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NiranV Dean

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Everything posted by NiranV Dean

  1. There isn't much to say, really. I haven't tested BOM and have no inclination to do so. I doubt that BOM could be as broken as EEP is. And if others are right the only thing i could complain about is the missing alpha masking and materials usage, which is a bit of a letdown considering that it would be a simple addition now that everything is in place, but nothing gamebreaking. The only reason i went for EEP was because i was asked to.
  2. It's okay, i'm already done unflattening my inventory. Thought there were more folders with too much items in it.
  3. I should unflatten my inventory some time when i'm bored, every first login ends up failing 100%.
  4. Screw this. I'm sick of it, i'm trying get us a good and working feature here, offering feedback and a whole buglist, i'm testing this stuff in my free time for your own good so you end up with a broken mess. Instead you have nothing better to do than sabotage everything i do and shrug off these critical bugs as "not a problem" giving LL the impression what i fear is them thinking that this is release worthy and then i'm also getting smacked with the stupid Forum rules because i just can't be nice anymore to someone who is absolutely stretching my patience. All you do is come in here and give me contra simply to give some contra to what i'm saying. Nothing of what you are saying holds any reason, any proofs or shows how "fine" EEP is, instead you keep ignoring the endless growing list of bugs i keep documenting here over and over, i keep reasoning with you but you show nothing but ignorance to the topic at hand -> EEP is NOT okay the way it is. We deserve much better than this and i've been trying to get us exactly that with whatever help i can offer, be it just reporting bugs. Heck i basically offered redoing all their windlight windows, heck i goddamn did it while doing so just for the sake of it. But that's it. I'm done. If you want EEP the way it is, fine. I'll not report back here any more, have it your way, i'll happily sit back and watch the *****storm unfold when EEP goes live like this. All the threads whining about performance, all the threads whining about shiny being broken, the threads whining that shadows look like ass now... oh i will enjoy watching the world burn.
  5. 24 hour daycycle isn't exactly a feature i'd die for. As far as i can tell its a mere case of "raise the number". I'd rather want smooth daycycles back from Viewer 1 times, where it didn't "jump" from one 5 minute tick to another but rather actually moved in realtime the whole time. See: This isn't about the "differences" between EEP and non-EEP anymore, those have been mostly solved, there's always going to be a tiny difference, we're speaking of completely altering how lighting and atmosphere is handled. I'm talking about all the bugs in and around EEP. You don't seem to read the buglist do you?
  6. EEP is already available to the masses if they so choose to. EEP is also still way too buggy to make it into release, the rendering is still broken everywhere. If EEP were to release now you'd see each and every Viewer who chose to merge it drop to single digit framerates for no reason. I'm getting no more than ~20 FPS in EEP at all times, even worse when i'm not in a completely empty place devoid of life. In comparison i get 50-70 FPS in my own Viewer without all these rendering issues. I'd be laughing at you having a slideshow of a framerate for no reason, i certainly wouldn't merge EEP, a few extra switchable textures is no reason for me to completely compromise performance. Funny since i've always said i'd take single digit framerates to get full atmospheric scattering which they were planning to add with EEP but is now dropped and scheduled for the second phase of EEP. Now look at EEP, what does EEP really offer that any other Viewer can't easily offer without breaking everthing? Nothing. Just for fun i should add sun textures and make the moon texture replaceable as well. Maybe add the 2-3 extra sliders in sky presets as well, funny part is that would make me almost 100% compatible with sky presets from EEP. Change a few min/max values of sliders and what's left? Nothing.
  7. There is no real hard way. Setting it to Alpha Masking is already THE way to go. Note tho that not every texture is made for Alpha Masking so they might not look good, you'll have to adjust the masking cutoff value until you get something that looks decent, textures made to use masking look much better though but sadly that's not an option unless you are the one making the textures.
  8. A few additional notes: You can change your avatar's position on X Y and Z (hover height) with the Poser as well in the bottom tabs "Position" on mPelvis. You can also double click to load poses. You can right click to revert to the last slider value (the one before you started dragging), this works everywhere not just the Poser.
  9. Profile pictures in BD are square now with the introduction of legacy profiles. I've seen that there was some code (disabled in BD) that scaled the image rectangles depending on the ratio of the picture in profile windows and since this whole profile window code came from FS i'd suspect that would explain why they aren't consistent there.
