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Trinity Nabob

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Blog Comments posted by Trinity Nabob

  1. This  right here is what I've been saying. Even with written rules there is  nothing no programs or filters to keep content of an adult nature from  entering pg sims or being rezzed there. That is what I'm fighting for.  We need a way to rate our content so as to put filters to keep certain  content from being rezzed in PG sims.

    I honestly wish it were that simple but I tend to agree with with Wayward4now Mohr on this one.

  2. Adult and  Mature sims will be for adults. If people are doing non-PG things in PG  sims, that should be adressed anyway. As for the "Sample Sally sees  humping when she cams across the sim and her mom calls the police"  scenario, I seriously doubt that LL will have no policies regarding such  scenarios.

    Not if they are smart, they won't.

  3. I'm not offended,  I would have to personally know you to be offended by you. You only hear what you want to hear.  The teens don't want to be on the main grid any more than I want them on the main grid.  "We agree" which I have said once before in this thread.

    "Life isn't fair"; no kidding. Were you sitting next to me when my dad died a slow and painful death?  Were you there when I was wiping my mothers tears and rear end as she lay dieing of advanced breast cancer?  No I don't think you were.  Do you know what my rl situation is this very minute and the things I struggle with daily?  No you don't.  Stop with the lashing out at least until you figure out that you cannot stand in judgement of others based on a few lines of text in some game forum.  I do not need or want your sympathies for the above statements. Life isn't fair;  true but if it doesn't kill you, you become stronger.

    You have it in your mind that anyone who doesn't agree with you is the enemy.  Your sharp toungue will do you no good with me.  I see threw hate.

    The part you don't seem to understand in all of this;  is the fact that I  am not mad at any teen.  I am confused by LL.  I am disapointed in LL.   I am wondering if I will be on the grid come the first of the year due  to this bonehead decision by LL.  If I were angry or upset at anyone it  would be at LL.

    My life is full and rich and I decide what I want to deal with when it comes to real life and this Second Life.  Maybe I don't want to deal with kids on the grid.  Again;  My choice.  You can stomp your feet and insult me till the cows come home but it won't do you any good.

  4. Second Life is my favorite neighborhood bar.  I don't have sex in SL,  I am too busy making estate wide builds or running friendly residental communites like Slumberville, and Noobieville, Hysteria Lane, and so forth.  I spend most of my SL/free time knee deep in adobe, zbrush, and the like.

    I don't want to worry if my conversation is a bit too deep or real.  I don't want to worry if I dress wrong for my age.  I don't want to worry about emotional teens.

    My views are pretty simple and to the point for me personally.

    Nope I do not want kids in my neighborhood bar.

  5. . so who  knows what they have planned ... I'm tiering down to basic this month.  I've been hearing "sky-is-falling" stories since early 2007 but with the  grid merge and the edu/non-profit price-hike and the exodus of people  and content this will cause, it feels like the end-days.

    I think most decent ppl are thinking the same thing these days.   I am carefully considering what the furture holds for SL.  Funny how they picked the eve of new years for this to happen.  For me that will be a sad moment, and end of an era and all that goes with it.  If this goes threw I have a really tough decision to make.


    T - 84 days.

  6. Sorry,  but that's what every single one of you are doing when you judge the  teens. You judge them negatively as a whole. You generalize the behavior  of a few teens to be the behavior of ALL the teens. Don't be a  hypocrite, Trinity.

    So now I am a hypocrite.  When all else fails start name calling, right.  I haven't pointed fingers or resorted to name calling.  I haven't said negative things directly any teen in this thread.  You say I stand in judgement.

    Please stop lumping me in with those that are really nasty in this thread.  Thus far I have heard what these teens have to say, and have responded in kind. That does not mean however I will fore go my own opinions on this subject.  I will not sacrifice my own moral and ethical code for someone else's liberal agenda.

    If standing up for doing the right thing is wrong;  then I am wrong. I will continue to point out why LL is wrong in merging the teen grid with the adult grid. You don't have to like it.

  7. Yay, I  win the internet -- does it come with cookies?

    Now that made me LOL. Ty

    Loved your whole post.  The adult grid is 7% of SL,  BUT a lot of which is on G and M should be on adult.

    LL should worry about bigger issues like stability and trust.  This is why ppl are leaving.  The grid is unstable,  the land market is unstable, the L$ is unstable.  Trust; taking over traditional user base projects, products, services, land rentals. and social networks. (avatars united, failed).

    Don't you find it a bit ironic that the kids are saying the reason their grid was shut down was because of copy bot;  yet LL has stated that they will be coming to the main grid with their inventories in tact.  I do.

    There will always be change in SL;  but does it always have to be detrimental to everyone but LL.


  8. Kind of  depressing how the rest of the adults on here are...

    Please do not make generalized statements like that.

    discriminate  based on age

    It's not discrimination based on age from where I am sitting.


    "Johnny do not touch that hot burner, it's HOT"

    From where I am sitting I know the oven is hot,  Johnny does not.

    That is the difference between children and adults.  Adults usually know better.

    Kids on the other hand will throw temper tantrums when they don't get the candy.

    Adults know that candy leads to rotten teeth and diabeties.

    It is not discrimination when an adult tells you "No" for your own good.  It's common sence and decency.

    You may argue that point till your blue in the face,  but it won't do you any good.

  9. I am clearly and thoughtfully giving this whole situation a great deal of thought.  Do my posts shock you?  Oh well I am not responsible for what is on the grid nor am I responsible for maintaining the PG search engine. As far as I can tell I have been very open minded as to both side of this issue and I have heard and responded with kindness to any teen who has posted.  Don't expect me to not reveal what is on the main grid and talk about the content that is not suitable for teens.  After all that is very issue here.

  10. I just now logged into SL and I had to agree to a new tos;  which clearly states as of TODAY;




    2.1     Age Requirements for Second Life.

    By accepting this Agreement in connection with an Account (other than for Teen Second Life), you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, or the legal age of majority where you reside if that jurisdiction has an older age of majority, and you have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement.

    2.2     Age Requirements for Teen Second Life.

    By accepting this Agreement in connection with an Account for use in Teen Second Life, you represent that (i) you are at least 13 years of age and less than 18 years of age; (ii) you will not continue to use Teen Second Life after you turn 18; (iii) your parent or legal guardian has consented to your having an Account in Teen Second Life, participating in the Service, and providing your personal information in connection with the Service; and (iv) your parent or legal guardian has read and accepted this Agreement on your behalf. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use Teen Second Life. There are lots of other great virtual world services for you. Talk to your parents about which services are appropriate for you.

    Nope it doesn't say that I will be subjected to adult sexual themes the moment I am iw.  It does however clearly state that I must be over 18 to enter the main grid.

  11. \Maybe  LL should clean up their OWN search before they move forward.  I did a PG search for "Suck" lookie what I found;


    Office (removed cus I don't want to be banned), moscow, nude, dj, work, music, cinema, sex, free, beautiful, setka, office, club, dansepole, couple, dance, equipment, vip, area, suck, lick, sexy, spb, clubs, favourite

    Did a search for Penis;  37 results

    Did a search for Vagina; 22 results

    I did some other key words, obvious words and found simular results.  Again all rated PG and currently accessable by anyone.

    Everyone want to start pointing fingers?  Start with LL it's self.


    added;  Check the search yourself.  These are NOT pg places,  they are M or A.

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