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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. My dearest @Orwar... The chorus really screams your name to me. Sincerely, Jordan.
  2. This is the right reply now. To you @TDD123 I say it...
  3. My pet peeve - the cat keeps making muffins on me before I can cover myself with a blanket. Her claws are SHARP!
  4. I apologise to you @Love Zhaoying. I misquoted you instead of someone else. To you I send..
  5. You seem awfully peevish today. You've had 15 peeves in the 7 hrs since you started this thread.
  6. Now looking back at it, that first quote can be taken as I was not allowed to have an opinion on something that has affected me on these forum boards, as the white knight in question frequently mounts her stead and charges at me full of her pseudo-psycho babble and belittling words. Unfortunately I am full of opinions....some I actually think better of sharing.
  7. Do not make me log into SL, track you down and hurt you!
  8. Actually I don't have much to contribute, so will be just making my point here and letting this go because you, like said white knight, do not appear to want to listen or see things from the other side. 1. I have been berated, belittled and shouted down by "white knight" in MANY threads, not just relating to the gender swapping former escort. For example, she came after me when I said a certain "movement" going on in the States shouldn't have been the main concern of the country and a certain "virus" should have been - which I find totally ironic now as she is all over threads about that virus! In fact, I have taken breaks from these boards for a few days or weeks over the way this person treats me for having a thought or opinion that differs from theirs. 2. I have been told by said white knight I have issues, do not love myself or my life, and am a prude and an abuser because I hold an opinion and belief that if you act like a moron in public, you deserve to be called out for it. When challenged to explain exactly how anything I have said is abusive or how my life obviously sucks and I hate myself I got crickets in response. 3. As @Fauve Aeon eloquently pointed out... A true friend calls you out on your BS and will still love you. A true friend doesn't excuse, ignore or encourage you to continue in behaviours or things are offensive or hurting others. A true friend doesn't blindly ride to the rescue and white knight when the friend is the one in the wrong. I'll close off here because like you said, we have no beef and I do not want to start one.
  9. Let me give you an example back. 1. I am NOT a friend of anyone in these forums. 2. I have only one one person from these boards on my friends list and have met them inworld...and it is NOT someone who is involved with this whole hullabaloo. 3. I share many stances with many people here and express it in this forum. I am ACCUSED of being a bullying abuser who "gangs up" on a certain person who deserves a kick up the butt for what they say or do as it is either highly offensive or against forum "rules". See how it also works in reverse?
  10. This is me right now... I'm a hoarder. When mesh happened, I spent hours and hours, days and weeks boxing up ALL my system layer stuff and hiding it away in my inventory. Heaven knows why! Maybe I knew one day BOM would happen and I could bring it out of the cobwebs and wear the stuff I actually loved in my noob days again! Which leads to me why I am ugly crying now. I had a favourite pair of jeans that I just LOVED! I LIVED in these jeans! Today I was moaning the fact that all the applier jeans I have suck and then I remembered - BOM....THOSE JEANS!!!!! So I rezzed out my Boxed Stuff box and then the box of Clothing. I went through and found the store name box and rezzed that. No jeans. So I scrolled through MP hoping they might be there, cos I was happy to buy them again. Nope! Only mesh stuff. So I resigned myself to go through ALL my boxed clothing folders that had everything just shoved into them. Seven boxes in I find one labelled "System Layers". The angels were singing! I rezzed it out and found that I had organised it by stores!!! Yay days of past me! I rez out the store box....but NO JEANS! I have no idea where they are. Did I just delete them? Are they hiding in some other box? Do I have to go through EVERY SINGLE HOARDED BOX? Cue more ugly crying. I'm going to message the store owner and pray to every god in existence she still has them hidden away somewhere.
  11. I would love nothing more than seeing @Orwar in this for Xmas!
  12. I'm still trying to decide if I like this or if I am totally freaked out by it.
  13. Today's peeve....when gifts at events are set to the wrong group.
  14. Ds'Elles - I think there is a 250L group join fee though.
  15. It looks like it feels so cozy! I need better textured applier jeans though!
  16. Next peeve - That I have to go to work and its hot and bright and sunny outside and my sinuses hate me and are doing that annoying hurty sneezy thing...and did I mention hot and bright out there?
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