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Trinity Nabob

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Blog Comments posted by Trinity Nabob

  1. Why ty for the statistic links.

    Monthly Tier Estimates - Private Estates c.US$5.165 Million, Mainland  c.US$1.068 Million

    78% rated Mature. Today.

    Of course these numbers will change in the months to come,  should be interesting to watch the balance shift.

    there's  one in the far north-east that appears to be a ring of PG beaches with a  Mature interior. That's going to be really weird for everybody.

    I saw that too and thought it was very odd. I wonder if that maybe is protected land? Dunno and I am not giong to log in to see either.  I have vowed to avoid all PG sims from here on out.

  2. If you think what goes on in Zindra only goes on in Zindra,  well that is nieve at best. What about private islands set to Adult?  What about Mature areas where a party goes wild one night?

    Eyes wide shut much?

    The reality of the situation is that SL has been a +18 grid for so long ppl have become accustomed to doing what they like where they like.  Damn those rule breakers,  they have some nerve don't they?  Of course I am laughing.

    You know what bothers me more than anything about this whole situation is that we are all going to have to deal with the net nannies and the do gooders who go around shouting "what about the children" from here on out.

    That is our fate.

    I don't personally want to deal with all that drama, bad press, and frankly BS that will come with this grid merge..

    This will probably go threw; and I will probably make all my island visitors be age verified.  I won't visit any of the pg areas that I once upon a time called home.

    I will never understand why LL decided to choose such a small population over the greater good.  To me LL decision to do merge the grids was not only hasty but in the end will prove to be an ignorant and costly choice.


  3. I like most ppl started out on the mainland.  Matter of fact I lived on the mainland ...im thinking my first 3 years of SL.  Griefing, BS, and Lag made me want my own estate;  the rest as they say is history.

    Yes 80%?  I do not have the facts and figures in front of me,  is that a guess-timate?  Just for fun lets take your figure of 80% and run with it.

    Sure make a pg continent, have the teens go there;  keep my rules for it.

    How about we take this to the limits since LL likes to tie our hands.

    "All in favor of making the entire grid;  "Mature and Adult" say "I".  Then announce that all kids are allowed into SL any age but only on PG sims.

    Works for me.


  4. "This is far from an accurate  representation of the majority of residents in Second Life. If it was  they would have to change the name to Haters Life. These are the same  people who come out and complain in the blogs about every decision that  the Lindens make. Next week they will be complaining about the price of  tea in china.

    This is why the Lindens do not interact with the  blogs as much as they used to do. Do you blame them?

    Now the  cyberbullies want to scare the teens from the main grid with all of  these hatful and intolerant comments towards the teens. Just ignore  them. You will more than likely never even see any of them

    If  these people are so afraid of being arrested by undercover  police  posing as teens in the PG areas, here is an easy way to avoid this, keep  the weird stuff in the adult sims and out of the PG ones. That is not  to hard to do."


    Wow way to generalize.  I have been active in this thread because it affects my Second Life and frankly this topic will have ramifications on the economy of SL; again something I am very much interested in.  I have been rl busy for months and barely have even logged into SL much less posting everywhere about what ever LL does wrong. I have read this entire thread and commented as I see fit.  I do not need your permission nor your blessing to do so.  I am not part of the mob mentality,  I am from the Trinity Nabob tribe.  I have invested the past 7 years in SL both in time and money,  I like many others have more to lose than a few lindens.  Setting the whole sex thing to the side, there are other very valid reasons why kids to not belong hanging out with adults.  Ask the kids themselves for the most part I am hearing they don't want to be on the main grid either.  We agree.


  5. Most of  the educational places that was to house the 13 - 15 yr olds are now  going to leave to other places because they don't want to pay a non  discounted price for land. That also means that these minors wont be  here because their educational places wont exist anymore.

    Sure they will,  they will just do so illegally as they do now.

  6. It's more than a little just change.  Please do keep in mind some ppl have been in SL since 2003.  Disneyfing Second Life will be met with a lot of opposition.

    "This will not end well"

    "Slippery Slope"

    "Cleansing the Grid"

    PPL in SL love SL for the freedom it gives them.  LL has been chipping at that freedom for a few years now.  Looks to me like ppl are pushing back.

    Yup me included.  I don't see a need for kids to be on the main grid.  It isn't just about the sexual part. Sometimes the mental connections with ppl are much stronger than any visual sex act played out within SL.  Some adults cannot handle finding out they have rl emotions with their avatar mate.  I personally know ppl who have left their rl spouses for someone they met in SL.  I do not believe any teen is ready for that kind of baggage.  Others have stated many other real concerns in this thread.  I have even been watching U-tube and listening to the teens saying they don't want LL to merge the grid. 

    No one wants it but a very small minority at this point,  LL would be wise to start listening to their very real paying customer base.  Maybe they will?


  7. (not a post to Irene Muni, general reply to topic)

    The solution is a simple one.

    I understand the need of LL to generate or keep any income, from Teens and pre-teens.

    Make the mainland all pg.

    Unverified accounts all must get verified.

    They cannot upload, anything. They cannot buy anything.  They cannot sell anything.

    They do not have access to notecards.

    They do not have groups or the ability to IM.

    They cannot teleport off the mainland.

    They can build in world but their inventory is very limited, say to 100 items.

    No one over 18 is allowed on the mainland.

    LL moved ppl to Zindra,  they can do it again.


