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Sommerland Starostin

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Everything posted by Sommerland Starostin

  1. I have some mainland land but I don't live on the land, I live in the sky. So far that works for me. This way I don't even care what crazy thing one of the neighbor's puts down which is more than likely going to happen. I have a beautiful church close to me and then somebody got the land next to it and they laid down very ugly red and white LARGE tiles all over their land, no house or anything just those crazy tiles, very tacky and sad because the church has such a peaceful feeling but those tiles drive me nuts. But who am I to judge? This is how the mainland is. Not saying you put something crazy on your land but to me mainland is for skyboxes lol.
  2. I never leave a lot of lindens with my avi, one reason is it stops me from clicking and buying something horribly expensive by mistake lol , however if someone had my login information they could BUY lindens thru my avi. I think you should only be able to buy a certain amount of lindens while being online in Secondlife and after that you must go to the website and then be prompted for a second unique password to purchase more lindens.
  3. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Unfortunately the only way LL can protect us right now is to advise us to never click any links outside of the official LL site. Lately, whenever anyone posts a link to an item they think is cool, I ask for the item name and look it up myself. Plus, my account usually stays logged in, so if I have to log in to the marketplace, I make sure I'm on the official page before I do. All things considered, we are fairly safe. The only way anyone can get into your account is if you share your password - in SL, online anywhere, or via a phishing website. On LL's end, things are fairly secure, or so it seems to me. I would definitely change your password, and the linked email address IF the password to that is the same as or similar to your SL one. That way they can't come back later and steal more $L, or use your account to trick other people. Very good idea, go to the item yourself. Don't accept links, even from friends. Thanks for the tip!
  4. I so agree! Where would SL be today without these kinds of features in the first place? This is what MADE SL what it is today, to BE and create what you want to see and do, not what everybody else does. So what are they saying, if someone can't see it, you can't be it? Isn't that a bit of a "behind the iron curtain" idea LOL. It says on the homepage,"Your world. Your imagination." This policy don't seem to fit that too well if you ask me. I'm very disappointed. It lowers the integrity of Second Life & Linden Lab. I give SL & LL a lot of credit. I love SL and I try to stay away from the general LL bashing culture, because generally people just like to complain, but in this new policy I'm very disappointed and think it's the wrong way to go. The wrong way because this is a main part of what SL is USED for, what I love about it. The only way a new feature can be implemented that's not a shared one is if a creator is so motivated to invest possibly months in developing and then maybe get the Lindens to approve or take it on themselves which isn't going to happen too much. Serendipity Seraph wrote: The last point makes me want to abandon my private region and run to opensim. Innovation from TPVs has driven a lot of LL viewer innovation and added tremendously to the enjoyment of our world for many many users. To say that no such innovation will now be allowed unless LL viewer has it is an ugly stifling of competition at best. At worse it is merely irrationally authoritarian and stupid.
  5. Sorry but this is what got us to "Resident" in the first place. Just give us the names back, don't make it anymore complicated. Linda Brynner wrote: My first reaction when i signed up was like... huh? Why can't i choose the name i want. Gosh that was 5 years ago... (unless i was willing to pay 100 US$ duh!) Strangly they then changed to one user name which is even more restrictive. And there we had display names coming to add to all the confusion. The only thing LL needs to change is making it possible choosing usernames by oneselve at signup, possibly bringing back the dual fielded login screen, and communicate things like the single named users have a default second name 'Resident', or using the alternative login format like firstname.lastname (with dot) or firstname lastname (with a space) for use of single fielded login viewers. Two names we can choose ourselves would be so much more freedom. How hard can that be...
  6. Hehe now it's working for the 1st time since I logged in.
  7. When is THAT going to be fixed? Altho it prolly wouldn't hurt to save a few lol. Still issues regarding billing & purchase issues sighs. Lindens you're losing on a chance to make $$$. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dernier%20Cri/62/234/641
  8. Oh here we go with the begging rant again. It's quite simple if you don't like it then MUTE them. Done.
  9. Yes best idea is to ask Phoenix/Firestorm help group as Venus wrote. That's what I do when things go screwy & I've always gotten it figured out.
