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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. That's what my flame point does. All he does is play. He'll be 6 years old on August 25th and he still plays Thundering Horsemen all by himself. He's happier than a pig in a poke with the stay at home orders. We are now his to command 24/7.
  2. Never even heard of Sienna Miller. Never saw Taylor Swift until a few days ago. Didn't know who she was either. I stopped trying to keep up with who is who in all those popularity contests long ago. “The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.” ~Jean-Luc Picard
  3. Well... considering the word used was generic and not genetic it kind of makes a difference in meaning and context.
  4. I'm having a wee bit of trouble keeping a straight face... I tried... I really really tried.
  5. Thanks. I don't use plugins. Sorry. The only solution would be a cure for Astigmatism.
  6. I have really had my own phone number show up on my caller ID. The idiots spoofed my phone number to call me. How stupid can you get?
  7. Well... that would explain why they are all wearing masks. What?
  8. There is no doubt in my mind that they mean well. I'm the introvert. They're all the family I have left. And since you aren't me...
  9. Well I don't know about it being Taylor to begin with but I can "see" facial features and long hair draped in front of shoulders. It doesn't remind me of anyone in particular other than it appearing feminine rather than masculine.
  10. Letterman? Don't you mean Jay Leno? Letterman had his own show on a different network.
  11. One thing that hasn't been touched on yet is the creative mind and how those who have creative talent can see what those who don't have creative talent or very little, can't. Those who are creative tend to use their "imaginations" more than others so they will see humor in something a "non-creative" person can't see.
  12. Ohhh kay. I won't be buying Haagen-Dazs any more. Vegetable ice cream? YUCK!
  13. Everything has already been set. Has been since I got this computer. If I adjust it just for SL it will throw everything else out of whack. Not going through all that again.
  14. Depending on how dark the theme is... won't do me a bit of good. Unfortunately trying to use the dark theme, for me, just makes me strain my eyes. So this forum's dark theme is unusable for me. The bright blue causes pain in my eyes, not just "bothers" them. There are millions of us that have Astigmatism, not just a very small percentage.
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