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NiranV Dean

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Everything posted by NiranV Dean

  1. Wait wait wait... are you telling me they seriously STILL do the AO part via playing them directly like you do from the UI? That would explain why they can lag.... omg. I thought FS changed that to use the new server side capabilities...
  2. The serverside AO does not lag, it does not fail, it never rests unles you relog in which case it needs a re-initialize. What you saw was probably the old AO. Never said its just the AO, just that there is a script that controls the AO part but the chances of someone changing the script to do something nefarious and staying undetected with said change is much higher than with adding code. Although you can leave out the nefarious changes on purpose so they don't appear on your repository, the chances of a public build going live that does this is tiny with a team especially if they dont build their releases themselve which then requires them to commit the nefarious changes in order for them to be compiled into the Viewer and i'm sure if that happened everyone would know immediately, at least those who read their repo and FS's repo is probably well frequented. A script change could be done without anyone noticing and even worse, you'd only ever notice that something is off when its already too late and since FS forces you to wear the bridge (unless you'd disable/deattach it, at which point you've already worn it once and the damage is done) you're pretty much f.... while a team can keep nefarious things in check theres also a chance that the entire team could go rogue and work together to do nefarious things. Timers can be in the Viewer, changing the animations however requires a script that calls a the llSetAnimationOverride() command again. Also, for the sake of not having a built-in AO, i did script my own AO (open source and free) long ago for everyone up on the marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NirAO-Server-Side-Animation-Overrider/6310433 I just noticed this thing is already 6+ years old. My god. You can get pretty small, i did go down to ~42kb usage with animations which is quite small for an AO that contains menus and some extra features like strafing while jumping as well as a notecard driven import. I could go much less if i dropped everything and fixed all animations.
  3. I don't know why since i'm not a Firestorm dev but i'd assume because people asked for it. I also assume though that the question wasn't about why they added it but why they have one despite me saying that i won't have one unless LL gives us proper capabilities to do so which would imply either that i'm full of ***** or FS found a hacky way to do it and that's exactly what they did: They force attach a bridge (i think everyone knows about the FS bridge by now) and this bridge contains a script (or maybe multiple) that communicate with the Viewer (most likely through a secret channel in local chat or possibly via direct IMs or llOwnerSay()) in some way to give it additional capabilities that can only be achieved by scripts because the Viewer lacks the ability to ask for these kind of information from the servers. The AO was just a normal AO scripts until they introduced server side AO capabilities, FS later changed (as far as i know) the AO stuff to use said server side capabilities. The point however remains that this requires attaching a script which requires attaching an attachment to you to do and by doing so you could as well just attach an AO. Aside from that i'm really no fan of force attaching stuff to people. I'm not exactly the paranoid type but i'm kinda distrustful to these kind of things, especially coming from a Viewer that had a negative history line. Besides, unlike Firestorm i can't just snip with my fingers and people will praise me as if i were Jesus's second coming, neither can i afford to do something as eyebrow raising as forcefully attaching an object to anyone using my Viewer, i had a long way to build some reputation and only just recently is my Viewer getting some more attention. I'd potentially risk everything if just some random paranoid dude shows up and makes up some rumors that i might be doing nefarious ***** with the attached object. I've already seen some people pointing at me saying that i could do all kinds of potentially nefarious stuff with my attitude and they are sadly right, i could, the more i learn about coding the more chances open up to do something bad... so personally i just want to stay as far away from anything that might make me look shady, as possible.
  4. Yes. Unless LL gives us the ability to interface with the server side capabilities from within the Viewer without having to wear pesky scripts. Because THEN i'll be the first one to jump onto that.
  5. Except that in Firestorm with disabled teleport screen you'll just plop into the next SIM without the camera changing.
  6. Soon the Viewer will also yell at you when you screw up your keybinds.
  7. Ima just leave this here. Black Dragon Bad Dragon Bondage Dragon (actually thats a good name for the RLVa update) Black Duck.... wait what?! Oz i know you are watching. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!
  8. What if i told you i've been thinking about adding the fast-travel camera of GTA5 to teleports for years now. Zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, shakey shakey, fly over, zoom in, zoom in, zoom in, zoom in, animate to your camera preset.
