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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. I have three seaside traditionals letting out over the next 20 mins - West Ivory, Fraid Knot and Cantrip Coast... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fraid Knot/138/74/28 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cantrip Coast/200/0/28 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/West Ivory/133/16/23
  2. This one http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Poseidon Peak/134/24/24
  3. Letting this one out in a few minutes and another in the next post: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mercy Hill/250/205/29
  4. My RL is a Victorian ground floor apartment - pretty features but we do have damp issues, resident woodlice and the ceilings are so tall the dust forms in huge clouds and rains down on us!
  5. Oh I missed the Stilts out!! At my least favourite theme / landscape is obvious!
  6. Did I get the percentages right so far? ! 😁 not my strong point!
  7. I share your view on the first release - there is some kind of comfort blanket feeling I have with those places and anything up to and including the first camper regions.
  8. Which of the LH models and landscapes are your favourites so far? * You can include the older home styles too! * I used landscapes instead of "theme" to mean the environment the themes are in - terrain and foliage etc Here are mine! Models: 1. Williamsburg Camper 2. Evening Star Houseboat 3. Winchester Traditional 4. Colorado Camper 5. Hardy Victorian Landscapes: 1. Camper 2. Victorian 3. Chalet 4. Log Home 5. Traditional I prefer the 512 models and green country parcels with either sea or a larger body of water nearby! Edit : And a railway link !!!
  9. I am just about to let the boat I got at Chalet time out - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fourze/124/224/0 Will sit a few mins before hitting the button...
  10. Good luck with this thread! If anyone is looking for campers right about now I am letting this one go : or should that be these "two" ?
  11. Well, Happy Easter all of ya. I am letting this home go now - there are some pretty good traditionals out there this morning!
  12. I absolutely read that as Playstations! Linden homes are such a creative and social lifeline to many right now and I guess that manifests in all ways. Back on topic I just got that wonderful traditional in Learmont I had a while back - fantastic social distancing area
  13. Thanks Leora - I was making a comparison that may be construed as Patch said above - a wilder theory - I meant as with something other than money motivating mass home grab. Whatever motivates them to do it I don't know what it is but we need to consider all angles of that because as is clear - people play in different ways. Bellisseria is a community I want to be a part of and want to stay motivated to do that
  14. To add - I know we are not guaranteed a home let alone that one place we want. But I know what I spend myself each month on this and what motivates me to spend that and I do feel that that motivation is going to wane if I get frustrated enough times. Surely that feedback counts for something. I have several monthly accounts, (not all running same time), and I am motivated because I am enjoying the ride. I want an even chance. And I am not someone who wants more than one home per region I use my alts for abandons mainly. I want to stay motivated.
  15. I am going to be open with a thought here... If I see the region I wait for taken by scalpers without me having had an even chance at it I will be upset, I will not feel good. If a scalper tried offering me one later I would not feel good either. This is the closest term I have for it if you remove the money side. I have no idea what the motive for linden home scalping is it seems counter productive and competitive to a lot of us but seems to provide some kind of thrill for others and these others may really need that thrill. I can't pretend that I won't be frustrated though if this happens to me.
  16. I totally get it - just wanted to put a little of why some are drawn into linden homes
  17. Have to be careful about considering the circumstances of each individual leading them to play more than others. Sometimes the RL world goes quiet or is very unkind and then an addiction to something like this can start - easily.
  18. I agree it is addiction - it isn't against anyone other than themselves playing themselves. I kicked it because the initial buzz began to feel outworn but still have alts and use them to help find a good spot or two.
  19. It is a steal on the MP as well (open closing lid) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rosemaled-Folk-Art-Chest-Green/1609558 Would also go well in one of those vertical parcel layered apartments I am reading about in the chat!
  20. I started a blog for this very reason (link in signature). Sharing design ideas on not just Linden homes but very often Linden ones
  21. Yes I should have explained there Such a beautiful style and fits the Chalets in fact I might use it in my HB as well!
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