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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Mayalily wrote: I knew this response was coming. I think some people just starts threads to get some attention from the opposite sex. Is there really a need for this topic? other than to try to say "hey, check out my cute picture". I knew that response was coming 'cuz frankly I can't think of any reason to start this topic other than for picture attention. SL is what u make it. Nothing more, nothing less. are you in a bad mood today? it's general discussions..the only need in this section is that it relates to SL in some way.. it doesn't matter why it was posted..how it was posted or if it was reposted unless it was locked.. it's a very social forum..users are always posting up different topics just for kicks..and so what if it may have been to get some male responses? for all we know it could have been something that came up in group chat and someone decided to post up about it because there are new people in the forums all the time..it jars them from lurking at times and gets them involved.. 3 generations of forums and i have seen just about every question we have in these forums asked over and over more than 50 times a topic in each generation of forums.. you are gonna find that a lot of questions get asked over and over.. sometimes people just get creative in their posts..this is part of SL and it is also their forum too.. there is no sheriff here but the mods.. if you think this topic is kicking the dead horse.. a lot of us could say that about every topic in here but the current events..but we don't... i hope it is you just being in a bad mood rather than trying to make someone feel like crap..
  2. it's one big sand box with a bunch of smaller sandboxes where everyone around the world can meet and play in.
  3. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Oh, is that how hillbillies walk? i can't wait to see one that does so i can confuse the heck out of them by telling them they walk like a default second life avatar.. i can hear it now.. How'd you know i was abducted by aliens?Oo
  4. get the sponge!! if you can find anymore since they have been discontinued.. i only date sponge worthy men.. so it's been awhile
  5. that is so true..there is nothing like being able to edit one strand the way you like it and move it where we want.. sometimes just a little to the left or right or front or back or up or down is all it needs.. there are some nice styles i would have loved to have bought if i could have edited only one or two strands here or there the way i wanted them hehehe
  6. Medhue Simoni wrote: Actually, I seriously doubt that you are going to see alot of inefficient meshes. Considering the algorythms that LL is currently using, if you don't know what you are doing, your total prims will be too high to even sell. With rigged meshes, you kind of have to understand a lot to be able to rig a mesh properly. Yeah, there is a whole area of none rigged worn meshes, but, in most cases, those mesh are replacing what is normally hundreds of prims or sculpts. As far as mesh rezzed object, you won't see many. The total prims gets rediculous if your mesh is over 2 meters in size. To even be able to make a house out of mesh and have a low enough prim total, you really have to know what you are doing. Many of the best mesh makers on the beta grid are barely getting their total prims within a reasonable range. i heard mesh is going to be more expensive to upload as well..like 150$L an upload or something like that..if thats the truth then thats gonna be crazy expensive for some builds..
  7. omg thats like one of those songs that will get stuck in yer head!!! and not in a good way either Oo
  8. Jonty Bluebird wrote: I was wondering if anyone had any rough statistics of the amount of data SL downloads? For example I mainly visit the same region which is close to its 15,000 prim limit with a high level of detail. I also have the draw distance set to max and streaming media turned on (there is streaming media within this region). I do visit other areas, but this would be the main one. For a Internet connection where the data usage is set at 15GB per month, would I ever hit this limit? How many hours would it take to hit this limit? well i think if you keep going there that the textures are cached already so unless you clean your cache you wouldn't be downloading them again.. the streaming is not from sl actually..it's just connecting you to a stream on the net someplace..thats probably your biggest download.. draw distance just lets you rezz more ..but if it's cached then it wouldn't be downloading those.. i don't know how far 15 gig's would get you..but i don't think you would be hitting that much in a month just from sl.. it's a good question.. there was a thread about this awhile back..but i can't remember if it was in the forums before these or in these forums that went over all this before.. so someone should show up with some good answers about if you will cap out or not .. i wish i could remember myself..
  9. Mayalily wrote: Oh, I don't see how no modify means a resizer menu? Weird. I'd think no modify would mean no modify, thus no resizer? no-mod just means you cannot mod it from the edit tools..the only way to mod it would be from scripts..that or it's really crap and they think one size fits all lol she was just lazy in not mentioning it being scripted..
  10. Mayalily wrote: Yeah I can post a link, let me see if it pulls up here. Is also says NO MODIFY, so how come both hairs I bought have a resizer menu? I wanted several more from here but both I bought have a resizer menu, so I'm thinking the rest do too? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nikita-Fride-Hair-Deluxe-Hair-side/500565 lets just say.. some people are not so informative with their adds..she did mention her lucky chairs in her sim though LOL ya i would expect that those would all be scripted..
  11. do you have a link to the add? usually if hair is no mod it's holding scripts to resize it..usually.. but ya a resizer menu is a menu to resize your hair..
  12. if it's just land then not much really but making a sand box out of it.. whats the theme? whats there that you are providing.. for me it changes like the wind..if there is nothing there that separates it from the other sims..it's just gonna be luck of the draw that anyone comes there.. a good way to go about it is to ask yourself..if i were just a user tooling around..what would draw me to someones sim? if you keep coming up with gimicks that gets them there and they leave right away.. then it's time to re-ask yourself the same question again..because gimmicks don't work for very long if they work at all..
  13. it just sounds like they are still rezzing from the original prim shape until the sculp map texture loads.. try this... go to debug settings and type in RenderVolumeLODFactor and set it to i believe 3.00 see if that helps..also ask others if they are seeing the samew thing as you..
