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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. If I were you (and I once was) I would forgo classes. Sit down with yourself, Find a few full perm freebies, and take them apart.(to unlink press ctrl shift and L on your keyboard). Take a look at how they made it, look at the textures, if it has any, look at the sizes, the shapes. Now rez yourself some boxes and see if you can mimic this. I suggest starting with freebies made of plain prims, first and foremost. Then move on to creating your own objects with prims. Practice using the textures in your library to start. You won't be selling any of these items, you just want to get familiar with the edit box, how it works, how to line things up, how to change prims. Make sure you try it out with all the prim shapes available to you in your edit box(the build button will open that edit box for you, sorry I don't know what it looks like in viewers that are V2 or above, I don't use them lol). Explore your edit box though. That is before you move on to working with sculpts, prims are a very good first step. You CAN skip it entirely too, but, I don't recommend at least exploring them a little bit, personally. Then, either go in world or into the marketplace and find yourself some cheap builder packs under building components. There are LOTS of really cheap ones. These packs can be invaluable for a new builder. You can learn how to perfect texture tiling, simply looking at the texture in some sort of external program(GIMP is free) can help teach you how to create dimension, and shadows, baked right into the textures). Most also include a sample object, so you can look at it to see how they really put it together, got the sizes right, and everything. Sometimes it helps to make things much bigger, and scale down after you're done, too. That may just apply to me, I'm legally blind so my vision is, not all that great. I need to start out bigger to make sure things look right. I have no depth perception too, so this is the only way I can really learn how to adapt some textures to look as though they have depth... Gosh I love the free temp uploads, lol. I will forever be learning, growing, adapting, etc..To me, that's key, in being any sort of creator in sl...always be willing to make mistakes, learn from them, and then learn even more Sorry I know it all sounds overwhelming but I promise you that it's really not. You will find that you can be your best teacher. The classes are wonderful and can be very helpful too, but you're running into the same problem many have/do, and that is time. They simply aren't always convenient. Exploration is as valuable as sitting there in a class. Not to mention you'd be learning at your own pace, learning the things you want to learn. For me, I started with learning how to build objects. Making clothes wasn't too terribly difficult, but that's because I've already got experience working with graphic programs. I just don't like making clothes, and it's really, really hard on my eye these days to even try, so I gave up trying. You can't really start out big and scale back down with non-prim clothing, lol.
  2. lol it was 2008, so most definitely nothing current I still don't think even if anyone has been overpaid, or undercharged by LL that they'd admit to such. People are a paranoid bunch, for all different kinds of reasons.
  3. I have been overpaid, but it wasn't recently. It was after I first became premium(non longer am). When it was time for that $1000L payment, mine never came. I waited a good month before I asked about it, just in case, still never came. Then I contacted LL about it. Took them ages to actually answer me (about two weeks). I was given my payment that day. The next day, I got another one. I know most people probably wouldn't say a thing about it, but I did. I added the info to my ticket which hadn't yet been closed. I was simply told to "enjoy", since it was clearly their error. That's not to say I am sticking up for LL, or saying it's common place. But I'm quite certain there are other instances out there. It's rather obvious that we wouldn't hear about them though, so not real sure why you're even asking people about it, lol. Not too many folks these days would admit to *any overage in their favor, much less one from LL.