  10. She made me look through the code. But an interesting tidbit is that the Viewer internally sets the max bandwidth 50% higher than what you set, it also dynamically lowers/raises it depending on whether you are dropping too much packets or not, up/down to 20% more/less it seems. @Alyona Su I also repeated my bandwidth tests and guess what, she's right. Bandwidth ONLY works for UDP (quite an oversight by LL). This means that you should disregard what she said about it since it is no longer relevant, no matter your bandwidth setting, the Viewer will always attempt to download all textures as fast as possible (possibly up to a maximum of 3mb/s if i remember correct). This obseletes what i said before since the Viewer already tries to max its download speed to keep you in download/decoding mode as little as possible. Also, just as little sidenote, i've set my bandwidth down to 100 and 1 to see whether it makes any difference compared to 3000. It doesn't. Nothing changed, the option is 99% useless and for the 1% is could possibly still matter it clearly makes no difference and whatever you set it to is enough (even 1). My point still stands though, you should stop telling people to set their bandwidth down if they are having performance issues, you were only prolonging them unnecessarily, the only ever reason you would throttle the bandwidth is if you are sharing your bandwidth with someone and that someone's share is critically important not to use. And no! Don't give me that "but limited bandwidth provider thingy". Look, the Viewer will download everything, no matter your setting, with a lower bandwidth setting it only took longer, it still downloaded them regardless so ultimately you were only prolonging what was going to happen anyway, it wasting your bandwidth. I'm pretty sure that my technical explanation why you SHOULDNT set your bandwidth down is much better information than what you provided. BTW here goes another round: You won't be able to determine whether it is a system or viewer issue in this case by switching viewers, all viewers drop in performance while textures are downloading and decoding, that is a totally normal thing and no Viewer is different there unless they were to multithread this which no one did so far. All you would be doing is falsely leading them to believe that its a system issue when more than one viewer would show this issue, which will most likely happen given that i've seen people with high end Intel CPU's drop in performance quite hard (this guy being no exception). SO, instead on leading them on false tracks just tell em the truth: This is normal behavior and you can't do anything about it, that's SL.
  11. Downloading and decoding the textures is one of the (if not THE) heaviest task in the Viewer, it is completely normal that your framerate drops while the Viewer is doing that stuff. There is nothing you can do about it and setting bandwidth lower will only increase the time it takes downloading textures and items and thus increasing the duration the Viewer will stay in this low-performance area. You are better off maxing the bandwidth to churn through it as fast as possible.
  12. Anti Mac spew? wth? I didn't say a single *****ing thing against mac.
  13. ah i see, reading it again i just now noticed the "two 8GB"... why don't you just write 16GB... This however does not change my answer, infact it would only bolster what i said, it's going to get worse. BUT It also adds another bit, if you are having issues with 16GB ... are you sure you're running the 64bit version of the Viewer? is there even one for Mac? I don't know how its on Mac but "out of memory" on around 2-3gb sounds like you're running a 32bit version. On windows there is the LAA tag to adress up to 3.5... but even then the Viewer just starts breaking at around 3gb. And if you want to buy a Mac with 64GB RAM you'll need more than one bank. Just sayin.
  14. Excuse me what the *****? I was trying to help and diagnose the problem and regardless of whether you have 4GB or 8GB, my statement holds true. If you have to scrape off as much memory as you possibly can and everything goes boom because one or two apps are using a GB in total of your memory you should consider upgrading, 8GB is little RAM and unless your OS is quite clean and you run absolutely no apps whatsoever you'll have a hard time keeping the Viewer alive, especially now with 64bit. SL is capable of using all your memory now and it will do so if you encounter a good chunk of content. This is a generic issue not just on Mac and neither is it exclusive to Firestorm. If you get your Viewer to 2GB memory usage you will probably not have any issues getting it higher if theres a bit more stuff around and you don't counteract with decreasing the render distance or max avatar count (and even those will only delay the inevitable). I'm not saying anything negative per se, i'm just telling you the hard truth. 8GB is simply not enough anymore, it is more than 4GB (which is absolutely crititical and i wonder how people can even run the Viewer) but as your forum posts show is simply not enough, you clearly have problems keeping your Viewer alive and you semi-actively have to make sure nothing else takes away any memory, that's a big giveaway for too little memory and in the long run this problem will only get worse, creators don't sleep, SL doesn't sleep, both will further develop over time and both will consume more of your already very limited memory and you'll find yourself in this situation again without anything you can do.
  15. I'd assume you only have 4GB RAM, seeing that the Viewer has never before thrown "out-of-memory" warnings is quite lucky and i'd deem that almost impossible, you must have been living under a rock or at least a place where there is never anyone around because those 2gb memory usage you're showing is hit quite easily. Sorry to say it but if 2GB memory usage is a problem for your system you should consider upgrading because this is only going to get worse and its really surprising you haven't had these earlier.
  16. This is hardly a show, i'm dead *****ing serious. I have long given up on EEP. EEP was dead the moment Oz made it clear that they are gonna pull through with this nonsensical marketable item bull***** and empower money driven people to rip off their userbase even more and make windlight unnecessarily more complex and hard to manage and just do what we do.
