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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. It was a rhetorical question, not meant to be answered. Sorry I didn't make that clear.
  2. If you are aiming this directly at me and not for the benefit of others, you're preaching to the choir.
  3. If the permissions for the hair itself are set to mod then why not reflect that in the area I posted the image of? That is what is being paid for, the hair itself, the rest are just necessary items that need to be included and may or may not be reflected in the price. The box itself could be full perms but like you said the items in it are what shows up when you look at it in inventory, not the perms of the box itself. That's just how I've always looked at it. YMMV, of course.
  4. I have bought boxed things that the creator did properly select the permissions on the MP for. When these are properly selected it should (key word) reflect what is in the box. The below is for a full perm item. Granted, not everyone uses those settings like they were meant to be used. And like you said people do need to read but even so, the creator doesn't always provide the information. Could just be oversight or it could be laziness or even lack of knowledge. The real problem is MP was never set up like it should have been in the first place. It's far too "strict" with very little "wiggle room". MP has no real flexibility that I can see.
  5. Oh ffs I give up. You both win. I'm out of here.
  6. Sometimes I'm not so sure where I end and you begin. You just described me to a T.
  7. I kinda figured saying that wasn't necessary since all the posts above mine already did. lol
  8. Demos are usually no mod so I usually tick the little mod box. I make liberal use of the copy/mod/tran check boxes.
  9. I appreciate the offer. Very much so. I'm sorry it just isn't doable for financial and health reasons. Thank you for the offer. Your kindness and loving heart won't be forgotten. I'd like to think my little sister would have been just like you if she had lived beyond the age of 5. It wasn't meant to be as she was born a water head baby (Hydrocephalus) at a time (1964) when there was nothing doctors could do.
  10. I never said there weren't any good reasons for selective memberships. Not a single one of my post addressed sex groups who are selective of membership. I didn't address them because they were not mentioned by the OP (as quoted below, emphasis mine) of this thread. I have been speaking in general terms and deliberately not addressing any specific group or groups of people. They probably don’t understand, the magnitude of the risk they are actually taking, and the psychological damage inflicted by this simple act. Human beings are acutely sensitive to social rejection and ostracism. It is hard-wired into our system, having evolved as a result of our reliance on other humans for survival. Research shows that even partial ostracism is quickly detected, and that lacking information that others in a group seem to have undermines not one but four fundamental human needs: the need for belonging and connection to others, self-esteem, the need for a sense of control and effectiveness, and the need for meaningful relationships. What it boils down to is this: being left out is perceived as a signal that one has low status or standing. People who lack information that their associates seem to have often feel that they have fallen out of favor, or that others have turned against them. It is this loss of standing, according to researchers, that undermines our four fundamental needs as well as our trust, loyalty, and motivation. Interestingly, this is true even when we believe that we have been left out unintentionally. Why? Well, even when someone accidentally leaves you out, you often suspect that they could have remembered if it was really important to them, if they really respected you. In the end, even inadvertent exclusion feels like a sign of low status.
  11. I wish you were my neighbor on one side and Maddy on the other side. It would be more like family than a neighborhood. We could all use more people like you two in our lives.
  12. I most certainly did not treat anyone like garbage. I know what it feels like to not have a family of your own, both parents gone... pretty much everything she said described my 60 years of life (alone even when living with someone). The two differences are I don't have to take meds (yet) for blood pressure or depression. So I do empathize with her (and sympathize) regardless of whether or not she believes anything I say or have said. Even so, all of that combined is not a license to snub or snob. When you try teaching out to people, who are obviously in pain, and you consistently draw back a nub, you get to the point where you either stop reaching out or you don't reach out as much or as far. I'm not yet to the point where I stop reaching out but I am rapidly getting there. Why? Because time and time again people prove to be uncaring arseholes. As much as I dislike being alone, I'd much prefer that to being treated as inferior when I know it's bs. I give myself more than enough reason(s) to doubt my own self worth. I certainly don't need others to do it for me.
  13. Some people have been watching Dobie Gillis reruns a bit too much. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maynard_G._Krebs Bob Denver (yes, Gilligan) as Maynard G. Krebs:
  14. She doesn't need to leave. I do. All I do is piss people off. That's what being honest and frank gets me.
  15. Who said you didn't know the definitions? I sure didn't. And I sure am not pretending you don't know. You asked a question, I gave you the answer. You don't like the answer. That's not on me. Frankly, if you want to be a snob, it's not my problem. I made the choice decades ago to not be one even though I could have been. I made the choice because I saw how they treat "others" and I didn't want to have any part in it. I have no desire to "rub elbows" with people who look down on others for no other reason than to feel superior. No one human being is superior to another. Traits of a snob: Snobs typically make others uncomfortable by insisting on their specific set of rules, which may or may not be appropriate. These rules may be based on what brands you "must" wear, neighborhoods that are acceptable by their standards, or places that you should or shouldn't frequent. Snobs put others down by excluding them from events for arbitrary reasons, such as lack of money or social status. Snobs are often phony and try to make others think more highly of them than they deserve. When backed into a corner, a snob may turn into...well... instead of standing up for what is right, they are more likely to fight for whatever benefits them at the expense of others. Traits of a well-mannered person: Someone with good manners will do his or her best to make others comfortable. Even when practicing proper etiquette, it will be silent and often invisible with no attention called to the actions. A well-mannered person is more likely to cover for someone who doesn't know the etiquette rules than to call the person out for the infraction. Personally, I much prefer to be around well-mannered people than a bunch of snobs. If that offends you, that's your problem, not mine, to deal with or not. Whether it’s through wearing brand-name labels, pouring drinks from the most prized wine bottles, or just putting on the presumed airs of the upper class, people who engage in snobbery can make the rest of us doubt our own self-worth. If that's how you really want to make people feel, again, that is on you. Hopefully you are prepared to deal with the consequences of being exclusive.
  16. Gives a whole new meaning to "you're a rock". Does it mean you are strong (emotionally, mentally or physically) or does it mean you're dumb as a bag of rocks? I like where this is going. lol
  17. Another word for excluding is ostracizing. If you really want to know more: http://socialpsychonline.com/2015/11/psychology-ostracism-feeling-excluded/
  18. Exclude, exclusion, exclusive all look pretty negative. Sounds pretty snobbish to me. By definition those who exclude others for whatever reason are the snobs.
  19. Neat is good but who cares about birds? I just like playing in beards.
  20. We need a wtf button. Yeah, I know. We'll get a hug before a wtf. Like that is ever going to happen.
  21. Since Maddy caused me to lose the lunch I never eat, she now owes me a steak and lobster dinner at the restaurant of my choice. 😈
  22. Not really. They didn't sell nearly as well as people have been led to believe. Most women smokers wouldn't touch them and they did get tagged with a most unbecoming nickname. V_ _ _ _ _ Slimes. Sorry. I'd type it out for you but a certain someone will decide to take offense and report me hoping I'll be banned permanently this time. I'm sure most are intelligent enough to figure it out.
  23. The Leo Burnett advertising agency handled the Virginia Slims account throughout most of the product lifetime. I was 7 when those ads hit the tv screen. Almost caused a war in CenLa.
  24. pssst.... You forgot the honeychile. Bless your heart, honeychile.
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