  4. I know it's not the money for you, or even the fact that the person turned out to fall on the side commonly referred to as "scammer"...but you also shouldn't focus on your own "stupidity". You should never think of your actions as stupidity. It very well may be one of the oldest tricks in the book, but charity isn't stupidity, regardless of what the recipient does with that charity. Your motives were sincere and it's all that matters....or should I've done the same thing myself, given lindens here and there, bought someone food for their breedable when they were running low/out, handed out things to someone just down on their luck(in some cases so they could turn a profit on it even, lol), helped them with all sorts of things, really. It's quite possible, probable even, that not every person I helped was sincere in their need. Eh, no skin off my nose. I try not to think about the bad that could be lurking behind every need, I think it tends to make people bitter when they do that. I don't want to allow that "bad" to have any sort of impact on *my* sl. I do the same in rl though
  5. I first joined SL ages ago, but didn't like it. I returned(on multiple different avs) over the years, but still didn't like it, lol. I aquired a lot of junk that way and over the years have passed it from one av to the next. (my very first accounts are all long gone now). But once I decided to come here for good, transitioning with friends from another game, those are the friends who actually helped me navigate the world at first and find hair/skin/clothes places. Before that I had only wandered the grid, really. I wore only newb stuff, changed my clothes on the roof of a castle no one used and pretty much just wandered aimlessly. I won't name them because I'm not so sure they want that, but they know who they are, and they know how thankful I am for their kindness and support. One of those friends is the person who taught me how to build. He wasn't very nice about it, his approach was rash and sometimes really unkind. But once you get to know him, you understand why, lol. It's just how he is (and despite what he wants people to think, he's not a total jerk, he's an amazing friend to those who need him, even though I haven't talked to him since 09-ish, I still remember the good times, even if he claims there never were any ) There is a much larger crowd of people that I like to thank just as much though. It's because of them that Sl is fun, even when it's not fun. The people who allow me to help them. The people who buy my stuff, even when it's not all that great-I'm always learning. The people who ask for help, ask me questions, make me think, and allow me to assist them. They give me far more than most others could. I thoroughly enjoy helping other people-and if I can't help them, I find them help. It's really one of my favorite things to do in sl, to be honest. That's not to say I take every newbie I find out and outfit them with the latest and greatest. But I really do enjoy passing on lms, products, freebies, advice, tales only experience can give me, and such. When we first came to sl(I say we because it was a really large crowd of us that came here from a game elsewhere on the net), a lot of the people had never been here before. I had, but not with much luck and certainly not for more than a week or two at a time, lol. We'd meet together on a specific land and we had all sorts of adventures. There was a smaller crowd of us, we tended to be more "misfits" than anything else, lol. It became apparent that some of the things others were interested in, we were not(which is awesome, of course). We banded together, a lot, lol. We brought in a bunch more people from this other game. As people trickled in, we'd gather together and go on field trips. Those were some of the best times ever. We visited sims that have long since gone away We went to haunted houses, amusement parks, zoos, the eiffel tower, africa, sims full of ruins, boardwalks, arcades, clothing/hair/skin/junk stores. You name it, we probably went there. We had a blast. We're darn lucky we never got kicked out of places, we weren't always the best behaved people(not that we caused trouble per se, just a little unruly, lol). Maybe people saw our rez dates and took pity on us thinking we were newbs, lol. We'd have great fun right there on the land(owned by the station I dj'd for at the time, and most of the people we hung out with were dj's there too). Dance parties, events, at one time there was a club. We learned all sorts of skills together. Late nights, grid wide hunts of all sorts, many of us joined RFL in SL together and really had a blast with most of that too...the list is really endless. Quite a few of us grew closer and closer, we knew/know rl names, addresses. We sent christmas cards, talk in other areas outside of sl, etc.. Basically, we became family. A family by choice, not by blood, but family nonetheless. Times were simpler then. Most of us have since parted ways, or we only speak periodically, but(at least for me) most of the friendships remain as tight as they ever were, despite the distance and lack of time spent together. We've mostly all moved on to our own little corners of the world. But I think fondly, quite often, on the times we had. There were good, bad, and downright ugly, but I wouldn't change any of them for all the linden on the grid.
  6. Personally, I'd go with nPose. There are a few reasons why..(and it's not the only product that offers these benefits) 1-It's free (that's usually it's first appeal, lol) 2-You can adjust exactly how the av should sit with each animation, so you don't have to worry about making sure your sits are closely related, so the av sits correctly for each pose. Not sitting right annoys some people, quite a bit, and might turn them off your products in the future. 3-You can use it as a learning tool (my primary reason for getting it) 4-Though it sounds complicated, even when reading the instructions, it's really not. Once you've used it a couple times, it's easy as heck to set up and go. It actually functions an awful lot like many of it's competing products, except you can see how this one works. (kinda goes hand in hand with #3) 5-No silly poseballs-well for folks who think they're silly anyway, this is a plus.
