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NiranV Dean

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Everything posted by NiranV Dean

  1. The Viewer does have a skins debug setting if i remember correct, you could use that given you add extra skins aside from the default. Also whoever warns you dark mode is bad in some circumstances sounds like full of bs.
  2. SteamVR is Steam's own VR API required to start and run VR games on PC via Steam. I use it to play games in VR (duh), i also record my update videos in VR. Visual Studio is THE Windows development IDE used to manage all sorts of coding projects primarily written in C/C#/C++ such as most applications and the Second Life Viewers. Think of a Super Coding Text Editor on steroids for coders and developers. I use it for Viewer development as well as everything advanced coding related. I have the "basic version" of it called Visual Code as primary coding/text editing tool (for everything that isn't C/C#/C++ but can be used for that just as well).
  3. Writing in SteamVR is hard when half your keypresses are skipped. Also restarting is not an option when you want to keep 6 months of "undo" history in Visual Studio.
  4. i know, it requires restarting tho, i dont do that
  5. Since no one has properly answered this yet: No, you cant. Cinematic Headtracking and Bone Cam are BD exclusive features.
  6. local texture preview shows you an uncompressed full resolution version, in other words not indicative of the final quality at all
  7. Sounds a lot like an extra input device being plugged in and automatically enabled in SL. A controller for instance, Xbox360/One, Playstation etc, they are notorious for having minimal stick drift at all times and if applications (such as SL) don't ignore these tiny drifts they will trigger movements. Most games have deadzones for that to prevent these tiny drifts from constantly triggering any sort of unwanted movement.
  8. Explanation: The way most (if not all) shaders are set up is that their math does include the screen resolution (they have to) but they do not alter the input parameters according to your input resolution. If you input depth of field settings that will get you a nice 100 pixel wide circle blur, it will stay exactly 100 pixel at all times irregardless of your resolution, think of it this way, you set ABSOLUTE values that are not affected by anything else, what you input is what the Viewer will output. This means your settings are always specifically tailored to the Viewer's window resolution (because that is what you use to "preview" your settings under normal circumstances right?). If you change the snapshot resolution you will have to scale up specific settings (size based ones) to roughly match the time your desired resolution is bigger than your current preview method's resolution (screen resolution). To give an example: Shadow blur on 1.0 will look fitting for 1920x1080, but because shadow blur does not scale with resolution it will blur the same amount on a resolution higher or lower than that, lets say 3840x2160 (4K), this will result in the shadow blur being roughly only "half" as wide on the final high resolution image compared to what you see on your actual window resolution you used to finetune your settings with, the "solution" is quite simple and as others said you will simply have to scale shadow blur up, for the sake of simplicity we'd set it to 2.0 (because we want a blur that is twice as big now), personally i'd recommend adding 20-40% on top, 2.2 to 2.4 might actually look better and closer to what you want. Again as others said you will need to use the snapshot preview to tune your settings (BD has a big preview button to scale the preview across the entire screen) and has an automated scaling option on top of that which should roughly scale up most important values depending on the desired snapshot resolution compared to your original window resolution. It's not perfect but its helpful, i prefer doing it manually.
  9. You won't be getting life-alike animations by exporting them to Blender. You would have gotten life-alike animations however with the Puppeteering project (that i would have used to have Poser syncing and coupled with a planned VR implementation a recording feature that would allow recording your VR movements thus "motion capture" inside SL). You can already do that in Blender. BVH export is pretty complicated, the only reason the Viewer has an .ANIM export is because the Viewer already had this feature from the very beginning (all these years), i just used it. BVH requires quite some complicated translations from the internal stuff to what BVH does. As it stands right now the ANIM export is still quite... unfinished and needs work and i'd like to get that actually fully working and fleshed out first before i try anything else.
  10. That is of course unless they break it, generally speaking they do touch inventory functions more so there is a chance they could break it, although unlikely as its quite seccluded from everything else.
  11. In Black Dragon selecting any inventory item or folder and then clearing the search will keep the item/folder selected and automatically scroll to it. (Just tested in 5.1.0) This has always been the case as far as i can think back, i've used this for years. I personally never fixed this, meaning this is a thing coming from LL, which means they too have this. Which means Firestorm does have it too. Searching. after clearing:
  12. Guys guys guys, you are completely missing the point of this post and no one seems to have answered the actual question/problem. Advanced Lighting Model is gone. Answer: Yes. That is intended. ALM is no longer an option, it is now the defacto default and always on, there is no more forward or windlight renderer. ALM has finally become the standard after 15 years as "unstable".
  13. Save as File is the old original "local" XML file save which can be found in your presets folder in your APPDATA/Roaming/Black Dragon folders. Save as Item is the new "save as Inventory item" EEP method for sharing them easily. Both should be listed in the Environment Editor which can be found in the Dragon - World - Environment Settings menu.
  14. With a faster CPU you do, like i said i had an FX 6200, thats a six core, SL back before performance and pbr werent even using the gpu much, with performance gpu usage spiked because they optimized the code allowing the gpu to get its turn more often.
