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Dillon Levenque

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Everything posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: You spelled analyzed wrong.. Maybe not. From 'The Grammarist': "Analyze is preferred in American and Canadian English. Analyse is the preferred spelling outside North America." There are rumors of English-speaking countries outside North America. I'm sure they don't amount to much but maybe the OP is from one a them ;-).
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Remember the Red Zone debate in the JIRA's? Some things could still turn into a huge mess. Yes, I do. But that was not the norm and even that was self-moderating after a while: you just learned whose posts to skip. A blog with weekly posts should be pretty easy to moderate for real.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Regardless, it illustrates what I mean by "Dismal Communications." Policy changes should be announced on the SL Blog. Even if it's only a weekly recap. No excuses, no exceptions. No argument there. And even better would be the ability to comment with questions and actually see the questions answered. No doubt it would inspire some flaming, but a one-purpose blog shouldn't be at all hard to moderate directly and weed out most of that stuff.
  4. Innula Zenovka wrote: I found out about it because, over at SLU, Dari Caldwell mentioned having seen the news "in a different thread in a different forum." I don't know where she saw it. Probably Inara Pey. I know I saw the notice and Inara's is about the only blog I visit, or at least the one I visit most often. I get her article notices on my Feed. (Edit) Yep. I saw it here: http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/01/30/lab-updates-bot-policy/ . And it looks like you were right, Innula: it does say Jan 30 2014.
  5. Deltango, I have nothing financial at stake here but I am feeling a little optimistic myself. From a couple of things Ebbe said in the thread he visited here first, there really seems to have been a bottleneck at the top. The comment that the engineers at the Lab wanted to keep the Jira open as much as the residents did is an example of that, I think. Even if nothing more happens in the short term than that LL speaks to the users and acknowledges seeing the users' responses, that has to be a good sign.
  6. Kenbro Utu wrote: ViglenTrancer wrote: To the OP - it's an attitude too, all the original sl nekos were griefers and would never back down from a fight, to the point the vampire clans crumbled because we were hitting their sims so hard. The real neko hardcore all dissolved around 2011 (or got banned) or gave up when every dullard in a ballroom frock started turning up in their Freebie Galaxy ears and tails. We were 'criminal class' at one point, but it was a lot of fun running wild from sim to sim. :smileylol:Kudos, and lots of 'em!
  7. If there's a cap on IM's to email it must be pretty high. It's certainly well above the 25 message 'inworld' cap. I've missed logging in for consecutive days often and whenever I do I'll have a ton of messages—current days messages, too—in email even though I'm capped inworld.
  8. Treasure Ballinger wrote: LL has a right to expect and make, a profit, as done any other business. Otherwise, why be in business? Yeah, that really IS the bottom line, isn't it? I mean it's fun making suggestions and all that and there's absolutely no doubt that almost every one of us wants Second Life to continue (meaning it has to be profitable for LL) so the suggestions we've seen for the most part are NOT "I want", they are more "I think this would help". The end result is that LL has to do whatever works best for their income. They are somewhat unusual in having a customer base that is at once their harshest crtic and their most ardent admirer. Now that I think of it, that might not be all that unusual. Most companies don't provide a public forum for their customers, though. Maddy said something about a Focus Group back there: we are the Focus Group. All we lack is focus :-).
  9. Happy (belated) Rez Day! Czari has it exactly right, at least in my opinion. When we first get here time never occurs to us as we wander and learn. Suddenly realizing we've been here an entire year—and are absolutely loving it—makes it seem just a bit more real. Many happy returns :-)
  10. It's hard for me to understand how a US resident could be new to taxes. I can only assume you've never had a job in RL and SL is the only place you've ever earned money. Lucky you, if that's the case. Anyway. If you have an income (from SL or from working at the car wash) and you are a US resident, then you must pay income tax on that money. How much, if any, you have to pay depends on how much you earned and a whole lot of other variables. Only you or the person/company you pay to figure out your taxes can answer that.
  11. That's kind of a silly rant. "PLEASE GET OUT THERE AND PLAY THE CLUBS". What clubs? The ones you go to? There are a great many good male singers in SL. Most of the ones I hear do mostly folk or blues or rock, but I hear other styles as well. Maybe before lamenting the fact you haven't heard a good male singer in SL you should broaden your clubbing horizons. The singers are there. You just haven't been to the places they sing.
