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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Mayalily wrote: I agree there are some good things about eggs, but I do have to curtail a bit and eat a lot of fiber that tastes like cardboard. Fiber drinks, fiber this, fiber that. (ETA: ok i see your edit about your doctor..so i wouldn't stray from that.. i don't trust them myself when it comes to my body..not unless some strange virus has a hold of me..i can tell whenand what i am lacking inor have too much of.. because my father is such a health nut was very intune with his body and that any time we felt low or down or hyper ..he would always say we were hopped up on this or that and it's making us up or down or sick or whatever.. LOL) you sound like you need more protien than anything..how tall are you? don't answer if that is too personal hehehe let me show you what is in eggs...i just found a good article on them.. EGG NOM NOM's hehehehe this is from that article =) delicious, nutritious Eggs are actually quite nutritious. They are not just fat (yolk) and protein (white). In fact, they contain a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Here is what's in an egg..  Vitamins A: good for the skin and growth. D: strengthens bones by raising calcium absorption. E: protects cells from oxidation. B1: helps properly release energy from carbohydrates. B2: helps release energy from protein and fat. B6: promotes the metabolism of protein. B12: an essential vitamin in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells. Minerals Iron: essential in the creation of red blood cells. Zinc: good for enzyme stability and essential in sexual maturation. Calcium: most important mineral in the strengthening of bones and teeth. Iodine: controls thyroid hormones. Selenium: like vitamin E, it protects cells from oxidation.
  2. Mayalily wrote: Even though I'm anorexic I was born with a high cholesterol. Weird, I know. I think it's weird. Anyhow, since I can't eat too many eggs, I like over easy with toast and a side of bacon or hash browns (cholesterol heaven, I know) on a Saturday or Sunday, and then egg salad once in a while. eggs can actually lower your cholesteral..because eggs contain polyunsaturated fat..plus they are loaded with vitamins and protien .. so if you were to replace something you eat that has saturated fat in it with egg in it's place you can reduce cholesteral.. but also cholesteral in the blood and cholesteral in food are not directly related..so eating a couple eggs a day is not going to raise your cholesteral level unless you are cooking them in lard or some saturated fat.. also having a higher cholesteral than avg is not a bad thing..it is a sign of good immunity..=) but if your doctor told you to back off of eggs then it's best to listen to them.. i'm just saying there are a lot of myths about eggs as well as cholesteral..*winks* =)
  3. there is nothing better than getting them right from the hen house for breakfast in the morning..i can't give my eggs away fast enough..so we pretty much have some sort of eggs with about every meal hehehe egg salad is my favorite..that and hard boiled and put in my salads...
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: That's true about the peak. I think we all knew that many of the 85k-90k were bots, some of which were mine lol i remember hehehehe but you guys had to do what you had to do back then.. I loved my bots. The system I created for them was beautiful, and a joy to behold omg who could forget how much you loved them LOL i actually enjoyed how in RA you were so proud of them..it would bug the crap out of some people lol still..at least you had time and effort into your work and something to sell that people wanted hehehe.. without them someone else with bots would have stepped up in that spot.. clubs were the worst because it was a past time thing for residents..clubs with owners with no experience would just pop up over night and bam instant 40 bots and sploders pulling sploader bots racking up traffic moving up the list with nobody really ever going there.. that and bot filled free sex clubs.
  5. i know these were after woodstock.but good music is good music and i love timeless music from all decades.. i feel fortunate that i had a father with good music appreciation to pass on such greaat inspiring music for me to listen to=) one of my favorite bands he used to play when we would go on vacation and be in the car for hours..