  7. I only delete folks who give me cause to delete them (ie, they did something that royally ticked me off to the point that I wish to no longer converse with them on any level). It's a rarity for me to remove someone from my contacts. Not like having them there costs me anything, even if we never speak, or only spoke once, three years ago. Never know when someone will get the urge to just say hi....and I may have the urge to say hi right back at them.
  8. I remember exactly what I was doing. I was sitting in a hospital room at the children's hospital with my 4 month old babygirl watching her cling to life and praying for a miracle. There wasn't anyone else in the world more important than her at the time. I remember watching what happened, because the tv interrupted what was on. But I can honestly say at those particular moments my emotions were focused elsewhere. My babygirl needed me to be there, all of me, not half focused on her and half focused on the tragedy I couldn't do anything to stop. I said a prayer for those invoved and went back to focusing my energies on her. I know it sounds terribly selfish and most people have some not so nice things to say about people who weren't utterly stupified by the tragedy of the day. Not saying I didn't care, didn't(and don't) mourn the losses(I lost family in the 9/11 attacks as well). I'm just always honest when asked what I was doing the moment I found out.
  9. Kye Rae wrote: "Your last submission did not include the documents ID number, we will need that number for verification." I don't see how any non governmental agency would require the Passport ID number to verify the document. I'm asking if this is a standard request by Linden Labs or is a Linden Labs employee trying to take advantage of the situation? Because someone can fake a document, quite easily, they need the number to ensure it's actually a valid ID. Lots of non-government agencies need a valid form of ID for identification purposes. A passport without an actual number(or one that can't be seen, in this case) isn't valid until they can confirm the number exists and belongs to the person on the passport. The same way a government issued ID can be faked, so can a passport-especially a *picture of a passport.
  10. If they're taking pics of the passport and not scanning it, I'm not at all surprised that the pics aren't coming out very clear, it happens a lot when you take a picture of a document. Why on earth would a LL employee want to steal someone's passport number, when it can be very easily traced to the person asking for it? Seriously, lol. That doesn't make any sense. That's like admitting to a crime you haven't quite yet committed, and leaving your name so they can later verify it was you who did it. If you want to verify the account, you have to give them the info they're asking for.
  11. Melita Magic wrote: "Mind you the changes coming, we have not seen yet, " No, people have already been banned, and their purchases deleted. As I understand it, thus far they are being restored, if a complaint is put in with the company on their own website. There is no redress with this company in world. They will not respond to requests except via their own website. It seems they are within the SL platform to me and must abide by its rules as we all do. In future it does not sound as if the purchases will be restored if someone is still using a booster. It will be game over. My question: is this within SL Tos and is this legal even IF the player agrees to it? In order to keep what they have and continue playing, all players MUST agree to it once the new contract comes out. Ishtara : it's been so long I don't recall but I think an agreement pops up when you first rez one of their products. Not all of their products contain a note card, if any do; offhand I don't remember. It's a complaint some of us had from the start. Also, it's only available in English. Ishtara: your analogy with the court case in which law supercedes a user contract is perfect. The changes haven't taken effect in the TOS yet, is what I said. Yes people have been banned, people that took apart their equipment to get this other product to function(as you need to do currently, or buy one from someone else that was created this way) and yes every single one of them who has filed a support ticket has been or will be reinstated with the warning that tampering with the products breaks the TOS we all signed. No fuss, no muss, no real loss. I reserve my personal opinion on the matter since I sit quite contently middle of the fence on this-and most-issues with this game/company, lol. I responded to offer more info. Your original post was just a bit vague and didn't give people much to go on. Helps to give as much info as possible, without being too specific, or name names, when you ask things like this.
