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Amelia Freund

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Everything posted by Amelia Freund

  1. I've been stuck on Inez for a long while now. Though I have the free heads that Lelutka have given away during various holiday times. My current skin inventory was purchased based everything looking great on Inez so it's hard to change things up.
  2. The thing I found best in the past is to make shapes inspired by unique looking RL celebrities that I liked. Sometimes I demo a head and skin combo and I go "Hey this kinda resembles [insert celebrity]!", and so I run with that sometimes. The downside is you can be too unique to the point where you compromise your shape's versatility, especially when it comes to head skins. I make something out of the ordinary with the head sliders and then I trawl over the grid for hours to find more than one skin to suit it, often failing in my quest. If you're the type of SL'er who wears one skin for years, then it's no issue. My current look isn't super unique, not run-of-the-mill either, but it's versatile enough to result in satisfactory shopping...sometimes.
  3. 50% off again on GenX bodies if anyone is interested. 😀 I don't know when the sale price ends. I gave GenX Curvy a pass a while ago and just revisited it again. I'm kinda liking it except for the legs (I prefer a bit of tone). IMO the Squishy add-on runs circles around Reborn's Juicy Boobs. If only there was more creator support out there. I could never get the Juicy Boobs to work for me, they seemed to make the breasts look too vertically long if that makes sense.
  4. This is actually pretty good! I didn't tweak the shape for too long. Everything Senra Jamie apart from the system skin, which is (unbelievably!) still available as a group gift at Lara Hurley.
  5. I gave it a demo yesterday and couldn't make anything I liked with the sliders. A curveless stick. That's what I feel like whenever I take off my Kupra body now lol. I was miffed this last month around Skin Fair because it was available for pre-order but with no demo. Why would anyone pre-purchase a body you can't try on??
  6. I remember when Skin Fair was just skins. Then a few shape stores started to seep in. Now the tattoos, shapes and makeups outnumber the skins 😑. Probably time to rename the annual event IMO. I still got a few things though. Namely my new fave Rosie from Mila (below, worn on Inez), One from Tres Beau, two from Voguel since they were so cheap, and one from Boataom. Then I ran out of money after I bought my alt a skin from Simple Bloom main store.
  7. May I participate? I lie, I'm wearing a blush layer because the skin had a deathly pallor without it. Most skins these days have baked on contouring anyway.
  8. I know, that's the skin I love the most on it so far with my demo'ing too! Despite my problems I'm liking how this head looks mostly decent with most Genus appliers on the market so far. My tinkering with the sliders with mesh heads usually results in something a little different, so it's good to know heaps of skins will still look good on it despite what I do.
  9. Hi, sorry for bumping an old thread. I'm playing around with the Genus strong head demo and am considering buying it at Skin Fair, but the meshes of the eyes aren't big enough/in the right position and I need to move them (too sunken in, want to bring them forward to fit into the sockets more). I can see a 'move' button on the demo HUD but it doesn't do anything. Help and FAQ links in the HUD lead to an empty Flickr page. Is this just a feature not working in the demo?
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