  15. Well i'm not saying you should be running around with a GTX 460 (let alone a dual core) but your tests also showed that you could run SL with that hardware, of course a more complex scene (such as a club) with several avatars would quickly put an end to your still usable framerate (especially with shadows) but very generous use of impostors can help here to keep at least ~10-15 FPS, which should be more than usable for the average SL user. As i adressed earlier already VRAM is a big issue and there is absolutely no getting around this not to mention that hitting the VRAM cap can and will impact your performance drastically as the GPU starts shoveling around textures in and out of memory which should be avoided at all cost. If it wasn't for the low VRAM i'd say your tests have clearly shown that a GTX 460 is capable enough as "minimum" requirement for SL. Though i agree it should probably be a GTX 6xx at least for GPU power, VRAM on the other hand anything that has at least 4GB is absolute minimum for SL (at least now with PBR). To your tests, considering that you are showing several many plants, 2 houses at least and a tree? sky? platform and probably more stuff behind those bushes i'd say this is a somewhat average complexity scene, the scene i got 60 FPS was a little less complex (the Hippo Hollow and Theater regions) which was probably what pushed me to 60 FPS (note those weren't stable 60 FPS) and neither were they exact we're talking about ~60 FPS so jumping anywhere between 50 and 70 wildly (with the occasional drop into the low frames due to something happening). Your tests do leave the option that 60 FPS are capable (not in your scene) but absolutely possible. On top of that you used a "theoretically" far weaker CPU than i did (although the FX series was notoriously slow and even an Intel Dual Core should blow the FX out of the water by miles at least on single core performance) so depending on how that Intel actually performs you might have lost quite some frames there too compared to my tests, nonetheless i'm quite impressed at the average FPS you pulled with that hardware (even in my Viewer) and even more surprising (heck even shocking almost) is the fact that you pulled consistently more FPS (even close to your own Viewer) out of my Viewer than the LL Viewer. I was very much under the impression that my Viewer is consistently slower than the LL in its stock settings, though we have to keep in mind this is PBR only since you didn't get to test 4.X.X, i'm pretty sure with pre-PBR which still contains all my rendering changes you would have seen lower framerates. (I can make an exception and toss you a link to the latest pre-PBR to test, 4.3.2. I'd be really interested to see what kind of framerate you'd get with that)
  16. Like i said, i tested this back in 2022 and until a month ago i had a GTX 1060. Sure you aren't getting 60 FPS in a club, then again you will never get 60 FPS in a club with shadows on. I was getting around 20 FPS in a club with the FX (GPU is irrelevant) for the most part, that was with jellydolls however (later i found out that jellydolls are complete ass and simply turning them off and using the old impostors instead actually gives better and more stable performance), after the upgrade to a Ryzen 5 3600 i was able to get ~30 FPS with everyone being impostored and with the performance update after i was able to get ~40 FPS with everyone fully shown (no more impostors), that was still back with a GTX 1060. Again 20 FPS in a club WITH shadows+ssao+ssr is more than enough for most people (not for me) but considering that most people are even fine with 10 FPS... 20 is more than fine and thats WITH shadows, turning shadows off while keeping everything else on could easily push you to 40-50 FPS. Again i see no excuse. Deferred really doesn't need much hardware to run let alone run at an acceptable framerate, worst case people will have to turn off shadows if they are really desperate but people falsely connected shadows with deferred and thought turning one off means turning both off.
  17. A singular new CPU maybe. I cannot attest to these comments. I was always able to run Deferred and shadows with cheap hardware at more than acceptable framerates. Before my GTX 670 died i had to jump down to my old GTX 460 for a bit until i got my GTX 1060 and (apart from the 2GB VRAM being far too little for SL) the 460 was churning out stable 60 FPS with Deferred and shadows enabled. This was back in 2022. We are talking about a GPU that came out in 2010 coupled with an AMD FX 6200 which came out 2012. So were are talking 10+ year old hardware. Sorry but there is literally no excuse why after 10 years you shouldn't have something that can run at the very least Deferred enabled (now default) and even shadows if hardware from 10+ years could do it at 60 FPS. I have practically 0 income and even i can somehow manage to stay along, there is no way you cant put 100 bucks aside somehow to buy a new GPU/CPU ONCE. If people just stopped buying entire PC's as a whole or craptops for overpriced 2000+ bucks they would be able to afford something that can run SL for the years to come. Right now i'm getting 200 FPS in the PBR Viewer and Shadows+SSAO enabled, that is easily more than twice i got with the performance Viewer (which was around 80 FPS and i never managed to crack the 100).
  18. Oh? You were serious? I thought you were giving them the benefit of the doubt. I would define "minimum" as LL's absolute maximum, pretty sure they are aiming lower than that.
  19. I do not have access to the server so i can't tell but i can guarantee you it is super easy to add another message, i've told LL so many times "just add a simple message" for us to use but they always refuse because its "so much work" and "so complicated" and not "easy", i call bs.
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