  12. Melita Magic wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Also I should probably tell you that the person who took the item to a no script zone, to remove it's contents ADMITTED to the community, on their own, that they did this. They specifically spelled out exactly HOW they did it. There is absolutely NO denial on their part of how it was created. So there's no reason to say there are "two sides" to that part of the matter. There actually are not two sides, lol. The person simply believes what they did was not wrong because the product they created is something the community wants. They've never once denied how it was created. Hi Tari; Let's remain civil. One of my fellowship talked to this person and they denied doing any of that. There was more than one booster of this type. I'm remaining quite civil, just expanding on the issue a bit. Since I know you know where to find it, check the blog that first discussed the matter. You'll find the person who created it, did in fact post to the blog exactly how it was done, and why. They had absolutely no qualms admitting to all of us how they made it, since they saw nothing wrong in what they did, why would they not admit to it? But that particular part doesn't really have much to do with the legalities of the company stopping us from playing/owning, etc.. I'm just saying that, for that portion of the argument, there isn't an argument. Even the creator will tell you how it was made. They told us exactly how to do it ourselves even, lol. (which the TOS even before the change, specifically prohibits doing anyway but that's really neither here nor there, lol)
  13. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Another point: How does this merchant get his or her customers to agree to these terms of service? Are they visible at all prior to the purchase, perhaps in the Marketplace listings? If not, their ToS or end user license might be null and void to begin with. In any case, the customers would have to take this to court. Perhaps a class action lawsuit? Yes you get the TOS they have beforehand. It's also on their website for all to read, at their leisure if they so choose. But before you can play their game, you have to agree to the TOS(via the menu that drops down, after you're given the TOS to read).
  14. Also I should probably tell you that the person who took the item to a no script zone, to remove it's contents ADMITTED to the community, on their own, that they did this. They specifically spelled out exactly HOW they did it. There is absolutely NO denial on their part of how it was created. So there's no reason to say there are "two sides" to that part of the matter. There actually are not two sides, lol. The person simply believes what they did was not wrong because the product they created is something the community wants. They've never once denied how it was created.
  15. If you're going to discuss the topic here, it helps to offer a bit more information. You don' t have to name names to do this. (I'm not a fan girl, on either side, but it does help to have more information than you have given here, I won't give my opinion, but I will expand on the actual issue, so people know what it is you're actually talking about-without getting specific. Your OP is extremely one sided and doesn't actually expand on the issue enough to allow people to make an informed answer) What happened, without getting specific, is this. A game(ie, product) is created within SL. There are certain things one can do, within this game, to enhance their own game(not required, just something that one can choose do). This is a function of part of the equipment we are given to play this game. Another creator(multiple at this point, but it started with one)took it upon themselves to take this piece of equipment to a place that does not permit scripts in order to bypass the security measures within it, so they could safely remove it's scripts without sending a warning to the system that they've done just this. They did this to create their own product, using these scripts, to enhance the game for themselves and others purchasing their new product. They did so successfully and sold it to thousands of other game players-some ignorant of it's actual origin and some not. Normally the security measures built in would prevent us from removing these scripts, as this equipment self deletes when we rez rather than wear it, and the system gets flagged when we attempte to tamper. In a no script zone, this can't happen, or well, it *didn't happen. Now this event is what began the entire issue Melita is talking about. This act caused the creators of the game to have to go in and rethink their TOS and change it. Mind you the changes coming, we have not seen yet, however we HAVE had ample warning that they are coming. It's been a topic of discussion for almost two months now within this game community. It's taken the creators this long to find a way to get around what was done, with minimal damage done to the remainder of the community and their investment in the game(whatever ir may be, lindens, time, emotional, etc..) They've come to a conclusion that they will make this product-created by taking apart equipment, and anything that functions like it that is created by others, useless, within their own coding. They've also decided that they will adjust their TOS to now reflect the very specific spelling out of products like this one are prohibited and will cause you the loss of your ability to play/own/partake, etc.... They've given us ample warning that we will all need to sign, aka agree, to this new TOS. If we do not, then, we cannot partake, play, own, whatever else have you their products. This is the part Melita is asking about. Whether or not it is legal for them to *not* allow customers to own, partake, play, etc... their game, if they refuse to adhere to the TOS set forth. Also, I am guessing, since it's not spelled out in the OP...whether or not this company is legally allowed to change their TOS if the need arises. This is the are some people are having difficulty understanding, the real life legalities of such a thing as well as whether or not such policies break LL TOS. Like I said, I won't offer my personal opinion, as it wouldn't be fair to offer my own opinion while explaining. I just wanted to actually give you the scenario with a bit more information so it makes sense when you try to answer.