  9. Bringing a point across without naming and shaming? What is this? Lately i noticed that content from [redacted] is [redacted] absolutely fantastic and beautiful and its perfectly fine and optimized, so optimized in fact it improves your performance into the negativepositive numbers, i could never bring myself to say anything even remotely... [redacted]not good about anything [redacted]not good because everything is wonerful and absolutely fine and i am absolutely not in any way forced to say these nice things about possibly certain things (which in no way means i'm trying to differentiate a type of content here from another, everything is equal!). If anything i only want to express my pure enthusiasm about everything SL!
  10. I hope you are not sharing cache and/or settings between Viewers. Putting the cache into the same folder might cause all kinds of weird things as well.
  11. Sounds like something we've seen for many years now. You may have heard that after you are done editing your avatar you might want to log out wait a bit and log in again, the reason people are saying this is it increases your chances of successfully logging out and saving all your changes properly whereas a crash will most likely result in not only losing any setting changes you may have done to the Viewer but also often lots if not all of your avatar modifications but even with a successful logout you might still see things you have previously changed revert back, its annoying when it happens and it is unrelated to any of the Viewers as far as i can tell. You log out and either it saves all your stuff or it doesn't. Its frustrating and is most likely just amplified on laggy or highly scripted places and lets not forget when a SIM crashes....
  12. Aaaand i was too slow again.... less sleep. I need less sleep, really.
  13. Thats the wrong one. You are looking at the Customize Desktop Color Settings tab, look into the one above, Change Resolution tab.
  14. Desktop Color Depth needs to be 32bit and the Output Color Format needs to be RGB otherwise the Color Range dropdown will be greyed. Not sure what makes it completely disappear though.
  15. Ah good, yea Tone Mapping should by default be on and set to Custom and Color Correction should be Linear (on). NVidia Control Panel - Display - Change Resolution - 3. Dynamic Color Range
  16. Hum i don't remember the differences being that extreme, are you using Tone Mapping only maybe? Tone Mapping is supposed to be used in combination with Color Correction and vise versa. Also, i know quite a few people who have been complaining about the washed out white.
  17. I don't know how colors look with default display settings as BD's Tone Mapping and Color Correction is aimed at a "Full Range" color profile. In Nvidia Settings you can change the display settings to either be limited (16-239 shades) or Full Range, which will make black REALLY Black, THIS is the way colors are supposed to be but NVidia disabled this by default (you need to redo this every time you update your drivers) because most people don't have their Monitors properly configured for this. Black in BD should usually be really black while white shouldn't be fully white (white is actually the only thing that is slightly washed out) but yes the dynamic color range is much better, even more if you use a Full Color profile, that's when BD truly shines with colors.
  18. Ah... how did you.... fff... man i'm slow today... But a slight correction: It works on all sliders except group vector sliders. E.g all sliders that control a single debug setting such as draw distance, max avatars, max particles etc. Sliders which control only a part of a debug setting (a vector which has 2 up to 4 values, X/Y/Z/W) can only be reset back to their last value. The easiest way to see whether something is a group slider or not is by checking the [default] button, if there is one including multiple sliders then that's a group of sliders (they are also grouped together). This is sadly a limitation of how controlling debug settings works, since these sliders do not directly control the debug setting but rather call a function which takes the vector, and edits a given part of the vector manually then saves back the entire vector the Ctrl + Right Click cannot read which debug setting is being controlled since it is not written into the slider itself as parameter unlike with normal sliders. Another.... fff what the is going on today... i shouldn't have slept those extra 3 hours... Anyway, yes. If you are seeing your screen going funky after closing BD then you're running a very old version, this issue has been fixed like half a year ago or something. BD updates much more frequently than FS and doesn't tell you that there's an update around because i don't have a working auto updater. So while we are on little UI secrets here are some: As she mentioned already, blue badges mean ULTRA on LL, yellow badges mean these settings may cause issues, all options higher than ULTRA have a yellow badge for the simple reason that they might be "too much". All options have painstakingly hand-rewritten tooltips explaining you what they do, this includes possible hints to extra notes you should take, the actual value of a setting in blue (on those quality settings for instance), the possible impact on visuals and performance (with a slider rating). They are there for you