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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Ok why is this? Guessing there is something I'm not understanding because I don't see the problem. Should we be activating the Auto log out if idle thingy?
  2. Curious whether the ToS change will have an effect on the sort of styles that are currently popular. I have a suspicion that it will result in more conservative clothing.
  3. True, pulled styles apart on a mod hair and noticed quite a difference when it was only one style at a time.
  4. I think it just that some people are not able to immerse themselves into their character as well as others.
  5. Out of curiosity, how far could you cam out and still see the hair of each? Is there a difference? On various uploads I've noticed that reducing the LOD when uploading would reduce the complexity but also reduce the distance from which I could see the hair on me.
  6. I'm sorry Codex but you seem to be flailing here. You said initially "One could make a case with that and other platforms that all having a great time without having to simulate avatar slex." That was what you said initially in black and white, no mind reading required. That is what I responded to. Do you have an argument against that other then trying to prove I didn't understand what you said?
  7. The way I see the issue is that because LL did not actively enhance the inworld building tools, combined with a too oft used No-Mod selection on the content by creators, SL residents are in many ways relegated to a buy and wear mentality that leaves little choice for other activities. When I first came to SL I spent hours fiddling with items when I had that ability. That is no longer possible in SL for most content and I get bored and either indulge in adult activities or go to another platform that has the land i can afford to build on and has more modification possibilities on content I have. Even the social aspect inworld is drastically reduced here nowadays compared to in past.
  8. I think maybe part of it is that I have seen that look before in a movie where the character was around 14, 15 years old. Even without the ribbon I wouldn't age her as 18, but I just looked on the photo page and seen Rowan replaced the photo with a full frontal view and that I would put somewhere between 17-19. Her other photo's do appear as being mid twenties and at times even older but just not that particular one you are referring to with the side profile.
  9. It would fail without the adult content and ability. Like Rowan already pointed out, it is about having the choice, even if one does not partake. This recent change for example to the 17 and under look will already have a negative impact in the coming months. How much I don't know but it will impact SL sales and concurrency negatively in my opinion.
  10. Meh increasing amount of homegrown content there and features SL can only dream about. That and the freedom of course to run one's own grid.
  11. I'm 15 years almost in SL so would be about 16-17 since I had a year in IMVU before that. Was a girl who pulled me into a secluded spot and started to do the slex with me. I was so surprised as I didn't realize what she was trying to do but then I started to respond in text till she finished. My first experience but was right close to the end of Yoville as it started becoming hard to connect to. Registered with IMVU soon after and the amount of slex going on there was eye opening. Especially in their noob areas. Non stop orgies.
  12. for me it was the ribbons in the hair that pushed me over. Normally I wouldn't care but if asked to age an avatar look, that would be the characteristic that would make me wonder combined with a few other things.
  13. I'd quibble with that. I suspect that the combination of user generated content as well as an economy that allows one to make money from that content. Opensim has the same as SL except the convenience of an economy that discourages content creators to go there.
  14. All SL has to do imo is make their viewer UI's user friendly as well as push Creators and Stores to adopt a uniform content delivery mechanism, preferably that would make it much simpler to demo an outfit.
  15. And Roblox going to a more realistic avatar by popular demand. We know what that will do to the sex drive of the platform.
  16. You're implying other games have no need of slex to be popular and I'm saying there is a lot more slex going on on those other platforms then you seem to think.
  17. Meh I lost my virtual virginity in this game with these sort of avatars and no slexie animations. IMVu likely has more slex going on then SL even, without the animations too. Think you might be dreaming if you really think SL is the slex capitol of virtual gaming.
  18. Just that I've never heard of a perp being banned. Would think at some point one would have heard of someone getting banned and saying "I didn't know she wasn't 18!" She said she was 75 in real life!"
  19. I'd wonder if they would require the perp to be caught in the act or have had a history of being involved in such RP. Simply making the offer or making a suggestion about it, might not be enough.
  20. "Eeeww, old men?? That's so gross! Wouldn't want to catch old men cooties! Mommy would spank me!"
  21. I've no doubt there are those out there who will do it completely for free!
  22. I suspect it's intended to be like that as the Lab threw out the new rule but is leaving it to the community to fill in the details and blanks. That explains why they are vague on the details themselves and have been updating the FAQ as we discuss the particulars. When it is all finalized, they can then say these are the Community Guidelines rather than what they came up with. Very similar to how IMVU handles it. We are doing their work for them.
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