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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Very cute look. I think I can even duplicate it other then the diapers but I wouldn't dream of getting away with it in an adult region or even risk it in moderate one.
  2. Ok thank you for sharing. Not sure why you use the particular example in that during the Covid and Lockdown threads aside of a tiny minority, I was likely the main opponent of the masking and vaccine protocols and came up with a lot of documented reasoning why the established medical associations were wrong. Some of my biggest opponents were in fact the ones upvoting and responding to your post and yet, I didn't block any of them in spite of almost 2 years of their vehement opposition to anything I said or shared about it in the forums. Some of that remains to this day because of it. Shrugs, Ces't la vie. Had I blocked any of them for what was said back then, I would have missed important advice, tips and tricks as well as had festering resentments in spite of knowing the dangers conclusively today. I didn't ever receive an acknowledgement or apology for the scorn or abuse heaped up back then but still, aside from one who has landed on my block list temporarily for different reasons, no one is on my block list. There are those public figures who vouched for the vaccines back then and later reversed their stance and that's cool. Some even issued public apologies for their previous stance. To err is human, to forgive divine. It is my opinion that it takes the help of the divine to truly forgive because humanly it is often impossible.
  3. New World Notes (nwn,blogs.com) just had an interesting story yesterday about a grid run by a high functioning autistic admin whose been doing some amazing stuff. Worth a read since he seems to be attracting others on the autism spectrum there.
  4. If it was then it begs the question why they even need residents to flag and AR a*eplay since it should be reasonably obvious to them long before. It would then also be entirely possible for them to identify and ban those adult avatars who search out and entice child avatars, though that doesn't seem to happen. It does maybe explain why I have suddenly been hit with ads that I was sure i had only mentioned to someone in IM about particular routers. Are they selling the info contained in them to "trusted partners" for scraping? Remember how upset we were over the b.bot scraping and displaying info? No wonder LL didn't seem to care until such a big fuss was created over it that they had to do something. Were they doing it themselves already? That meeting raised more questions then it answered.
  5. Sure, not much issue running even on a home connection these days. Easy to setup and have access to the hypergrid.
  6. They likely just got the memo hence the ToS change.
  7. Probably helps if one shills for the Authority since then the stay of execution/crushing will be delayed for a bit.
  8. I used to run my locally hosted Opensim grid on my home connection which back then was 1MB down and 600KB up. It was good enough for myself and 2 or 3 friends. Though I haven't checked how much it requires now, it is probably not a whole lot more with all the mesh.
  9. Because I am slow and trusting and lazy in not wanting to change from the familiar unless I absolutely have to. That and if I was to assume the worst, which you think I should, then why do you stay?
  10. So sounds like we should assume the worst then. I been kind of coming to that conclusion already but good to get some validation. thx
  11. It's been my observation over the last few years that if Fact checking sites get involved, there is an element of truth to the stories and they are trying to downplay it as best they can.
  12. Depends how it is worded. I'm sure we could get Scylla to write it up in such a way that it would look like we are the victims of a belligerent company denying our trans right and making us suffer and cry!
  13. You are starting to sound like one of the store owners who just want all the bickering to stop, everybody just accept the new ToS and just go back to being good little sheep and continue buying and obeying all the new rules unless it affects you personally.
  14. Did I say that? Must be true then! Can't be you grasping or misremembering who said what.
  15. Is that why your postings never stop? Asking for a friend!
  16. Not really. Convicts tend to be more open with each other and in some ways the severity of their misdeed almost a badge of honour. You're telling stories now that have no basis in reality, as usual.
  17. Considering most people who seem new are ones regurgitated from being a member some years ago, I think it happens fairly often. People leave and years later for whatever reason come back and having to restart an old account or make a new one.
  18. That is not what I and some others are hearing. I realize it is not from sources you're comfortable with but that's on you. I see it from both the stories told on social media sites and from people directly when I meet them on another grid.
  19. No, probably not but then again there are some highly motivated and angry individuals involved and as we heard in the meeting yesterday, it now involves Furries too. The included minorities is growing bigger and bigger.
  20. No, you're not really getting it. People can leave and just park their avatar until things get reasonable again. And they will. Meantime they could go elsewhere till that time arrives but the question is why should they have to so you can feel easy?
  21. I'm not particularly bothered by it either way. I have my backup world. I do dislike people being banned and barred from this platform that was fine being the way it is for 20 years and then suddenly the banhammer starts silently dropping on a segment of the population because of the apparent angst of an even smaller minority.
  22. Boilerplate contract. I believe they are frowned on but yes best to wait until there might be a class action thing.
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