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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. You should take a walk through my property now. I put down a ton of new wandering kitties that just came out by Jian. Adorable Persians <3 Beware of the woof woofs. There's plenty of them also
  2. I think it was one of those top 5 totally immersive experiences for me.
  3. That, would be hilariously fun. This should become a thing .
  4. 58 in 2 days OMG (not including today) Happy birthday fellow Taurus
  5. This is actually truth. Cats haven't been bred the same way dogs have been. It's easy to see the type of lineage for canines due to very specific breeding over the years. Cats, not so much. They are still much closer to their ancestors appearance. Sometimes one can tell for sure what kind of cat is in their background but for the most part it's a crap shoot. I could go into specifics but I don't want to bore anyone. I've been a moderator on a cat related site for years (although currently not one in official capacity - I don't have the time anymore) and know WAY too much about felines and everything associated with them. If anyone is having cat problems or just wants to learn more about felines in general, I'm happy to give out the website name and URL. We'd love to have you with us!
  6. I live on the private sim Five Islands which is owned by Crap Mariner. I'm on the East Nowheresville portion. The Listening Room music venue is part of the sim. I've known most people that live there for quite some time, some I have developed out-of-Sl relationships with also. Crap is an excellent landlord, and space is hard to come by because of it. It's rare for anyone to leave. He's extremely fair and generous with prims and pricing. Everyone has a say in what happens, everyone's ideas are taken into consideration. I've been there about 2 years or so now, I think. Prior to that I had more houses on more parts of SL than I can remember. I used to pick up and move a lot but there's just no way I'd leave FI. People think Ghosty and I live together but we don't in-world, just in RL where we've lived with each other for many years. We have very different styles of living virtually and he can't handle my constant decorating, landscaping and redoing it on a whim. Pretty much perfect except I like winter to last longer than everyone else there lol.
  7. I have several female alts of various appearances and 1 male alt. I use them all for photo purposes and sometimes for wandering around when I want to make sure I'm left alone. Only one has had an actual life in SL. She was used for about a year instead of my main. She hardly logs in anymore, I tend to favor others over her because they are more diverse in appearance and more useful for photos. I certainly don't spend much money on them though, my main is too much of a shopper to allow it
  8. I've found a couple of the Catwa heads to lend themselves well to an Asian appearance once you find the right appliers. Genesis Lab also makes interesting heads, and have several makeups which will work too. Bento heads lend themselves to being able to change facial features more effectively. I love the look of Fiore's heads also but agree wait for the Bento updates.
  9. This. I am always changing my appearance. There are too many fabulous skins/makeup/hair/clothing available to play with! I'm almost always blonde as that's my preference but sometimes a photo shoot calls for another hair color. Like in this one - I was trying to copy the Kate Bush cover from Hounds of Love. Blonde would have been entirely wrong.
  10. It was wonderful to see so many show up last night! I didn't take many photos because I was enjoying the music and conversation too much - although I was less chatty than usual. Plus my laptop kind of was chugging what with Ghosty upstairs using up all our bandwidth to DJ Next time I'll log in with my PC. Thanks Maureen for putting this together, and Ghosty for the tunes. Hope to have this become at least a semi-regular event. Maybe next time some other "oldbies" can dust off their avatars and join us
  11. *hugs* I don't know about where you are but in the Northeast it was a weird winter. Warmer than normal for most of it which probably didn't help matters. I saw trees and flowers popping up well before they should normally.
  12. Skell, darling Just realized I was not following your Flickr - this has been remedied!
  13. Happy weekend all! First, belated birthday wishes to Maureen Second Happy Spring also! It's the first day my allergies haven't totally kicked me in the butt for over a week. I'm currently taking 2 different kinds of inhalers, a pill, eye drops AND a nasal spray FFS. At least I can look refreshed and healthy in SL
  14. That hair, is from Lelutka, not Mina. It has no cute name - the name is a number.
  15. Thanks! I think he may be more excited than I am LOL. Did you know even planning to elope is ridiculously time consuming and expensive? We sure didn't!
  16. So, I forgot to mention that Ghosty and I got engaged March 2016. Like real life ring-on-finger engaged LOL Maureen has know for a long while and probably Rhonda and Clover since they follow me on Flickr. Since him and I are mostly out of touch with Cartel stuffs - thought I'd pass that along! We are still trying to find a good date to get married - we aren't doing a big wedding, just eloping. He's been a full time student for quite a while now and there were some other personal things which were going on making it difficult to pin a date down. Maybe, we can manage to do it in May.
  17. I know we already chatted about this but I'm so sorry Lexxi. I dread the day when we have to cross that bridge.
  18. When I look at my first photos, all I can think of is damn my computer sucked. And thank god for mesh. Here is literally one of the first taken - although past the newbie Ruth look. The 2nd a recent one. Still blonde! BTW I have loads of Cartel photos. Most in my Flickr but there are some in my inventory I never bothered to pull out.
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