to read, do it. BD has a unique "warning system" that will try to tell you whenever you are about to break the Viewer in a spectacular way, doing certain things or setting certain settings to values will trigger a warning, highlighting options in red and showing you a warning sign just like above, this warning sign has a tooltip attempting to explain to you what you are about to **** up. You should probably listen to these, unless you are going for something that requires doing this. As previous @Angelina String already mentioned: Right Click reverts to the last value, Ctrl + Right Click reverts to default. Shift can be held down on spinner controls to multiply your input by 10 times (this is going to be changed to divide by 10 in the next update) Similarly you can hold Shift and press Up or Down arrow after you've selected them to change their increment precision either by 10 times or divide by 10 times. Useful if you don't like a particular slider to change in 10 units at a time and you want it to change in 1 or 100 units. The UI does not show you the current increment value, i wouldn't know how to show this in a sensible way that doesn't overburden the UI even more than it already is. You can hold down Shift and press Up or Down arrow on dropdown boxes to jump to the next/previous entry directly without opening the dropdown menu. Useful if you want to quickly switch through Windlight presets, was actually implemented just because of that. You can hold down Ctrl and use the Mousewheel to scroll through sliders and spinners with their current increment value, by default the UI allowed scrolling at all times, you can imagine that with a huge Display tab that has millions of sliders this was quite... annoying... scrolling through your values accidentally while attempting to scroll through the tab instead. You can use Left and Right arrow keys to increment/decrement a slider one tick at a time for that extra bit of precision in case you don't want to type into the text box, similarly you can use Up and Down arrow keys to go through drop downs and comboboxes. F1 key is your friend. No its not that useless Help. You can undock chats (specifically the Local Chat) with this button: you can then collapse it to a chat line with this button: some options only work if the Local Chat is collapsed to a line but once again the tooltip will tell you. The loadingscreen will show you random helpful tips... if you can read them before the teleport finishes that is. You can Right Click copy SLURL of someone at any time from pretty much any location you can get a menu of the target person. Common shortcuts are: Ctrl + P (Preferences), Ctrl + Shift + S (Snapshot), Ctrl + Alt + F1 (Hide UI), Shift + Alt + H (hide HUD, do not Ctrl + Shift + H, thats TP Home), F1 (Machinima Sidebar), Ctrl + Alt + F (Freeze/Unfreeze World, useful for setting up a picture before setting it up) and Shift + Alt + S to sit down at any time. You can "pin" menus to make them stick by clicking the top double lines of a menu, useful if you need to click multiple entries in a menu or a single one multiple times fast. Above menu. Alpha, unalpha, change masking status, de-fullbright selected items and so on. Extremely useful if you don't want to use the global Fullbright toggle and turn off all Fullbrights. Dragon - My Useful Features - Manipulate Prims. These changes are local and will revert on TP (except for worn stuff, they need a relog). You can /GTH by clicking into the Navigationbar and changing the last coordinate, hit enter to confirm. Similarly you can type in any Sim name directly or type in a name of teleports from your TP history or landmarks, the Navigationbar will attempt to autocomplete and/or search for these. Everything is there for a reason. I hate wasting space and i hate pointless things. If it looks like it might be a button or contain a tooltip, it MOST likely does. *caugh* Warning signs. You can rebind all controls in Preferences - Keybindings. This includes all camera controls. You can customize and create camera presets in Preferences - Camera. Make one for every Sim in SL! No don't. This little baby: found in Camera prefs brings you straight to smooth camera heaven if you own a Controller. SpaceNav works too... i guess but is unsupported. On login you can see changes done in each update. You might want to read them if you don't have anything to do, you might find your issue fixed or a nice hint at a new feature. I will always appear at the top of your friendlist: regardless of our actual friendship status. In case you need help. It's there for a reason. You can click the 4 little icons in each friend's entry to toggle the coresponding permission, it's slow and might not properly refresh at times but its better than nothing. I told you everything is there for a reason. You can create short links with [link text], [www.google.com Google], you can hover links to see where they lead. Everyone can see this (excluding possibly Viewer 1 if its not updated) You can also stylize your chat (although only in BD) with several fancy things like <b> <i> <u> <nolink> <icon> <red> <green> <blue> It works like this: <b>Text</b> to write something in bold. <icon>Viewer Texture Name</icon> to display a Viewer UI texture. <red>Red Text</red> to write in red. You get the idea. Note that only you and other BD users can see these, LL disabled this a while ago.