  8. That's  not the position most have been expressing, in fact many business and  non-profits that are exclusively maingrid are getting pretty hyped up at  the possibility. Opening up the grid and bringing the IMVU crowd in  will give SL commerce a badly needed shot in the arm and live music will  simply explode. We get a vastly richer SL, in fact .. they might be the  demographic that saves this whole ship from sinking.

    If your counting on a small portion of kids to save SL, then we have already boarded the Titanic.  The teen grid is closing because it failed to be profitable.


    The problem  is how to keep the very adult side of our playground away from minors,  for the most part thats technical and something the lab need to resolve.  Prevent visibility of M+ land and make it possible to tag items as G or  M  - roll that out and tag everything in SL as M. If a teen account can  get an item of inventory its because its creator has specifically set  it up with a G rating. Its a chore for content creators but no bigger  then than forced move to the new SL marketplace. Bring it on LL !

    The only way to do that would be to set up seperate contient zones.  Another Zindra land fiaco that alienated their existing customer base.

    As a content creator,  I have better things to do than to jump threw hoops every few months for LL.  I would not welcome any additional workload.



    The  other issue is social, stupid people on both sides of the age of  majority will be stupid. I'm afraid that for the most part thats going  to mean the grown ups acting like grown ups and realizing that to be a  grown up comes with a certain amount of personal responsibility.

    SL  is synonymous with naked men running about with giant willys, attack  parenting all you like, but if you can't keep your virtual sex life in  your pants from time to time, its not the parent who has a problem and  the freedom to indulge in that kind of behavior is not something you  should be trying to protect.

    You want to protect the freedom of the kids while taking away the freedoms of the adults;  that won't work. 


  9. No,  General is the new name for PG. They changed the names when Viewer 2  came out. PG is now called General and Mature is called Moderate. The  16-17 year-olds will have access to all the current PG sims on the Main  Grid, including those that are scattered like raisins through the mostly  Mature mainland.

    Oh dear I just realized something.  If LL is already using the new terminology in Viewer 2;  General/Moderate/(what ever they are calling the adult area as well).  That ties into what Philip Linden said in his SLCC speech about SL gearing towards using only one viewer.  I don't think I would of ever put that together as I don't use 2.0.  Interesting.

    In another post you stated (not to me )

    Please  hurry up and give us more details. We've been waiting for over 6 weeks  now. While no specific date has been set, you have said this will be  happening on Dec 31 at the latest. We really don't have much time to  make the decisions we need to make and prepare for this huge change.

    I am leaning towards going all in and clicking that Verified button;  mainly for my own peace of mind.  Knowing that I did everything I could to avoid contact with any kids.  Not on the entire grid because I cannot control that;  but on my little slice of the grid.

    I listened to the entire speech by Philip Linden.  That educator was defiantly upset over the changes.   LL set them up far better than any other group from the Teen grid.

    It's not just the depictions of sex that bother me about this.  There are other very adult builds that have stuck out in my memory that I don't think a minor should see.  One in particular was of a person hanging from a noose the whole scene was very dark and upsetting to a friend of mine who lost someone dear to; suicide by hanging.  I remember how distraught my friend was and she was in her 40's.  Some kids will not understand that kind of "high art" as the artist called it.  That is just one more example,  there are many in SL as the imagination is free to create "anything".


  10. Some in this thread have been saying this is a one sided issue and that only the adults don't want the kids on the grid.  This video is of a Teen saying they are concerns about being on the main grid as well.  More so this particular teen and a few more;  do not want the grid to merge either.

    This video was not aimed at you directly it was aimed at LL and those who think all the teens do want to be on the main grid. We need a "Reply to topic in general" button.


  11. "

    The legal age of sexual consent in most  of North America is 16.  With the exception of a few states where the  age consent is younger.  This pretty much covers Linden Labs of  liability as well as the rest of us who wish to bath nude in our  hottubs.  I didn't think Linden Labs would allow the 16 to 17 year olds  into the main grid without researching a few laws along the way, or at  least making sure it's adult residents were covered as well.

    For  anyone who is interested in finding out the LEGAL AGE OF SEXUAL CONSENT  for their state or country here is a web address http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_North_America#Florida.   It not only tells you about the law but gives you the penal code of  your state to look it up.  Research of facts is always best before  shooting off one's mouth."


    The legal age of concent in Mexico is 12.  That does not make it right.

  12. Adults  sometimes like to go to places where there aren't children, and in such  places they will act in a different manner than they would if children  were present, that's what has happened with Second Life. 16 and 17 year  olds should not be being welcomed here until Linden Lab can make those  areas they roam, suitable for teens and if that means putting in  measures similar to the one in this blog post, then that's fine.

    Yup that is true.  I like that there are no kids allowed,  I like the freedom that gives me within Second Life.  Honestly I just do not want to deal with kids,  I did not sign up for that.  Matter of fact;  knowing that kids were in Second Life;  I would not of joined.  I also suspect it will turn ppl off from joining SL in the future for the very same reason.  I have to realy wonder why LL is so concerned about alienating a group of young ppl who do not contribute enough to SL to keep their own grid open.  Bottom line, my $ speak louder than any kid.  LL would be wise to look at the big picture and the future path they are setting for themselves.

  13. Did everyone in this group AR them?  I would bet "No". Your group sounds like another fetish group,  and there is nothing wrong with that in an 18+ enviroment .  I say that because you described your group as having "breeding grounds, and sexually explicite content" was being used.  You make an excellent point about how the males view these young girls as "fair game" sexually.  Took a lot of guts for you to put that out there, take care.


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