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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. Speaking as an English person I grew up in the School House, (named for the obvious reason - a Victorian school house built onto the school for the Gaffer to live in). I've lived in numbers as well and currently I am at a No.2 which is also much smaller a number than I realise lots of people across the pond reside in.
  2. I am here and no one has rezzed up properly and everyone is naked! - houses, I like. After I've stopped looking at all the nakedness
  3. Beautiful off roader with pool going back same time as above HB : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rothacker/112/188/30
  4. Putting a HB back in an hour with this rather lighthouse view : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oh Buoy/68/115/18
  5. I have a square houseboat parcel going back in an hour http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/La Manche/59/162/28
  6. If you have one of anything and another one of the same thing is waiting with Gov Linden then putting what you have will bring that waiting one out. Catching both as they come out is the idea, then you will still have one to keep and one to put back and then you will find no more empty LP.
  7. Yes! @Yuumo Ichibara asked for this very thing earlier in the week!
  8. Putting this one in now : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thatch Lea/124/26/27
  9. I remember those times! People may think me mad also for spending time looking for something in a linden home that I've already found a couple of times and abandoned but I am also happier just giving up and having my non linden home parcel, (even after all this time and money I enjoyed the ride) - if no railway homes appear I am intending on just that
  10. This one going back in now : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ingram/230/146/25
  11. This one is going back in five mins http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hammond Park/36/104/30
  12. Hooray! One of the best HB spots in Bellisseria along with my old time favourite : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/West End/69/182/0 (one can dream)
  13. As far as original continent I have this and this - both been circling and you may have previously owned them or similar, will be letting out in 30 mins anyhoo... Second Life Maps | Fourze Second Life Maps | Learmont
  14. Putting two back at 10 am SLT : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wood/140/192/0 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Tatakaka/212/112/38
  15. Lostbell went first in my experience it will come first but hard to tell whom else is out there clicking today!, also what else is waiting in the wings already
  16. Awesome, will do! I will let out this one at the same time so hopefully there is no waiting for you http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lostbell/80/76/32
  17. It's not a biggie I can keep longer or release in the next ten mins if you wish?
  18. The River Run? I will be able to put back around 10am SLT time if that works (it's currently my early morning and I was thinking early evening at my end)
  19. Someone let this out last night - great area I've owned next door before - will be putting back later today because it does not have my long list of railway requirements. Apologies if has been announced here earlier - I have had most of the homes on this thread recently as many seem to be circling but hey ho, if you want something with a good river butt then this is upcoming... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River Run/179/186/36
  20. It is more than one camper and the traditional is in Sweetmarsh and is going back in now
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