  6. i don't know what all this is about ..but i think it's time for some peace loving happy shiney people stuffs.. it's a new year peoples ..lets get to feelin free dreamin new dreams.. get past this because i know none of you want to go into this with rough seas..not if you want it to be better than that last one.. now relax and eveyone close your eyes and go back to the different times when these came out and think about good things..not bad.. this is about peace and getting together enjoying..not remembering bad times or or bad parts about people..think positive and good thoughts..NOW LISTEN TO THESE DAMN SONGS AND RELAX!! BEFORE I KICK ALL YOUR BUTTS!!! LOL PEACE OUT
  7. JoJo Moeleneaux wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ultimately, I guess my question is... how do I resolve myself to the fact that I will probably never fit in, completely anyway, with any group, but at the same time, not be afraid to try? Dres, I don't think you have to fit into anyone's perceived idea of how you should or shouldn't look. I believe that you have a great style, both the straight and the glam look, I personally love the Rocky Horror look on guys :matte-motes-smile:, I've known a number of gay friends who dressed up glammy on occasion and I always thought they looked great. I saw it as a kind of artistic expression that most of us don't have the courage, sense of humor or self confidence to express outwardly. To categorize anyone, let alone because of the way they dress is not something that I adopt or support in any way and I don't believe that I'm alone in this. I was a punk in my teens and although there's no way I could possibly know what it's like to be in your shoes and to feel you have to fit into whatever other people perceive being gay as, I felt the superficial judgment of people that didn't get me (i.e. being a punk but not being violent or agressive lol). Most of what they project is a lack of understanding of what they don't understand and when people got to know me, they realized I wasn't weird, I just loved alternative music and wanted to express myself differently to the norm. I admire anyone that can express themselves and not take themselves or the misguided superficial opinions of others too seriously and I hope you continue to be who you are and who you want to be. agree's with this^^ be how you want to be and if someone doesn't like it or gets all goofy about it..well that sounds like their personal problem not yours.. i feel very strongly about people coming here experiencing their second lives..not living how someone else wants us to live like theirs.. if someone has a problem with you..tell them to piss off and move out of the way because they are slowing down progress.. lifes too short to be getting molded anymore..break the mold and let someone else clean it up if they don't like the mess *winks*
  8. /me looks at the thread title and then that construction hunk of a man look in the first picture.. is this a trick question?
  9. if it was a marketplace purchase..they may have sent emails to you back then..
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: That's true about the peak. I think we all knew that many of the 85k-90k were bots, some of which were mine lol i remember hehehehe but you guys had to do what you had to do back then.. i had always thought that if LL would have moved faster or caught on to the upswing and advertised more when they left the teen k's they would have really took off like a face book in a way.. but while facebook and whatever that otherone was called..myspace were taking off..they sat on it..maybe it was that the grid wasn't ready for that kind of influx or something? i just remember back then everyone wondering when the grid was gonna explode when we hit 30k LOL now it seems like thats their direction.. did they just not recognise they had the potential to join that train or were they just not ready for that train?
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: there was always a market place..it just wasn't called market place..and 65k is pretty good since most of the overflow of the 85k to 90 online was more than likely bots for traffic manipulation.concurrency had gone down before the market place became such a big deal. It wasn't me who wrote it but the point that was made was that concurrency was flat - not growing. It's been flat for a very long time now, in spite of LL's efforts to grow it. i know you didn't write that..i just hit the reply button on the left was all.. My point was it's been at around 65k for a very long time..it was at 65k before the peak and it's at around 65k now..my point was the peak wasn't what a lot thought it was..actual residents.. SL used to only keep about 20% of new users for a few days after they joined..i'm not sure what they kept out of that 20% days later ..but i'm sure it wasn't the full 20%.. second life is not as popular as we would all like to believe..i ask people all over the net and in RL if they have ever heard of it and most haven't..a lot still haven't heard of WoW hehehe it's something that is totally different than what people are used to in a 3d graphical interface..some are amazed by it when they join..some a lot quit right away like they always have because it's a pain in the butt and not easy peasy.. it's never had a good first impression that would grab a lot of people..especially if they were checkign it out without someone who has been in here that can give them a boost..
  12. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: L$101 for a torus prim If anything drives people away from the Marketplace and back into well-designed inworld stores, it's all the cheap crap people sell on SLM. Everyone is trying to make a quick buck without having to invest anything. I wish they had gone through with the planned listing fees. ya there is a lot of crap on there for sure.. maybe the market place will eventually be filled with a lot of crap to where we can find all the good stuff inworld again lol i just had to laugh at that tours as a doughnut.. i actually did look at his store to see if he was selling the sculpt apple also lol..not sure how he missed that gold mine..hehehehe
  13. in world this guy would never have a chance at selling something like this high quality time consuming product.. Doughnut could you imagine if the police never could find this what chaos could be going on in sl right now?!! we should be thanking the market..M'gosh!! i wonder if he makes apples also?
  14. there was always a market place..it just wasn't called market place..and 65k is pretty good since most of the overflow of the 85k to 90 online was more than likely bots for traffic manipulation.concurrency had gone down before the market place became such a big deal.. lets not forget that there was a flood of buying OS sims and a lot of leaving when the tier was raised or when they had to drop to no build sims if they didn't change over to homesteads.. there are a lot of reasons behind why there is a land problems.. teen merger fear was one as well.. it sure hasn't been all from market place..