  12. Jo Yardley wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I did look at your blog, Jo, and I think what you're doing is a good idea, too. But having found this just as I came online I did want to take advantage of the chance to be the first one in. I wish you hadn't revealed this, Jo. After all these years I'd hoped that was all forgotten. But yes, it's true. You can't possibly imagine what it felt like to first look upon my avatar and see myself finally rid of that bent nose. Marry me. LOL. I really tried to stop myself doing that, but I was powerless to resist the urge. I meant it about liking your 'meme' idea. I'll look for the link to the article that a fellow wrote about SL: he'd come to the Forum asking for people to share information about the 'game', been howled down, and instead of flouncing he read all the posts, dove inworld at least long enough to learn a bit, and then came back asking for more information. Wound up being a very nice (I thought) two-part article on a European website that is all about online games. ETA 'a' because it had looked like I meant that Steven Fry wrote the article in question Second edit to add link to the article I mentioned. It's a two-parter; there's a link to Part Two at the end of Part One. I was of course interested because I was one of his interviewees but more because it was nice to see someone actually looking at Second Life before reporting on it. Link to article
  13. I did look at your blog, Jo, and I think what you're doing is a good idea, too. But having found this just as I came online I did want to take advantage of the chance to be the first one in. I wish you hadn't revealed this, Jo. After all these years I'd hoped that was all forgotten. But yes, it's true. You can't possibly imagine what it felt like to first look upon my avatar and see myself finally rid of that bent nose.
  14. Please give generously to the McMasters Institute for the Advancement of Harmless Flirtation™ Give generously? We're taking donations now? I must have missed a memo :-).
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: Some how, when I was young, I came up with a nice analogy to the friendships we all have, or had, or lost in our life time. "A really good friendship is like a really good book. Every time you engage it, is a new chapter, and usually, each starts off where the last ended." Who knows, maybe I inherited the analogy from somewhere. I was typing my post apparently at the same time you were answering Treasure's comment on your really moving post earlier. Your last paragraph is astonishingly similar to what I was just saying (although a great deal more succinct).
  16. I don't have any single stories to describe, but other people have posted with no special story so I think I can go ahead. Not sure when but at some point I realized that the fun and pleasure I was having here with the people I met was a mirror of what life was like when I was college age. The seemingly endless discussions about who knows what. We'd just get together and bounce ideas and conversation off each other. We could go days/weeks without seeing someone and then that someone would show up a a party/non-stop Monopoly game/a bunch of people watching "On the Waterfront" on the late night movies: "I coulda BEEN someone. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender!"/a massive poker game with piles of chips on the table none of which were worth anything/ and we'd see that person and say Hi and the conversation we'd last had would continue on as if it had never been interrupted. My Second Life is very much like that. At one point I suggested to some people I know that we're in an Endless Conversation, and I found a lot of agreement with that. We can yak for a few hours or not see each other for days; doesn't matter. Soon as we're in touch we're off again. I'm not college age any more, but something about the social structure here lets me connect with people—not just my friends but people everywhere—with that same verve and pleasure. I don't know why SL has affected me that way, but I do know I am not alone in feeling that.
  17. Sassy Romano wrote: Personally, I would like to see staff in all their business areas making an appearance in the forums rather than office hours. Office hours at set times are unfavourable to different time zones, it's far easier to engage in a forum thread (preferably without adverts and daily mumbai prostitute spam thanks!) I strongly agree with your suggestion that a lot if not all of the Lab-Resident communication be through a forum or something similar. Real life meetings are bad enough, but the transcriptions I've read of some Office Hour and CG meetings have just been beyond belief. Total lack of continuity. I know forum threads will draw flames and derails and even trolls, but it's easy enough to just go on and read the actual ideas. I have to think it would be a more efficient (if slower) process.