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Now I feels bad cuz.... it's common to give gifts at SL weddings? I thot they was happy if ppls just showed up for the ceremony. I wouldn't, and didn't, ask for gifts. Actually, no one that I know has ever actually asked for them.(and god help the first person who does tell me they expect one...I can be a very creative builder when I want to, a very not nice one at that) But personally, I like giving gifts. Even when someone tells me not to. That's why I do it. Not because it's expected of me, just becausse I enjoy it. I'm the same way in real life though.
  17. Depending on the relationship I have with someone, these are some of my favorite things to gift...(and obviously they will also depend on the person you are gifting,their likes and dislikes, available prims(lol) and such) My first and foremost favorite thing to do, is create something. It could be anything from a gorgeous potted plant, to a simple card with a heartfelt message. This is always my first option. But on the occasions I've bought things, this is what I go for.. For someone with a home-furniture, decor(wall art,statues, knick knacks and such), if they're into the more adult side of sl-furniture/decor appropriate for them, a game(sl has tons), a well made and heartfelt card they can display, a mud pit or some other sort of fun "gag" gift or other juvenile thing we've enjoyed-or I know they enjoy, other sim decor, builder's things, heck I bought a friend a house she'd had her eye on once. For someone without a home-gift cards, straight lindens(if I know they need it, lol), jewelry, a well made and heartfelt card, a nice night at some romantic getaway for the couple somewhere in sl(loads of great places), builder's packs(for friends that build anyway) Unlike rl, kitchenware isn't gifted nearly as often, or linens. But you might even find a nifty gadget somewhere in sl this person could use greatly. There is a nice couple's thing rendezvous has(couples animator) that I like a lot.(lets us walk hand in hand, fly, he carries me piggy back style, etc..). We use ours all the time, it makes it easier when my system is being stupid, then I don't have to walk It's not x rated, no worries. Stuff like that can be lots of fun.
  18. It's most likely on your end(connection/router/modem/ISP/etc..). I haven't had any interruptions or any loading issues with marketplace at all lately.
  19. Blue eyes are pretty popular in sl, I've noticed. But they're pretty popular in rl too. Mine have been two different colors, brown and cerulean. Right now, they're a light brown, until I finish making my new eyes which are only not finished because I'm being lazy. They'll be a darker shade of brown, a near identical replica of my rl eyes, when I finish, though. The cerulean eyes I used to wear, I also made, but they weren't/aren't very good quality, I was pretty novice at making just about anything (couldn't even make a house back then, lol). Cerulean is my rl fav. color though-which is why I went for that one. It complimented my skin well-and vice versa, back then. Now I don't even remember what I named them, funny yet sad at the same time.
  20. This is another of my fav Autumn things.. Halloween.. and Harvest time (one of my kiddos, with the pumpkins he grew himself, a few years ago)
  21. We don't have AC here either, sucks when the weather jumps over 90 degrees, or the humidity decides to rear it's ugly head, lol. I very much welcome the cooler air of the Spring and Fall(well in the case of Spring, warmer than Winter air, lol)
  22. Autumn in rl(well end of Summer into Autumn) means back to school time, which means box day(supplies come) for us since we homeschool. Those are always great fun. As is lessons outside, instead of inside, lots of nature walks and fun exploration. Less humidity and less 90+ degree days, nothing compared to others living in hotter climates, but hot enough for me that's for sure. Cool breezes in the evenings with that crisp air smell all around mixed with the smell of the foliage changing. People always tell me I'm weird for that one, but I can tell the difference in the air. We live right on the lake too, so the air changes because of that. One thing I really don't like about it is the mosquitos come out full force, earlier and earlier. Autumn in SL means pretty much everything everyone else already said, lol. Sales pick back up, the Autumn stuff becomes desired, Halloween supplies go out and start selling more and more. I don't change my sim for Autumn though, I like it the way it is. But I do change the store decor-what little I put out, up a bit.
