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Trinity Nabob

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Blog Comments posted by Trinity Nabob

  1. Again Linden Lab is located in CALIFORNIA, USA

    As per your own link;

    California - The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3  or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony  if the major is more than 3 years older. It is worth emphasizing that  unlike most other states, the close-in-age rule in California (3 years)  do not provide an exception nor provide any defense; it merely lowers  the crime to a misdemeanor. Under this law, two minors of the same  age could both be prosecuted. Penalties increase if the minor is  under 16 and the major is above 21 or if the minor is more than 3 years  younger.

    Texts :

    • California Penal Code - Part 1.  of crimes and punishments - 
      • Title 9. of crimes against the person involving sexual assault, and  crimes against public decency and good morals 
        • Chapter 1. Rape, abduction, carnal abuse of children, and seduction.  - Section 261.5.
          • (a) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse  accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if  the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a "minor" is a  person under the age of 18 years and an "adult" is a person who is at  least 18 years of age and older.
          • (b) Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse  with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years  younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
          • © Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse  with a minor who is more than three years younger than the perpetrator  is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by  imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment  in the state prison.
          • (d) Any person 21 years of age or older who engages in an act of  unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age is  guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by  imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment  in the state prison for two, three, or four years.

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Is SL a game?

    What right does anyone have to tell anyone else what they believe something is or isn't.  I would like to tell those ppl straight out that as long as I am paying the bill for my "experience" it isn't any of their business what I percieve SL to be.

    Is SL a game to some;  YES

    Is SL a business to some; YES

    Is SL a marketing tool to some; YES

    Is SL an undefied entity to some; YES

    As far as I am concerned SL is ANYTHING that the USER wishes it to be.  Until LL/EA decide to make a change; to that open ended experience;  SL simply "is what it is;  UNIQUE".


    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Ryuu I liked the majority of your post.  However I must say that EA is a soulless corporation that doesn't have a clue about "community".  Or they wouldn't be so fond of tearing them apart when they do not reach a certain dollar figure.  Look what they did to the sims online communities.  Or ask Robin Linden...oh wait you can't she quit Linden Lab....along with several other key employees.  Odd that don't ya think???

    I don't think it's odd,  it just proved more so to me the disfuntional future of SL.  Pitty indeed. Other grids have a firm grasp on what makes up SL and I fully support them as they slam what is left of SL into the ground.


    Open Source in the end?  Excellent,  Thanks LL.

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    I know right Galileo.  On the flip side of that same "issue" of non paying residents.  I personally sold off my islands, my land and downgraded to FREE.  I rented a parcel from another land owner to put my Xstreet (or what ever the hell they are calling it this week) box on, and nothing more.  I do not contribute to SL as I once did and tbh I am perfectly content and proud of that decision.   Only for so long can I put up with the BS decisions of LL and pay them for the privilage.  The final straw for me was the merging of the grids.  That one final promiss broken from LL ended every bit of respect I had for their company.

    EA management;

    I see a future full of LL monopoly and only those things considered G rated will be allowed on the grid.  Frankly I say "!@#$ that" and "!@#$ them".

    I am perfectly happy on an OS sim with all it's problems I do not have a band of dictators running the show,  and I can live happily with that too.

    LL ruined the grid and EA management will only add to the dull scene that is now SL.

    Good luck with that.

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Remembers The Sims Online....but more importantly the truely aweful way that game ended at the hands of EA.  Like Second Life/Linden Lab; Maxis was very special on it's own once too.

    So Ron how long before we all get timers and end up wetting ourselves and looking embarrased?  Oh wait that would be the future of your new employees.

    The grid will merge on 12/31/10 Game Over.

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Now that they are merging the grids perhaps it would of been better to hire better legal staff.

    I wonder how long this one will last?

    You gonna lower the tiers across the board so that you can compete with other groups who are currently underselling YOUR product?  If not I am sticking with the competition.

    EA ...not a fan.

  2. The financial backbone is probably the estate owners but read this thread they feel no love for their efforts either.

    I found what LL offers for 75 bucks a month and 3 times the amount of prims and guess what they consistently make strides to improve their product because they know it is important to have a strong foundation.  "Ya think"

    If I read one more Linden's snide, condesending or obviously rude post I probably will tell them where to go and if that results in a banning;  so be it.  But gone are the days of Lindens thinking they are untouchable Gods;  SOME are RUDE EMPLOYEES who should also be FIRED.

    LL lost it's cutting edge when other groups got together and made their product better than the original. Congrats to all those pioneers for having the guts to do what they saw needed to be done, without a thousand meetings and vague blog posts in the process.  They will succeed so LL can straighten up and listen or they can close their doors,  I don't much care anymore which they decided because I truly have lost faith in LL ability to hear it's customers and be respectful of those customers opinions.


  3. His version;

    “Don’t waste everyones time suggesting that we throw away  Viewer 2,  or that we revert the UI to Viewer 1. It is absolutely not going to   happen, and any suggestion to that effect will be ignored.”
    My version;
    "Don't waste my time with bs bells and whistles when you still have stability issues.  If you continue to ignore your paying customers they will leave;  that is absolutly going to happen.  Continue to ignore the masses and they will continue return the favor;  OBVIOUSLY."
  4. I wasn't implying you would steal anything.  Generally speaking a lot of ppl in SL do in fact upload content and sell it that s not rightfully theirs to do so.  I am not saying that meshes arn't great;  they are.  I am however going to disagree with you on ease of creating;  again generally speaking.  On the flip side of that I too create in 3D now why in hell would i upload to SL and sell for pennies when I sell in the real world and make bank.  These folks going to buy a single texture for 12 bucks?  I don't think so. Hey feel free to do what you like tho.

  5. Oh Maurice I beg to differ here.  I called CS and specifically asked if I did not pay the tier for my island for a few months while out of the country how long would I have before the data was removed.  I was told after 2 weeks of non payment they could not guarantee that my inventory would be indeed safe as you suggest.  To which I remember saying how nice that was for LL but not so nice for the customer  having to pay for something that I would get zero use out of; seemed a bad deal for me.

    I wanted to maintain what was created; I did in fact pay the tier fees for several months with zero use of the estate.  So there ya go case and point,  set and match.

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