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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Considering how often you use them in the forums for your reactions, I would think it would be even for you.😁 P.S If people are actually starting to use Discord in S/L for the ability to have some simple text options, then it really might be an idea to look at updating something that should be reasonably simple to add.
  2. For me I just find text is more immersive and that people on voice are often not really paying attention to what is going on inworld but I suppose judging by the youtube video I just watched, it isn't the case for everyone.
  3. If emojis slow the use of ASCII art emotes, then I am all for it. They are certainly less intrusive as long as it is just the small ones. We supposedly want the viewers updated and yet complain when anyone makes suggestions for doing so.
  4. Well in that case you have the option of the Lumiya viewer which is quite good for a mobile viewer though there are some aspects like animations which no longer appear to work in the 3d scene, though other people see the avatar animating. LL no longer lists it as a TPV but they don't seem to have issues with people using it. I myself log 10 or so hours a week on it. SlideMe still has a download for it and it is the site the official Lumiya site lists as a backup if it is no longer available on Google Play (which it isn't.) That should work fine on your phone though I can't attest to whether it does on the Chrome book. The other option as someone already mentioned is using a live Linux version on a usb stick on your regular computer and downloading a linux release of Firestorm or any other TPV that has one, onto it. I've experimented with that in past and it is a workable option too.
  5. Haven't tried it but there is this fairly recent release for a Firestorm based VR viewer: https://gsgrid.de/firestorm-vr-mod/
  6. @Noa Noland I do know @Oz Linden is interested in viewer current log files when one has experienced multiple failed teleports, so a suggestion would be to save that log file before you close the viewer and send it to him so he can use it to narrow down the issues being experienced.
  7. Can do the same with the inworld browser. I find that more convenient instead of having to tab in and out of S/L.
  8. I liked that back in the olden days, there was more mod permissions that allowed one to tailor some outfits to suit individual tastes. Not sure if that's what you meant already but if not, got it covered!
  9. Being a mobile essential worker that allows me to drive around the countryside everyday. Prevents me from going stir crazy sitting at home.
  10. This is where the far leftist has issues with intersectionality to the point their heads explode. They seemingly can only be polite with one minority at a time since common courtesy is not a normal part of their nature.
  11. Yes, feels the same to me though at least it isn't a whole copy paste with a huge font like her previous post. That hurt my eyes! The 30,000 dying each year from a lack of health care is a fuzzy number pulled from Bernie: Fuzzy math fuels Sanders’ claim that cost barriers to health care kill 30,000 a year Not good when even Politifact questions where those numbers are pulled from. Obligatory meme
  12. I haven't read anything in previous posts that mentioned criminal prosecutions of immigrants, just whether they were being given the same rights if not more then ones who have followed proper channels for entry. The rest is your imagination. Try this non biased definition: Identity politics definition is - politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/identity politics In regards to how you often present your posts, it is in how you will throw one group under the bus when you are trying to promote another group as being stepped on. So in this case of promoting illegal immigrants and how they are so hard done by the current political powers, you wind up stepping all over the rights of the poor and unemployed Americans that you will surely be making a case for next week. From you I get the distinct impression that you really have very little compassion for the poor and downtrodden to be treated in a fair and equitable manner, because the various groups you make a case for, you are really just using as leverage for your party to try and attain power through the attempted guilt and manipulation you seem to excel at. If a minimum wage is the solution, why didn't Obama institute it when he had the power to do so? Seems obvious then that a Dem president won't resolve that. And newsflash: Corporations are supposed to be seeking profit for their shareholders and continued solvency and Government regulators work out the policies set by the political party in current power. That in turn is supposedly set by the people who support and vote them into power. Strikes me that the GoP by limiting immigration will benefit its citizens by reducing the numbers of employable unskilled laborers.
  13. It's not quite so simple with your identity politics Luna. Consider this from an economic standpoint: So the net effect from immigration is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Isn't that what you wanted to avoid? The supposed rich white guys just benefit from all the illegal immigration because they can hire them for less than they could the american people of color. Simple supply and demand, the more workers, the less they have to be paid because there is a glut of them available and unfortunately it is the lowest skilled American workers who get the shaft, the ones who can afford it the least.
  14. Thinks it would be a lot more interesting if people were informed they are being ignored by this or that user. At minimum I bet there be a lot less ignoring going on.
  15. I've never put anyone on my ignore list and even had to just check how one would do that. Closest I have come was not because I had a problem with some stupidity posted but because of my own sometimes obsessive need to point that out. So I came close to putting a person on ignore but then realized it would take too much of the entertainment value out of the forums so i have selfishly left them off the ignore list.
  16. Yes I understand that and though as a Canadian I could not vote, for the 2016 election it was a case of anyone BUT Clinton. I firmly believe that party politics aside that if she had won, we'd be in a lot worse shape globally than we are with Trump.
  17. Interesting that i posted it 9 minutes ago and you responded 9 minutes ago claiming to have listened to him. ::eyerolls::
  18. Interesting post in that I relate to it very much except for the following changes: ps I'll acknowledge that my view of Dems has been negatively biased in a large part because of Luna's and some other anonymous posters extremisms which have sought to normalize their positions as being standard leftist. The only one who has made me question whether I am really Conservative is Jordan Peterson in this vid:
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