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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. It could be in the next release after Chalets? Either way I bet both of them are super desirable locations
  2. Yes I would keep The Beaten Path its on a major waterway for traffic watching and close to the big lake. I am going to have similar dilemma when "Kenneth" region appears
  3. There ARE some majorly good campers coming out today - really brilliant places much more diversity than last week - I swapped mine for this one
  4. My guess is fantasy woodland next - maybe they will even offer us a mixture of 512 and 1024 within the same theme?
  5. I've started throwing some things around in the older Linden Homes again - I made a start in this one at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Silverdrop/22/125/39 then got a Tahoe here: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Woodsy Mnium/124/240/0 and a Meadowbrook here: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caspar/168/234/0 - not quite sure I actually want to let them go!!
  6. Thank you so much everyone who got my items - all for the good cause. Also everyone who voted for my home in the decorating comp. I spent November of last year with my sisters providing end of life care for my dad so he could be peaceful, at home with family through stage 4 cancer. This is my first time doing the expo and it has meant a lot to be involved. THANKYOU!
  7. Thank you it is my own but it is *whispers* exclusively at the expo on Hope 4 (Raindrops on Roses formerly Milkglass)
  8. All great homes - particularly lush work on the traditional!
  9. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carden/9/52/30 - one I picked up a couple of days ago
  10. Thank you! It does show that even if you land a parcel without water you can still add your own - I had 100 or so allowance for inside the camper once the outside was done but I am sure more skilled landscapers would improve on that...interior coming soon
  11. It is the Porte Entree in the ionic Cest La Vie set Elena!
  12. I am off to listen to this now - my idea of unique capability involves homes that are actual vehicles that you can drive on land and sea - maybe park up at a vacant plot somewhere and pay your rent for a week - but I somehow doubt that is what they mean...
  13. I've had "double camper" with almost all campers for the last few weeks and currently got it now - the support ticket is the best medicine the reset sadly does not work ....
  14. Takes a long time - but will be exciting to suddenly see them on the map!
  15. If my named region comes up as a chalet area I will consider not really speaking to me though...
  16. I always go back to the Williamsburg camper it is the only style of linden home I absolutely love to decorate and build for. I had to cut back recently so now I have my 512 LH, 512 mainland - building in the sandboxes etc all under one subscription which has always worked best for me despite my trying all kinds of estate parcels and alts. Who built the Williamsburg? Did I say I love it?!
  17. I am in and really just happy and amazed to be able to take part - here is my progress - it's still a mess at the finding the feeling stage but I am going for light stuff, lots of crystals and reflections and plants, lots of art. If anyone has any furnishings pointers for this style let me know - I am using about six pieces from other expo sellers at the moment and am not afraid to mix some older well known items in with the new...
  18. Good luck - the homes are interesting and it is similar limit to linden homes I think so we are well practised!
  19. This has reminded me to ask - anyone else with a store at the Home & Garden Expo DM me a link and we can swap links / mutual visits etc (big event I get lost without directions) also I have entered house decorating comp so if I am lucky to be chosen I will be on the hunt for expo contributors as well as from across the board
  20. GOH rule - one type of house = another of the same Also landmark the rail zones and TP from anywhere if you don't live near any of them I have them all on top of my FS favourites bar. Congrats on the home - see you on the rails!
  21. If anyone else is having this particular kind of fun in Bellisseria I've now got a parcel in Saltmarsh and one in Wood with tantrum house controllers but support say LL have a specialist on it so hopefully not too big a job and one solved quick!
  22. Ah I did but I got a couple of front railroads and enjoyed a while then went back to campers but thanks!
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