  17. Hold your horses right there. And the "infinitely better" was solely and totally targeted at the downright broken rendering. EEP is still a massive cluster*****. What i was actually trying to say is "its on the right way" but as always still far from even release candidate worthy. I know i've given EEP a lot of contra in the past and i still do, i'm just trying to say something positive where its due and the progress is better than expected, i truly and honestly didn't expect them to get the overall lighting back so close to the original. I'm sorry. I... was in a good mood. ----- But if all you see in me is pure negativity, sure i can give you the Niran-typical version of above post. The progress is staggeringly slow and the extreme amount of remaining rendering bugs is a shame, its an insult to any person who calls themself a developer that you call this mess a release candidate, even worse that you dare to even think of this being "on a good way" to release, this release is still far from release and the UI is still attrocious and all our concerns about the entire permission system still haven't been adressed, they haven't even been looked into, it would be a lie to say that you are listening to us, all you are doing is damage control on a hopeless project. I have given you examples how to improve the UI, it doesn't take any genius to figure out that the entire permission system is crap and disallowing us to modify any preset at any time and saving it as our own, thus handling mere stupid presets as full blown marketable items is spitting on us machinima people who you are doing this for in the first place.
  18. Gave the latest 6.3.0 another spin. I'm positively surprised, first look looks infinitely better. Lets go through my buglist. (strikethrough is fixed, bold is new) Overall i'd call this some good progress at least the first thing people see is almost the same to what we were used to now. There are still quite a lot of issues to work out tho, all the details and a bunch of fundamental flaws and showstoppers are still in there.
  19. You cant. This is a whole new lighting plus a whole new way all the windlight values are translated, you can't just "opt out". This is a one-way trip.
  20. I don't see how Nirans Viewer was "easier" to use when Nirans Viewer was a lot more technical and offered a lot less help all around, aside from overall offering basically the same UI with less consistent look and much more places "untouched" e.g still Linden UI. I spent a lot of time polishing the usability without dumbing everything down, tooltips everywhere, explanations, a discord group for help, many extra UI features like default buttons, revert to last value, grouping of options, warnings when you are about to do something stupid... the list goes on. Overall BD is exactly the same what NV was just more polished, less of a hastily thrown together pile of stuff.
  21. I highly doubt that, those TPV's probably updated as well.
  22. There was a time where i searched all forums and google for my name multiple times per day. Those times are long gone, i just occasionally search my name and my Viewer's name nowadays and mostly just when im really bored so unless someone mentions me: @NiranV Dean its unlikely that i will immediately respond.
  23. Much like i am doing now? Aha. Are you implying my Viewer is only used because it offers features that are still in development, aka "Bleeding Edge"? That "Bleeding Edge" idea died with Nirans Viewer. What i'm doing now is fundamentally different to what i was doing back then with Nirans Viewer which had completely different goals compared to Black Dragon now. Nirans Viewer was much more focused on continueing the spirit of Kirstens Viewer and sprinkling in some own modifications while Black Dragon is a whole different approach of the same spirit with much more focus on "self-feature-development". Aside from the extremely far and few scattered features from other Viewers, namely RLVa, Exodus Post Processing and Tofu's shader improvements almost everything deviating from the LL default has been done by me, thats the solar opposite of what Nirans Viewer was a collection of features from all Viewers (except Firestorm). Nirans Viewer was a learning experience, it was important for the development of my own coding skills which at the time i started continueing Kirstens were practically 0, i had never seen code back then, whereas now im throwing the "first ever new inworld content creation tool around since a long time in the history of SL" (namely the Poser, btw that's basically what Oz said), that is an extreme jump. Maybe you (or more like Kitty in this context) should feel a bit more honored that i took your "do-it-yourself" approach with things and stopped taking stuff from everywhere.
  24. It wouldnt stop redlining your CPU, just using your GPU more with the same redlining CPU. Since theres always an infinite amount of new extra stuff being shoveled ontop of the work pile for your CPU, being able to work it down faster is not going to help reduce its load, just go through the incoming work quicker, its like a carrot on a stick... except with Vulkan/DX12 its a carrot on a stick with nitro.
  25. Pretty sure they didn't. There isn't much to load off onto the GPU to begin with. In Firestorm there's only a single option i know for sure can instantly 100% your GPU and thats Depth of Field and only if you blur the screen like crazy and have it set to max resolution. In Firestorm you might have overused DoF or Shadow resolution causing the GPU usage to spike so hard up that the CPU starts idling because the GPU is bottlenecking rather then the reverse. Vulkan and DirectX12 wouldn't change a thing about your CPU usage, they would mainly just allow more drawcall throughput which would allow the GPU to work down more stuff, you would just get more rendering done in the same CPU usage (since its the limiting factor in SL). BD has loaded nothing off to the GPU either, your increased CPU usage is completely unexplained but i'd guess its simply because its an Intel. My AMD FX idles most of the time.
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