  10. I did it before but I forget and can't find it under land manager. Maybe I'm just not spotting it. Please help! ty XD
  11. Sommerland is described in some metaphysical books as a place you go after you die, Starostin because I like ***stars.***
  12. That's about where I'd start. All those are must-haves for beginning your SL experience in my book. Nice eyes btw!
  13. Oh thank you. Figures its not linked secondlife.com cuz that would make sense lol.
  14. Can someone tell me how to view profiles once I login to the website? Thank youuuu!
  15. Can someone tell me how to view profiles once I login to the website? Thank youuuu!
  16. I'm using Phoenix Firestorm non-mesh version. I like Phoenix for the extra features, dunno why LL can't incorporate some of these same features into the standard viewer. Phoenix also has a help group you can join in-world that's extremely useful and available 24/7 that also conducts in-world classes as well, so great customer service there. I'm not using any mesh version viewer atm because I hear its buggy, so am waiting on that. But sometimes you can't go with the viewer you'd like to use, sometimes you have to go with the viewer your computer will LET you use lol. So far no probs with Phoenix for me on that score.
  17. I'd fix V2 so it has the nice add ons that the Phoenix peeps do in their viewers and I'd definitely...BRING BACK LAST NAMES!
  18. Oh what a great post! Well 2 peeps did Rhiannon & one Annabel Lee so here's this "Sara" by Stevie. Also I love this one by the Rolling Stones, "Lady Jane.".
  19. Up4 Dawes wrote: All avatars use resources homeless or otherwise, but many sim owners don't like the homeless because they are by nature the cheapest of the lot. Most homeless avatars also don't have accounts and don't spend lindens so they don't contribute and if you don't contribute to the SL economy then you are not supporting the very people that make it possible Sim owners make it all possible,the arts,music,fashion,builds, believe me the Lindens are not interested that your a creative artist,a explorer,creator,or appriciate the SL world, their interest is you do it someplace that has been paid for. If your not paying your leeching...it's not about how many wonderful beauitful places you visited it's about did you put your money where your eyes are... Don't really agree with this. Some don't pay into SL much but others pay a lot. I know I must've supported an unpaid account or two with my contributions lol. And I've found that even if you feel you don't want a home or invest a lot into it there will come a time when that changes, maybe, maybe not. Seems like it happens to a lot of peeps. We all know what the Lindens want, they ARE a business hehe. However, to say if you're not paying your leeching is one outlook. People in SL, like in RL, will have opinions and when someone asks for advice, they will be offered. Take what is right for you and leave the rest. Because if you don't do what's right for you, you won't be having fun in SL and you also won't be wanting to invest in SL anytime soon either.
  20. Hmm well I don't know your situation with this person you've labeled "grumpy RL," so its hard to give advice. Thing is, you'd rather play SL then be with grumpy. There is a reason for that. Because I know someone that I'd gladly turn off SL as soon as they walked thru the door rather then keep playing. Seems to be some unsaid communication going on between you two, you by playing SL & finding fun in things that don't involve her and her nagging at you to turn off SL & be with her. I'm pretty sure she has a nagging feeling hat in some way you don't want to be with her. Now it could be she's an unhappy person and some people can never be happy no matter what you do. I grew up with a person like that. So yeah I'd did a lot of things to escape that atmosphere. So you can keep complaining about "grumpy" and this person can keep being "grumpy" but bigger things are going on with this picture I feel. And both of you're aren't happy but you can only take responsibility for yourself. Now I don't necessarily mean forget what she feels & do what you want but take some time to think about all this & maybe a solution will come to you.
  21. SL is for doing what you want. If you don't want or feel you need a home that's great. There are some good PRIVATE dressing rooms I've found that work great for opening boxes & changing clothes. I myself like to have a home for convenience sake, entertaining guests, and also displaying my lovely home items. But if you don't feel you need that more power to you!
  22. I like Adele, but I would be glad not to hear this song again. And yeah definitely Houston's I Will Always Love You ugh.
  23. I have shoes with huds & I hardly wear them. The skin tone never looks exactly right as it also depends on the windlight you're using and the lighting. So, even if you succeed in getting the skin to match fairly even for YOU, that doesn't mean it will appear that way to someone else. Also with lag, shoes don't always rezz so why bother doing all that work for nothing? Out of all the peeps I've seen wearing shoes with huds, I can count on one hand the ones in which skin tone matches. Plus I wear more than one skin and usually ones that are less popular, in which skin matching info isn't provided. And I've noticed even when it is, it's not a guarantee that you will get a wonderful match & I really don't find spending a major amount of my SL time (because it's not a quick process) matching skin colors as a fun way to play SL lol. I usually wear pumps if I want to wear heels. I do like Pixel Mode but Tya's closing shop for awhile. G Field is great as well.
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