  18. Reminds me of my early days. One of the first people I met here was a kind of unofficial mentor; she made a habit of helping noobs get familiar with things. Joanna. One day she took me to a very racy shop to show me how dance poles worked. While we were there another girl came in to try out a pole and immediately launched into a stream of sexy emotes even though the only other people in range were Joanna and I. I said, "Wow, somebody's having a really good time", and Joanna explained that was emoting and told me all about it and how she used it to set herself apart from other dancers. She worked as a stripper. She told me how to do the /me thing and had me get going on the dance pole and try it. I managed to come up with a few lines of steamy stuff but it was so dumb I couldn't go on. I said, "I feel like I'm writing some crappy romance novel!" and gave up. To the OP: just talk. I'm sure you know how to do that. Look at and think about the person you're talking to and talk. Say what you're thinking. Don't worry about how it sounds or if it's sexy or clever or any of that. Just talk.
  19. Amethyst, I think the OP's comment was due to the fact that there is no place in the Forum for residents to advertise SL related items (in this case a sim/sims devoted to the OP's RP themed game), not the fact that advertising isn't permitted in the GD forum. She prefaced her post with "I've looked and I can't find where to place this...". After I posted she deleted the contents of the original. Like you, I think an 'Advertising' section (SL ONLY) would be a good idea—you'd go there for the sole purpose of finding things to buy—but I suppose it would get gamed to death so that's probably why there isn't one.
  20. I think your post will be tagged for being 'advertising' no matter where you put it. It IS advertising. You want to inform people about your place. If people come to your place and like it, they'll buy stuff. I tend to think there SHOULD be a place somewhere on the Forums that would allow SL residents to advertise things to do with SL, but as far as I know there is not. It's definitely not allowed in this particular section, and if I were you I'd delete my post altogether.
  21. LaskyaClaren wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Next time I will pay closer attention. The problem Perrie is of course that you aren't following me on Twitter. As world-recognized authority on EVERYTHING TO DO WITH FEMINISM AND WiMMEN (you can just ask Wooja, he'll tell you), I am the central clearing house for all that kinda stuff, not to mention an endless lumberroom full of materials for trolling posts and provocative comments. Get with the programme, please. See, that's why I wasn't surprised when I saw in the original fluff line or whatever he calls it that the image was found on your Twitter. I mean, why would it not be there? You're the single authority on all things feminist, right? Thanks for the further clarification, too. And I see what you meant about not being persuaded back there ;-)
  22. Wooja wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I'm not sure what it has to do with OBR Thereby demonstrating that you are as confused about OBR's point as anyone, putting your previous criticisms into context. Wooja...believeitsasouthafricachapterofobr Oh, I see. You mistook my attempt at pointing out your error (without sounding overly critical) for confusion. Let me rephrase by replacing "...not sure what it has to do with OBR" with what I was actually thinking. "I'm not sure why you thought that particular image was connected in some way to OBR since there is no mention of same in the words. Also the message and apparent intent, while laudable, address only a part of the greater message of OBR...." edited for rearranging
  23. I just realized that everyone (including me) got so involved in the fact of the visit we forgot what brought it on. Well done, Dresden. A thoughtful, clear statement with the big quote so that those of us who hadn't seen it (including me) could get a better idea of who the new CEO was. Nice going. :-)
  24. Figures the day I'd have to leave early and be away from a computer this would happen. The CEO of SL comes to the forum and I missed it. Welcome belatedly and reduntantly, and thank you for making your presence known here in the official Second Life forum. We know we are a tiny fraction of the userbase, but we (well, actually 'they' but since I'm here I'll ride their coat-tails) are a pretty knowledgeable and connected fraction. There is a lot of SL smarts here. Too bad you had to run into Maddy so early on, but I'll hope you ignore that. Laskya, I do believe the post count in this thread alone has exceeded by leaps and bounds the lifetime total of anyone who might figure in that deja vu.
  25. Wooja wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Thank you for this, Dillon. :-) Pep and I have had just this very discussion on my blog. It will surprise you to hear that I don't think he was persuaded. Perhaps he was as confused by the incoherent message of what OBR was about as these guys: Wooja...believeifoundthisonlaskyastwitteraccount Thank you for sharing the picture; it's gratifying to see some males in there supporting the cause, as a great many do. I'm not sure what it has to do with OBR, but I'm fairly confident the people behind OBR would welcome and encourage that effort and support it completely. ETA a comma I thought needed to be there.
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