  14. v1 viewers you need to click apply or ok before it will stick..clicking the x will set it back to what it was before you made the change.. v2 viewers you have to click the "save changes" button to save it.. thats if you haven't tried those already.. knowing what viewer version you are using would be a big help =)
  15. CharlesMockingbird Blogger wrote: The idea that griefers are all suffering from real life trauma or insecurity issues is a tad bonkers in itself. Most are people just goofing around, and normally stop if their intended victims laugh it off or - SHOCK, HORROR - ask them if they'd be interested in participating in the sim's activities. But we could maybe use this as a springboard to discuss the concept of boredom on SL? there are new people that don't understand the world and may come in thinking it's like playstation and they can play with everyone..they don't really understand the importance of personal space yet.. those are newbie griefers that are unaware more times than not that they are griefing or bugging the crap out of someone.. real grievers/n00bz are Azzhats that know exactly what they are doing and are doing it to screw up someones day or their SL..basement babies with no life.. games all over the net are full of them..they are called hacks and botters and griefers and script kiddies and boxers and cheats.. i don't think asking them to join in on the sim activities would work with that type of griever.. the newbies ya..the n00bz no..
  16. well that explains all the surveys we have gotten since the RA forums hehehe those really have slowed down a lot it seems though *winks*
  17. there are filters to place them in the front or back of your search.. low price to high or high to low.. most searches you have a kabillion pages to wade through anyways of outdated items or stuff that should be on the freebie list anyways.. what we need is a crap or quality search LOL relavance doesn't really work worth a damn anyways with keywords grabbing everything with part of a word that matches a word in your search.. but high or low to low or high will put all the demos and freebies in their place..
  18. i've had that happen before.. i just usually head to the marketplace and buy my lindens if the button on the viewer doesn't work.. sometimes it's lag and sometimes it could be my bank security seeing that i am spending too much at one time in second life and thinking someone has stolen my card..so i have to get in touch with them and tell them..yes it is me doing all this spending hehehe also if you had changed anything with your payemnt information in RL and not changed it in your SL..that will also generate that message... maybe double check your payment info just to be on the safe side..
  19. humans have always had something in them that makes them excited about clothing.. a lot think it is sex that sells when really it is sexy that sells..nude avatars are more boring than ones dressed in nice sexy lingerie.. even something as tiny as a belly chain or bangles or a garter or even tattoo's can dress up and change how someone looks at a nude body.. covering the body would excite us more than it showing up uncovered..uncovering it slowly..now thats like unwrapping a present hehehe..covered excites us because now our curiosity is aroused.. it can be more dangerous than fully exposing someones body.. if you ask me apes would probably be more curious or agressive if they wore undies and bra's hehehehehe nudity to us is only a big deal because a lot of us were told it was over and over by the people around us as we grew from the nude little children feeling free when our diapers came off and too young to have the worries yet ..really i think what makes us look sexy is not nudity..but the jewelry we wear to intice our mates..sometimes that jewelry can be as simple as a bikini for men or a pair of sexy boxers on a man for us.. so if people feel north america is doing it wrong..well i guess it all depends on what some feel is sexy.. 
  20. wouldn't that be suffering instead of pain that enlightens? since pain is only a small part of suffering.. it doesn't take a wise person to cause suffering..anyone on any level can cause it..it takes a wise person to be able to deal with it and learn from it and use it to their advantage to gain more experience in life.. Hence,that which does not kill us only makes us stronger. *winks*
  21. i always picture something like a few kids bored hanging out or older bored losers just hanging out with their computers having some laughs at other peoples expenses because thats about all the fun they can muster up in their booooooring lives.. it's actually one of the few times i pictures humans behind the avatars..that or when they are drama queens or aZZhats..
  22. Ceka Cianci : I take off my wizard hat Try Bare Rose..she has a bunch of things i believe there..i know she has a huge selection of different types of clothes actually.. that is if it is still around..i haven't been there in awhile myself..but the selection was huge and great prices..
  23. Deltango Vale wrote: Don't default SL avatars now have paint-on underwear? My great grandmother used to take a bath in her underwear. Poor old Linden Lab, stuck in the 90s - 1890s. Yes, for some strange reason, North Americans have big hangups about nudity and sex. whats the population of everyones country? anyone with 250+ million or more raise your hands \o
  24. i love the bag pipes..i bought the braveheart soundtrack because of them..it's so relaxing hehehe and i agree..i am sure that a lot of them were influencing each other back then as well =) this just came to mind today..this doesn't have anything to do with screamers or acdc or the who or anything hehehe it's just something my father told me one time about an album of his.. well really i was watching waynes world and wayne said something in the movie about this one album that everyone was supposed to have had hehehe.. it was a peter frampton live album.. he said something like.."who doesn't have that..they issue that album to everyone when they move to the suburbs" or something silly like that.. so i had to see if my father had it ..and sure enough he did LOL so i asked my dad about it..he said this song came on at least once a day and for at least a decade and it was played at least once every party he was ever at and that just about everyone he knew at the time had it LOL he said it has to be the longest one hit wonder of all time hehehehe..he said he had more hits than that but it just felt like a one hit wonder LOL i just figured for the fun of it why not post it up hehehe do you feel like we do? to stay on topic some more screams..really just more classics but they do scream in there hehehe
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