  23. I like the 60L weekends group(else I wouldn't have been in it this long, lol). But I have noticed that some of the merchants have been using the same stuff, more than once(and I don't mean like in a row, or due to their absence or anything like that). Sometimes the packaging is changed, but the item(s) offered were already offered not very long ago. But that's primarily on the full perm stuff, which is what I focus on mainly in that group these days. It's likely easier to come up with new outfits, or new products than it is new builder supplies sometimes. I'd love to see even *more merchants be able to join the group to be honest. That group could continue to grow and grow and it would be the perfect group to start bringing in some of the lesser known merchants with quality products. Because it's well established, people enjoy it, and it's organized in a way you'd expect. I know both myself and the others I've brought into that group don't buy nearly as much as we used to though, because sometimes it grows stagnate. The diversity dies down after a while, it has it's peak times too though. It's not a bad group, by far, it's one of the best ones still left. But it's not a good representation of what most of those groups are like. Most are subpar compared to it. Groups catered to builders would be a great idea....for anyone wanting to create one, lol. Something like that would definitely peak interest and grow quickly. It's not a "niche" area, but it's something that people all across the grid(newbies and oldbies alike) can greatly benefit from. I know some of the creators in the full perm area of 60L weekends make a pretty decent penny. The day that NC comes out-and even into Saturday, some of those places fill up quickly with folks trying to get those deals. I run into a lot of other creators that way, too(and then I profile perv them, find out if they have a store, check it out, and usually save the LM...I'm weird that way)
  24. Not all of the arrogance is perceived, in fact many of those group owners are quite open about their arrogance. There is a huge difference between wanting quality(let us not forget diversity as well, even amongst a themed group) and simply being a jerk to others because you can. The latter is what happens more often than not. They also rarely ever follow up, or even look into non-compliance. The whole "it's my group and I'll do what I want" mentality is, well, running just as rampant in sl as it does rl I've been part of a great many of them for a long time now. I've seen many come and go as well. They're are very few out there that, to be honest, I would ever want to be part of as a creator as I feel they eventually do more harm than good. Far too many of them simply don't give off that feel many are looking for in that type of group. That's why more and more crop up every year. There are plenty of groups that cater to established merchants and their audiences. Though not nearly as much "new" business will come from them over time, it does taper off. Eventually you'll find a lot of the business you get is actually from your current customers, and their alts or the few friends they can bring in every now and then. What that particular area of interest lacks most, is groups that cater to the lesser known creators, brands and even hole in the wall type places. If you own such a group, denying any and all access to merchants you "don't know" is *not a wise move. It's far more than claims of elitism. If you've been part of other groups beyond 60L weekends(I'm also part of that group, just not as a merchant, and I have been for quite some time as well), you'd understand exactly what's being said about the existing groups.
  25. I used to participate, heavily, as a buyer in a great many of them. That was until I started seeing their policies(or lack of) for allowing other merchants in. Some like to come across as "exclusive" but really aren't. I've been looking around at(and have participated in), quite a few and to be honest I'm not too keen on the themed ones. Those ones seem overly arrogant-and the few that aren't, rarely allow new merchants. The ones that don't cater to a specific need(like for instance there are several geared toward Gorean stuff only) are few and far between. I really like those ones, that have all sorts of neat stuff and don't limit it to a certain number of merchants and that's it. I thoroughly enjoy the ones that promote builder supplies too-those can be very helpful. But over the years those too have gone down the tubes. There's only one group I am in now that's not a themed group, and still does "ok", but it's also starting to follow that pattern of some of the merchants using the exact same stuff from a few months(if even) ago, just changing the packaging(or worse, not doing so). But there are still some really great gems here and there in that group. Which is why i never left it, lol. I'd love to see more of the groups form, with decent management, room for improvement and ran by folks who don't turn their noses up at anyone and everyone else(and likewise with participants, especially merchants, who don't do this either). I was thinking about starting one for new creators, new merchants, people who are less known to the grid. Because I think these groups can be VERY valuable in getting "the little guy's" name out there. Very valuable service for any new creator if you ask me. Even if their stuff is so awesome it sells itself. But I'm not so sure I'm prepared for that sort of deal right this second. It's still on the backburner at the moment, but I revisit the idea quite often.
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