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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Oh. Well. Guess I'll have to make a trip to the library if I want to read some good dramaz dramatic fiction.
  2. Apparently, general statements are now considered personal attacks. No matter what I say, it's going to be considered a personal attack. Been there, done that, burned the t-shirt.
  3. This is the whole point. While respect does have to be earned, you also need to give, at least, a modicum of respect to those you haven't met yet, when you introduce yourselves to them. It's the method, not the medium, that determines the outcome. I just don't understand how people can't see that.
  4. Please let me know if anyone actually listens. Not once have I ever said I don't like IMs yet there are those who quite obviously immediately jumped to that exact conclusion. Yet, I'm the one at fault because I have an aversion to guys IMing me out of the blue for no other reason than to proposition me. I'm the one at fault because I was raped and it makes me extremely leary of men. I am at fault for wanting to protect myself! Sure I can block, tp away, or log out but that does not change how such things affect victims of rape. It does not change our initial reactions of self preservation. Oh wait... I forgot... it's all my fault. I keep asking myself why I bother and I still don't know the answer other than to say I can't stop caring or needing companionship like every other human out there.
  5. ftfy&m Thing is Sansar was not ready for prime time when LL opened it to the public. The same mistake LL made in 2003 with SL. SL never made it out of the beta stage, neither will Sansar.
  6. This is just the kind of overblown kneejerk, judgemental reaction that makes me hate humans. Deliberately taking things out of context and then twisting them to mean the complete opposite. To hell with people. I'm sick of the stupid bs they are always pulling just to hurt others deliberately because they don't bother to actually get to know the people they hurt. They'd much rather carry on with their narrow minded view because they already got theirs and don't give a flying flip about any one else. No wonder there will never be world peace or space travel. Just look at how they treat others! Like heaping, steaming piles of manure! No, I'm not going through this crap yet again. It's not worth it.
  7. You had me up until squid. I don't eat anything that has suckers. *squick*
  8. Hello, Shark Eating Woman. Meet Gator Eating Woman.
  9. All. of. this. Every bit of it. That's how I've always been in SL. I'm not going to change who (and how) I am just to suit someone who thinks I'm "doing it wrong". This is part of who I am. Like it or not. Deal with it or not. Sadly, most choose not. That's the part that never makes sense.
  10. Hey what? What hey! What? What? What? Friggin light bulbs. 💡
  11. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to turn the lights on and light the candles. I hope everyone had a good time. Maybe we can do it again around Christmas and things in RL will be more settled for me by then. Oh... and if I disappear for a few days it's because we are changing providers (again) but I should be back online by Friday evening. Not that anyone other than Par would notice.
  12. Sounds like Frank's Elite. If you aren't part of the clique, you're ignored.
  13. Sorry, no. You'll have to settle for the Murray Street Bridge... somewhere on the bottom of the Red River in Louisiana.
  14. I"m pretty sure you know that isn't what I meant. It is nice to have people on my list and hear from them once in a while. It's really hard being a shoulder for decades and not have a shoulder of your own. ...basks in the double warmth of Maddy's Lurve.
  15. One thing my time on the forum and this thread has taught me. I'll just have to accept I won't ever be "good" enough for everyone/anyone else which means what I've always suspected. Having friends is never going to happen for me. C'est la vie.
  16. If this is in any way in reference to my posts, you've got me all wrong. I've never said they were all or must all be adult in nature. That's putting words into my mouth I never said, implied or meant. What part of "I am not in SL for sex of any way, shape or form," is so hard to understand and if you IM me wanting said sex I will shut you down in a heartbeat and likely won't be anything other than quite blunt about it so they will go away and leave me the ef alone. ffs
  17. Would "daily basis" do for you? Because I go through that every day. Just not for the same reason you do.
  18. Delusions of grandeur. I don't even own a cardigan.
  19. But it isn't a competition. When I find myself having to shout to be heard (competing) that is when the conversation ceases to exist and the shouting match occurs. That's not the sort of conversation I look for in others. I get what you are saying though. In a room full of people you say something and no one even notices you spoke. So you repeat it a little bit louder. Still no response. Eventually you raise your voice to a level that can be clearly heard across the room and then everyone turns around and stares at you as if you had committed murder. Then you slink away to a dark corner somewhere and wait for a time when you can slip out the door unnoticed. Or just grab your hat and coat and out the door you go.
  20. They usually do if an owner or mod happens to be on. I've never seen a case where they weren't.
  21. My Nigerian prince keeps promising me millions of dollars. And then there are the "cops" and "lawyers" and "investigators" who try to claim they are going to put me in jail for debts owed. Debts I never owed to begin with, on top of the fact that in the US you can't be jailed for debt without being first sentenced to serve time by a court judge in a courtroom. I wish they would make up my mind so I'd know if I'm filthy rich or dirt poor.
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