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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. The creator also scrimps on animations for their sets. I bought a bathroom combo a while ago that didn't have animations in the sink. I wrote to ask about it thinking it was a mistake and a new one would be sent out. Nope. Done on purpose. Why bother putting them into the tub but not the sink? Just complete the set properly, you know? It's happened more than once with other types of furniture sets, so I steer clear of that brand now.
  2. Yep, yours. I saw the Vic but was more interested in the Trad. Wound up with another which was nice enough for someone else, on a river but I already have one similar with a much better view
  3. Man I hate when someone releases another parcel of the same type JUST as someone here announces they are releasing. Got a different one in another region - meh and let go and now I'm out of alts for the day LOL.
  4. I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream! (unedited, shoes mesh "broke" oh well LOL)
  5. Haha same here - Asian alt. Just bought it and it's lovely. Fits her appearance much better than the original version. The breasts are very easy to reduce and so far no issues with the clothing I've tried with it. Happy!
  6. Really glad people are clarifying this update. I too, thought it was included in the 5.2 version, not a stand alone. But the price is very reasonable. Not useful for my main but a couple of my alts will appreciate this.
  7. Same here. I am currently making a decision to let go some of what I have - one will be kept as it's downright perfect, feels like it's own little island but-the others are all rather similar with really good water views (I mean, seriously good) and someone will be extremely satisfied with any of them. I walked through all the stilt models last night and am so happy with all the large windows, this was my first criteria as I always feel boxed in by some of the other homes. Why build beautiful surroundings if you can't see outside? These new homes hit the mark for me, bright, open, big rooms that will be easy to re-configure with add-ons including exterior ones - some of those back elevations will easily convert to another room if wanted. It also occurred to me that while the stilts are rather thin for the home style, this too could be remedied by building something thicker around them, to give it more of a pier type support appearance. FYI these homes are common at the shore areas of NJ too, all down the coast in the northeast in fact - anywhere flooding is an issue. Would be a dream home for me in RL but comes with too many problems let alone insurance cost. In SL, I'll enjoy without those worries
  8. I'm seriously hoping it's a new model for the Traditionals. I have one directly on the beach and another which is overlooking wide open waters and it looks like the model Patch is showing would be perfect for either!
  9. Just something I did a few weeks ago that I never finished but what the heck, figured I'd post it anyway.
  10. Yes, being able to color the walls would be a huge improvement! I already have plenty of ways to do it, but some take up extra prims, you know?
  11. Even this would be great. I keep going back to Traditionals, I think they are still my favorite.
  12. Hehehe I'm not listening to him. I'll get rid of a couple of my holdings now that I'm not really using. Beach cottage would be ideal *fingers crossed*
  13. There's an award??? Screw that. I'm the least competitive person around. I don't need no stinkin' award. I thought it was just for funzies 😄 EDIT: Ok caught up on the thread now. Seems it is for fun so I'll try and finish my houseboat, which is the one closest to being complete.
  14. Great idea! I wish I had the time to even contemplate this! I've been so ridiculously busy with work. I'm inworld a lot but find my energy isn't geared to decorating at the end of the day. Lately anyway. I did finally get around to the houseboat, however, and that one is nearly photo ready. Will look at the notecard for more details. But I agree I prefer showcasing here on the forum also. I like the collaboration that happens between us, tips/tricks.
  15. As a thank you to the SL land gods I am going to let go an extremely lovely waterfront Log home property in Sinaca. I really love this piece of land but I already am house hoarding and have not yet touched this one to decorate one iota so may as well let someone else have it. Seriously, the backyard has a spectacular view. It's the beige Grand View all the way to the left of the photo (barely seen - wanted to show the landscape which matters more. Will release in 5 minutes, at 11:50 am SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sinaca/116/160/53
  16. Hello! I'm still alive! Saying thank you to whomever it was that released a houseboat about an hour ago or so. Ghosty has been wanting one again (he let his go several months back not sure why) and I told him it could be tricky landing one at this time. Well, he only tried for like 5 minutes and BOOM! Got one, in a nice spot too. He's thrilled. Not sure if it was anyone here but if it was, huge thanks from my hubby! ❤️
  17. Def not whatever you found LOL. But now I am curious...!
  18. Thank you 🙂 One of my alts got it. FYI I gave up a stunning Vic location in The Elms for it so anyone else trying for this one, that got his other one really lucked out also. I loved the other one a LOT. It was on the water also, I just happen to prefer the water being in the back as opposed to the side but it had a KILLER backyard and I hope that one makes someone really happy
  19. From Friday night on my way to Ghosty's DJ gig at Folklore Coffee. Super casual. Kind of lol. I'm not big on flared pants but I really like these old ones from Blueberry ("Jolene") Plus, Ghosty and I like, never ever get a chance to dance together when he's the DJ; it's too complicated for him to run the music, talk in between (he's not one of those that just plays a bunch of tunes automatically), and then add in trying to coordinate dancing. But, towards the end of his set it all went into autopilot and we got a chance to enjoy a few minutes of fun together
  20. @Elena Core Ok it is a different one I got. Not sure if I'm even keeping it, debating...
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