutorials about SL mesh -- Gaia Clary and Ashakayseyi Ra, for example, make excellent Blender tutorials. (And I will just say I have never done anything harder in my life than learning to make mesh.) Thank you. I'm up for hard work, but I learn very slowly on my own. Something inside me resists it. I dislike nothing more intensely in learning, than plodding along and working hard only to find out I was wrong the whole way. Gah. If I know I'm being led the right way I will work hard as anyone.
  21. leliel Mirihi wrote: My post wasn't just satire, there's a serious argument in it. LL could have added support for procedurally generated textures or even painting directly on objects. Many people have been asking for such features for years. Yet instead LL told us to buy Photoshop and upload images. The situation with creating textures for SL is directly comparable to creating meshes. Photoshop is just as hard to use as a 3d modeling program. Yet nobody seems to have a problem with it. Tell me about it. I am still learning photoshop. On my own. O the suckage. I would love a program ANYwhere that would let me paint on a surface and be intuitive and visually based controls and WYSIWYG and all that. But developers for VISUAL software seem to think like a 1952 computer. I am a visual learner, not an auditory one, visual and kinetic. I learn by being taught and mimicing during being taught and being corrected during being taught. On my own I am extremely slow. I've been wanting a simple slider program for making stuff and a teacher since I joined SL, still haven't found either anywhere. It isn't LL it's just how people are. When people learn they don't want to share and whoever makes stuff doesn't get what it is like to use it.
  22. Mesh wearers please wear underpants. The rest of us see you naked. With a rectangle around your neck.
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