  15. i know the video you are talking about..it used to be on the old second life site before the revamp..let me see what i can come up with..i think i had seen it not too long ago..
  16. i think the answer is somewhere in this song.. everything seemed much easier in both inworld search and market place after hearing this then going shopping after.. pay very close attention to the words.. you don't want to miss the important parts that count...
  17. i wonder if it's some relay with someone that knows your ID..i saw someone do this..it all comes in that botty like green chat.. this girl was messing with this one dj we knew and she had some script that would make it look like they were saying things but it was her entering the words using their ID.. are they getting this in IM's or general chat?
  18. Dillon Levenque wrote: LOL, Ceka! PERFECT! Might not apply to you, though. I can believe he'd steal your heart, but there's no way he'd steal your bike. I've seen the pics.:smileywink: hehehehe i wike my bike too much to woose it hehehe besides i am oweder tomowwow..i turn fie yee's owed tomowwow.. he hates when i toke wike dis wike i am wittew "el oh el" my birfday song =P
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: I'm not criticising anyone for prefering to use the marketplace. I just find it disheartening that trade is going there more and more, and SL trade (trade in the actual world) is ebbing away more and more. The SL world is less of a world for it. i understand... i wish it was more inworld myself..and i don't mean to sound like everyone was doing it to be a trickster either..the inworld search became something that people had to do certain things to survive in..a lot had to do with the ones that were out to trick people there to begin with.. there were and still are a lot of good merchants forced to either fold or play the game.. i hate that i have to shop from my internet browser rather than the inworld search.. it is dishearting yes.. it's just another disheartning thing that was infected by the people that come to second life to abuse the privlages and mess up a good thing.. my shopping has died down a lot this season compared to the past years..because i'm really just getting tired of sifting anymore for good things that get clouded up by tricks we have to keep an eye out for .. i'm here to relax and tired of the dishonest gaming.. but it's gonna be what it will be..i doubt i'll have another season..but i never know till the time comes hehehe
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: My generic response to those who like the marketplace:- You've made my point. You prefer the marketplace to inworld trading. That's what is so disheartening to me. More and more, trade is the marketplace and SL trade ebbs away, which is so alien to what SL actually is - a world. really i would have loved to make inworld my go to place..i really did love it..but i don't think market place alone should hold the blame for why we go there first.. i don't know how many times i had said to myself that i wish there was a way to bypass all these scam places wasting my time with false advertising just to get me there.. i'm not saying the market would still not be popular choice for most..just saying why it is for me now.. Xstreet used to be something i would look at after i could not find it in wolrd..finally i wised up and started to use it before trusting that an inworld merchant was truthful in their advertising.. so really they brought a lot on themselves more than us bringing it on them..a lot started doing this before it was the market place..it's been going on since xstreet.. maybe a bit more hoinesty and less about trickery and maybe it wouldn't be as bad.. search was a game a lot cheated at in a consumers eyes..so if that is what sl was about..then i'm glad for the upgraded filtering..
  21. i loved inworld shopping and i still do..but the market made it much less time consuming.. i hated searching for certain things and then going to a store which said it had it only to find out they just used the key word as part of their search game.. when something saves hours in time it will be the thing people use more..plus it gives a better clue of the quality of items the price right there and permissions ect that we are dealing with.. i will usually use the market place to search from..then if i find what i am looking for i'll go to the inworld store to buy..unless i have a list of different things i am shopping for..then it's about finding things and saving time as well as comparing prices with other merchants in the cart.. what sl was before the market became so famous was a big game that wasted the shoppers time with keyword abuse as well as traffic abuse having us wade through pages of who was getting placed higher..rather than actually finding what we were looking for.. i will say this though..more times than not..stores on the market place without a shop in world i'll just pass on by..stores in world gain comfidence that they are established..i'm not into buying empty boxes or something totally different than what i was shopping for..
  22. well rumor has it that GM is opening a new plant close to the town i live in..if this happens then i think all this will change and the government will take back the lead *Drum Roll with Cymbal Crash* thank you!! thank you!! i'll be here all weekend =P
  23. i just turn mine off then back on again and it kicks back on..if it is one that cycles animations it should kick back on in the next animation unless they are loading..
  24. I am always changing..infact right now i'm changing..i have this little song i sing everytime i change .. it puts meaning into every one of my outfits.. people ask me..they ask.. Ceka why are you crying.. i respond..i just got finished changing .
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