  19. Oh... oh.. uhm.. I.. uh i didn't mean to ... of course the world is flat! That was just me brabbling nonsense! W-what do you mean arrows visible to you when editing something near you? Are you telling me the edit arrows should poof when editng something close to you? My god that sounds like a bug.
  20. Mac/Apple is by far the worst graphics wise. Overall they are the worst in almost every category, their performance in gaming is bad, their graphics are bad, they are not even going to support OpenGL anymore (which SL's rendering is), their prices are over the top (just like Intel) and they are by far the least innovative company in every category (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile), they sell new revolutionary features like being able to use your phone to.... PHONE (yes i know this is a dead horse by now but still). Apple's prime time has been over since... 10? 15 years? They are literally selling you hot junk, i hate saying it but get a Win***** 10 laptop, you get all the multimedia stuff there too, you have million times more choice, you pay overall 10 times less for more and at least Microdumb doesn't try to sell you "phoning" as a revolutionary new feature that apparently has never existed before... as an added bonus you get your own NSA agent to spy on you for free (yea, yea i know another dead horse). Mac is basically the solar opposite of what my Viewer is trying to achieve which is why Mac is the least likely OS to be supported by my Viewer. No seriously Windumb is stupid but it absolutely dominates all other OS's, its the most widely supported OS. For Windows you'll 99.99% find what you are looking for, Linux is going to be harder and Mac you're basically caging yourself in a small box that Apple decorated for you. In short: Mac is really bad. Do yourself a favor and get any non-apple product in the future, with some of them you'll end up with so much leftover money you could buy whatever you bought, twice. But that's not the reason i don't have a Mac version. If i had one i'd simply not support it and you'd be on your own with it. I don't have one because i cannot make one without owning a Mac myself, anyone with some compiling knowledge will probably spank my ass now and say "but Niran you're just too stupid, you CAN compile a Mac version and a Linux version without owning neither of these OS's" yes, i know, there are buildfarms, there are probably other ways to set it up but i'm not willing to go all the way for something that i can't even start to, at the very least, make sure it boots into the login screen, how am i supposed to support it? I simply can't. And before this Niran buys a Mac, pigs will start flying and earth will turn flat. Personally i find it sad having to tell people that their OS is not supported (just as much as i hate having to tell people that something cannot be done in the Viewer), but there's little i can do about it...
  21. This is of course spectacularly re-enacted but pretty much the difference: Firestorm Black Dragon Just ignore the sharp shadows on the first picture, the difference from stock is essentially this, colors are much deeper, glow is wider, softer, everywhere, godrays, different SSAO, different shadow blurring. I think these show the color difference a lot better: Firestorm Black Dragon Once again ignore the godrays and fancy schmancy stuff all around, concentrate on the colors. This is just one major difference, Firestorm does have the Color Correction and Tone Mapping feature as well but have fun setting that up and then you'd still be missing all the other smaller improvements all around as well as the major new features like Volumetric Lighting and Screen Space Reflections. By default SL has this... unexplainable greyish color layer, all the colors seem washed out... desaturated but in an unnatural way, the contrast seems weak and generally colors could be a lot... brighter and/or alive.
  22. Your information is somewhat outdated, LL has fixed UI profile icons being oversized years ago, they are downsized to 32x32 / 64x64 by default and they are no longer immune to being thrown out of memory. With 32x32 / 64x64 images you are basically counting peas here unless you are running a 1/2GB card in which you will get texture thrashing no matter what. For BD specifically i'd suggest leaving automatic memory management on (enable it, if it isn't already), it should make somewhat good use of your available VRAM. Also BD does not need to be restarted to make new presets appear, preset lists for Windlights are refreshed on opening the windlight editors. BD doesn't have an AO and won't unless LL finally gives us the ability to call into the server-side AO features from the Viewer directly without having to use scripts.
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